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Don’t be rude. 不要無禮。


Don’t you speak to me like that! 你別這樣跟我講話!

Stir, and you are a dead man. 動一下就要你的命。

Never speak to me like that again. 決不要再那個樣子跟我説話。

Put that down, or else I’ll smack you. 把它放下來,不然我會揍你。

Do that again and I’ll call a policeman. 你再這樣做我就要叫警察了。

Fail to pay and they’ll cut off the electricity. 你如果不付款,他們就要斷電。

Do be quiet. 安靜點兒吧!

Stop probing! 不要盤根問底了!

Speak quietly, can’t you ? 説話沉穩些,行不行?

Don’t be rude. 不要無禮。

Don’t you speak to me like that! 你別這樣跟我講話!

Stir, and you are a dead man. 動一下就要你的`命。

Never speak to me like that again. 決不要再那個樣子跟我説話。

Put that down, or else I’ll smack you. 把它放下來,不然我會揍你。

Do that again and I’ll call a policeman. 你再這樣做我就要叫警察了。

Shut up! 住口!

Push off! 走開!

Get out! 滾出去!

Get out of here! 滾開!

Go to hell! 見鬼去吧!

You get out of here! 你給我滾出去。

Have fun! 願你玩得快活!

Have a good time! 祝你玩得開心!

Have a good day! 祝你度過美好的一天!

Have a really good meal! 願你享受一頓美餐!

Have a lovely party! 願你有一次愉快的聚會!

Have a really restful holiday! 願你度過一次十分悠閒的休假!

Give me a hand, will you? 幫我一個忙,好嗎?

Please help me for a few minutes. 請幫我幾分鐘。

Please remember me to Mr. Smith. 請幫我向史密斯先生致意。

Do forgive me I didn’t mean to be rude. 務請原諒,我無心對你粗魯無禮。

Be an angel and fetch me my slippers please. 請行行好,把我的拖鞋拿來。

Please don’t telephone before 8 a. m. 早8點以前請不要打電話。