
2015-01-17 3.11W views



或許[huò xǔ]







Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps

小貓咪 貓力總動員——精彩網音像 ... I''m Done 結束 Baby Love 寶貝愛 Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps 或許 ...

May be

[10.1][原創]用黑白琴鍵闡述初戀的溫暖,柔情,和傷感-Yiruma【初 戀】[mp3] ... 我 I 或許 May be 愛我 Love Me ...

as the case might be

TOEFL片語(1) ... as such 就其本身而言;如所指的人(或物)那樣 as the case might be 或許 as the name suggests 顧名思義 ...


英漢解釋 ... 許配) betroth a girl; engage to; affianced to sb. 也許; 或許) maybe; possibly; perhaps 表示程度或大約的數目) about; approximately ...


1. 或許你們也知道演講者所要說的,在世界上真實發生的情形——極度的混亂、失序、暴力;極端形式的殘忍;以戰爭為終結的暴亂……我們的`生活是如此的艱難,充滿困惑和衝突,不僅僅是我們內在,在面板之內它所存在的,同樣地,在外部,存在著全然的破壞。

Probably you know as well as the speaker what is actually taking place in the world - utter chaos, disorder, violence, extreme forms of brutality, riots ending up in war. Our lives are extraordinarily difficult, confused and contradictory, not only in ourselves - inside the skin as it were - but also outwardly. There is utter destruction.

2. 儘管描述這類基金的集合名詞或許還比較新鮮,但這些基金本身往往不是這樣。

While the collective noun used to describe the funds may be relatively new, the funds themselves often are not.

3. 在2008年第三個或許也是最重要的裁員來源是建築行業本身。

The third and probably most important source of lay-offs in 2008 was the construction industry itself.

4. 或許我該跟他逢場作戲畢竟那會有多糟糕呢?

Maybe I would have a fling. After all, how bad could it be?

5. 但或許更重要的是,他們還要面對其他八千三百萬殘疾人士在中國面對的問題--受損的社會聲譽。

But perhaps even more significant, they will encounter a social stigma that many of the 83 million other disabled Chinese face.

6. 其中的一個原因或許就是當我們道歉時,對方總是以一種不夠友善的方式接受。

One reason might be that when we do apologize, it's accepted in a less? than? graceful manner.

7. 在奮鬥的同時,或許看似窮酸,但我知道我是一個公主!

Even though you ignored your appearance when you struggle for life, well, you know you are a

8. 或許你可以借鑑養老基金來償還你的債務。

You can perhaps borrow from a pension fund to pay off your debts.

9. 或許它最高可以模擬到3.40版本,但這也是極限了

It might be able to emulate up to 3.40 but that is it.

10. 所以,或許是在拿蘋果和橘子比,或是數字不準確。

So maybe it's apples to oranges, or the numbers are off.

11. 我請比爾·理查森最後幾個星期待在他家鄉的州,或許差別就是他造成的。

I had asked Bill Richardson to spend the last week in his home state, and he may well have made the difference.