
2018-02-02 1.65W views




Part of this process was a review of the deal by court-appointed accountants.

程序中有一部分是由法庭指定的會計師審核此項交易。Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process.

審核員的選擇和審核的實施,應確保審核過程的客觀性和公正性。Audit programme:set of one or more audits planned for a specific time frame and directed towards a specific purpose

審核方案:針對特定時間段所策劃,並具有特定目的的一組(一次或多次)審核。They propose moderate the score as different judges have differents opinions.

他們提出審核評分,因為不同的評委意見不一致。Expenses incurred for cleaner production auditing and training may be booked as enterprise operating costs.

企業用於清潔生產審核和培訓的.費用,可以列入企業經營成本。Audit client:organization or person requesting an audit

審核委託方:要求審核的組織或人員Auditor team:one or more auditors conducting an audit

審核組:實施審核的一名或多名審核員Do products audit according to the auditing instructor strictly.

嚴格按照審核指導書進行產品審核。One auditor in the audit team is generally appointed as audit team leader.

通常任命審核組中的一名審核員為審核組長。This case will be hold by an impartial arbitrator.


n. 檢驗,核對;阻止,抑制;支票

v. 檢查,核對;阻止,抑制;寄存;打鈎;將一軍

It is a paid check.

那是一張已兑現的支票。There,you're in check.

看,將你一軍。Will you take a check?

你要再核對一下嗎?Check the prompter.

檢查下電子提示器。He wrote his mother a check, but the check was bounced.
