
2015-05-20 2.88W views



convenient and easy to use



By and by papa got too handy with his hickory and I couldn't stand it

後來爸把他那根胡桃棍兒使得太順手,我簡直受不了啦。He picked up a sheaf of papers

他順手拿起一打文件。This spade is very handy.

這把鐵鍬使起來挺順手。Now he slipped his arm about her and she struggled, but in vain

現在他順手抱住了她,她掙扎着,但是沒有用。Grady suggested, pointing to an exquisite-looking sprite with wild red hair.

格雷迪建議説,順手指向一個一頭紅髮五官精緻的小妖精。I found a piece of rope, made a noose, slipped it about the kitten's neck

我找來一根繩子,打了個扣,順手一擼套上了小貓的脖子。Dip your pen into the ink and you can use it smoothly.

將鋼筆在墨水中蘸一蘸,用起來會更順手。Along the way I grab a dish towel off the back of a chair and motion to our dog Rick to stick close behind me.


adj. 便於使用的;方便的;附近的;手巧的

It may come in handy.

這東西遲早會有用處。 It would be good to have a pencil and paper handy.

最好在手邊準備好紙和筆。The delicate and handy plastic products have special appeal.


adj. 合適的`;方便的;便利的

An apartment that is convenient to shopping and transportation.

購物和交通均很近便的公寓 The lower deck is more convenient.

下層甲板更方便些。The terrace channels are convenient for irrigation.


adj. 容易的,不費力的;安逸的;寬裕的;舒適的;寬容的;從容的

adv. 不費力地;從容地

Easy come; easy go

來得容易去得也快Is the problem that easy?

問題有那麼簡單嗎? The setup will not be easy.
