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蔬菜類英語單詞 篇1

蔬菜 vegetable

生菜&萵苣 lettuce['letis]

大白菜 Chinese cabbage/celery cabbage

小白菜&青菜 pakchoi ['pɑ:k'ti]


蘿蔔 radish

白蘿蔔 white turnip/white radish

水蘿蔔 summer radish

馬鈴薯(土豆) potato

南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin/cushaw[k':]

冬瓜(Chinese)wax gourd [ɡud]

苦瓜 balsam['b:lsm] pear

洋葱 onion

芹菜 celery ['selri]

芹菜杆 celery sticks

香菜 caraway['krwei]

地瓜 sweet potato

蘑菇 mushroom

香菇 lentinus edodes

橄欖 olive ['liv]

菠菜 spinach ['spinid, -it]

蓮藕 lotus root

蓮子 lotus seed

蓮花 lotus flower/lotus['luts]

紫菜 laver ['leiv]

海帶 kelp seaweed

油菜 cole [kul]

茄子 eggplant

青椒 green pepper

紅辣椒 pimiento [pim'jentu]/ chilli

木耳 agarics['ɑ:griks]

銀耳 silvery fungi['fgai]

甜玉米 sweet corn

茴香 fennel['fenl]

茴香油 fennel oil 藥用

鯉魚 carp [kɑ:p]

鯽魚 crucian ['kru:n]

鹹豬肉 bacon

瘦肉 lean meat

肥肉 fat/speck

西蘭花 broccoli ['brkli]

花菜/花椰菜cauliflower ['kli,flau]

燕窩 cubilose ['kju:bilus]/ bird's-nest

竹筍 bamboo shoot

黃花菜 day lily (day lily bud)

豌豆 pea

四季豆 kidney bean ['kidni]

四季豆&青刀豆 gardenbean

扁豆 lentil ['lentil]

綠豆 mung bean [m]

紅豆 ormosia [musi]

毛豆 green soy bean

豆芽 bean sprout [spraut]

絲瓜 towel gourd [ɡud] (注:在美國

絲瓜或用來做絲瓜莖 loofah 洗澡


絲瓜sponge gourd

絲瓜loofah ['lu:f]

葫蘆,葫蘆屬植物;腦瓜gourd n

苦瓜,苦味葫蘆bitter gourd

冬瓜wax gourd

[植]冬瓜white gourd

葫蘆;瓢葫蘆;葫蘆瓜bottle gourd

牛蒡 great burdock ['b:dk]

艾蒿 Chinese mugwort ['mɡw:t]

秋葵 okra ['ukr]

檳榔 areca ['rik, ,'ri:k]

枇杷 loquat ['lukwt]

菜豆/青豆: stringbean


毛豆:green soy bean

黃豆芽:soybean sprout

綠豆芽:mung bean sprout

豆芽:bean sprout



花椰菜/西蘭花 broccoli['brkli]

空心菜:water convolvulus [kn'vlvjuls]

金針菜:dried lily flower

芥菜:mustard leaf ['mstd]






香菜:caraway ['krwei]

榨菜:preserved szechuan pickle ['set'wa:n] ['pikl]

雪裏紅:salted vegetable

蘆筍:asparagus ['sprɡs]

竹筍:bamboo shoot

筍乾: dried bamboo shoot

韭黃:chives [taivz]



菜瓜:long crooked squash[skw:]



冬瓜:white gourd


山芋:yam [jm]

芋頭:taro ['tɑ:ru, 't-]

百葉:beancurd sheets['bi:nk:d]


草菇: button ushroom

金針菇: needle mushroom

冬菇:dried mushroom


馬鈴薯:potato; spud[spd]

連藕:lotus root


白木耳:white fungus

生薑:ginger ['dind]


蒜頭:garlic bulb

葱:green onion


青葱: scallion['skljn]; leek

蔬菜類英語單詞 篇2

leek 韭菜 caraway/coriander 香菜

spinach 菠菜 cabbage 捲心菜

chinese cabbage 白菜 celery 芹菜

cauliflower 菜花 lettuce 生菜/萵筍

mustard leaf 芥菜/芥末 romaine 生菜

shepherd's purse 薺菜 water shield 蓴菜

kale 甘藍菜 rape/cole 油菜

mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金針菜

tarragon 蒿菜 agar-agar 紫菜

greens 青菜 day-lily buds 黃花菜

Broccoli 西蘭花 watercress 豆瓣菜

leaf of matrimony vine 枸杞菜 salted vegetable 雪裏紅

turnip/ Daikon白蘿蔔 carrot 胡蘿蔔

potato 土豆 tomato 番茄

cucumber 黃瓜 loofah 絲瓜

pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜

white gourd 冬瓜 ficus tikaua/sweet potato地瓜

tring bean 四季豆 broad bean 蠶豆

pea 豌豆 lentil/ hycacinth bean 扁豆

soy 大豆 marrow bean 菜豆

mung bean 綠豆 soybean 黃豆

kidney bean 芸豆 green soy bean 毛豆

soybean sprout 黃豆芽 mung bean sprout 綠豆芽

bean sprout 豆芽 pea sboot 豆苗

bean pod 豆莢 lotus root 蓮藕

garlic 蒜 garlic sprout 蒜苗/苔

green pepper 青椒 hot pepper/Chilly 辣椒

Yellow pepper 黃椒 Red pepper 紅椒

sweet pepper 甜椒 marrow 西葫蘆

onion 洋葱

scallion 葱 chive 香葱

water chestnut 荸薺 yam 山藥/山芋

lily 百合 water caltrop 菱角

lotus seed 蓮子 fennel 茴香

taro 大芋頭 Eddo 小芋頭

cabbage mustard 芥蘭 cane shoots 茭白

ginger 姜 dried ginger 乾薑

asparagus 蘆筍 bamboo sprout 竹筍

winter bamboo shoots 冬筍 dried bamboo shoot 筍乾

mushroom/ agaricus蘑菇 morel 金菇

black mushroom 冬菇 champignon 香菇

buton mushroom 草菇 needle mushroom 金針菇

edible fungus/agaric 木耳 tremella 銀耳

asparagus 蘆薈 eggplant 茄子

corn/ Sweet corn玉米 chinese chives 韭黃

fennel 茴香 tender leaves of chinese toon 香椿

Sweet potato紅薯(紅苕) lotus seed 蓮子

laurel 月桂 Artichoke洋薊

chive shoot 韭芽 Chinese chive; Chinese leek 韭黃