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自我介紹是向別人展示你自我介紹 好不好,甚至直接關係到你給別人的第一印象的好壞及以後交往的順利與否。同時,也是認識自我的'手段。下面是小編給大家分享的二年級英語自我介紹範文,歡迎閲讀



Good afternoon, dear friends:

Nice to meet you here. The girl standing here is _____________. I’m 7/8 years old. Look, I am a lovely girl.

I come from Mianyang Dongchen Primary School. The school is big and beautiful.

I have a warm family. We love each other very much.

I like singing, dancing, reading books. 《An Tu Sheng Fairy Tales》is my favorite book. It’s very interesting.

I have many classes. Such as Chinese, math. English, PE, Art. But I like English best. Because English is beautiful and powerful.

I have a dream. I want to be a great teacher in the future. So I must study hard now.

This is me. ____________. Please trust me and support me. Thank you!


很高興見到大家!站在這裏的女孩叫______________.我今年7/8歲。瞧,我可愛吧! 我來自於綿陽東辰國小。我們學校又大又漂亮。


我喜歡唱歌,跳舞,看書。《安徒生童話》是我最喜歡的書。它實在是太有趣了。 我有很多課。比如語文,數學,英語,體育美術等等。但是我最喜歡英語。因為英語語音漂亮,又是很強大的一門語言


這就是我。____名字_______。 請相信我並支持我。謝謝!


Hello, everyone, I am very happy to stand here to introduce myself. My Chinese name is luYuan, my English name is Helen. I am eight years old. I study in Taizhou Foreign Languages School. I am easy-going and optimistic.I am good at learning and always have good results in exams. My shortcoming is sometimes I am careless. My strong point is full of confidence.



Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Yuan, is a primary school student in grade two. I am a boy loves a lot, such as drawing, practicing martial arts, calligraphy I have love, but I like best is running, every class I and his classmates Lv Suhuan running.I was a greedy boy, see good, I quickly ran home, mom to give me pocket money.I was a little boy with a careless, I am happy to have a test in the 'fortune' hard 'Xin', got 99 points, the next time I must not be so careless.

This is me, a greedy, careless and lovely boy.

大家好,我叫周原,是個國小生,在上二年級。我是個愛好多的小男孩,比如説畫畫、練武術、寫毛筆字我都喜歡,但我最喜歡的還是跑步,每天下課我都要和同學呂蘇環一起練習跑步。我還是一個貪吃的男孩子,看到了好吃的,我就會快速地跑回家,叫媽媽給我零花錢。 我還是一個粗心大意的小男孩,有一次考試我把幸福的“幸”寫成了辛苦的“辛”,考了個99分,下次我一定不能再這樣粗心大意了。
