
2018-03-13 1.04W views

Data structure is a study in computer programming and the object of the relationship between the operator and a subject.

Research data between the abstract elements of this relationship and the relationship between the computer in the store said that each structure and definition of their respective operations, to design the appropriate algorithm, and after the operation from the new structure is still the original general The structure type.

Algorithm is the implementation of specific terms of a poor process. Features: a dynamic poverty, uncertainty, import, export, feasibility.數據結構是一門研究程序設計中計算機操作的對象以及它們之間的關係和運算的一門學科,六級練習:數據結構學習心得作文英語四六級作文《六級練習:數據結構學習心得作文》。


算法是執行特定計算的有窮過程。特點: 動態有窮,確定性,輸入,輸出,可行性。