
2017-09-02 6.67K views


bluish white


a. 帶藍色的

The smoke was bluish-black and thick.

那煙黑中帶藍,而且很濃。A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from inadequate oxygenation of the blood.

發紺,青紫由於血液中的氧不充足而產生的皮膚和黏膜的帶青色的變色A good part of the room had become softly illuminated by the bluish rays of the moon

淡藍色月光透進屋子來,把大半間屋子映照得藍瑩瑩的。A tropical Asian grass(Cymbopogon nardus)having bluish - green, lemon - scented leaves and an essential oil.

亞香茅亞洲熱帶的一種草(亞香茅香茅屬),長有藍綠色、檸檬香味的葉子和香精油 Any of several plants of the genus Eryngium having spiny leaves and dense clusters of small bluish flowers.


adj. 白色的;白種人的`

n. 白色;白人;蛋白;眼白

It is a white diamond.

這是白色的菱形。at a white heat

在盛怒之下|在感情萬分激動之下 Their fate is in the hands of twelve whites.

他們的命運操縱在12個白人手裏。A white dress soils easily.

白色的衣服容易髒。The white part of an eyeball.
