
2019-02-03 2.1W views




The house has half an acre of lawn.

這座房子有半英畝草坪。The shepherd has penned up the sheep in the five-acre field

牧羊人把羊羣圍在那塊5英畝的土地上。This Act gave 160 acres free to each settler family.

這一法案規定為每一移民定居户無償提供一百六十英畝土地。Sukarno's palace was painted a spotless white and set in the middle of hundreds of acres of exotic gardens.

蘇加諾的`宮殿粉刷得雪白無暇,座落在一片面積達數百英畝的仙境般的大花園中央。The acreage of a plantation

一個種植園的英畝面積What is the yield per acre?

每英畝的產量是多少?We possess ten acres of plough.

我們擁有10英畝耕地。He cropped several acres with barley.

他種了幾英畝大麥。Seed that yields up to 300 Bushels per acre.

每英畝能產三百蒲式耳的種子The house has half an acre of lawn


n. 英畝;土地,耕地

The house has half an acre of lawn.

這座房子有半英畝草坪。This is a library with acres of books.

這是個有大量藏書的圖書館。We possess ten acres of plough.

我們擁有10英畝耕地。He cropped several acres with barley.

他種了幾英畝大麥。The playground covers over an acre in extent.
