
2017-08-27 3.01W views




She habitually bore herself with strange alternations of cool reserve and docile respect to the man

她向來對這個人的態度總是很不正常,一會兒對他冷淡矜持,一會兒對他温順尊敬。I am not afraid of borrowing.

我向來不怕。A job traditionally slotted for blacks

向來專供黑人做的工作It will also be in keeping with my own wishes.

也符合我個人向來的信念。Volley musket shots at the attackers.

用步槍向來敵羣射I have always found the thought of eternity terrifying.

我向來覺得死後永世的想法很可怕。 have always found the thought of eternity terrifying.

我向來覺得永生的想法很可怕。They customarily went into battle side by side with their men

他們向來都同士兵並肩作戰。In its external relations Indonesia has for a long time pursued a non-aligned foreign policy.

印尼的對外關係向來採取的'是不結盟的外交政策。I had always been a kind of spendthrift



always; forever

老是 I have always pitied the delusion, always.

我對於受欺騙者總是有憐惜之心的。In that spot the night was not always empty, the darkness not always silent.

在那個地點,夜色裏並不老是空無一人,黑暗裏也並不老是鴉雀無聲。 Roosevelt, on the other hand, was always charming, always the aristocrat

另一方面,羅斯福總是那麼有吸引力,又總是保持一副貴族的派頭。Has he always been a vegetarian?
