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a handful of

a pinch of



Put a pinch of sugar in the soup.在湯里加一小撮糖。

It is short-sighted and inappropriate to use statistics to blame a few individuals.如利用數據來指責或遷怒於一小撮人是一種短期行為,也是不恰當的'。

I need a pinch of salt now.我現在需要一小撮鹽。

Only a handful of people were dead set on following him.死心塌地跟他走的只是一小撮。

I rejoined that the Klan is a more lunatic splinter group.我回答説三K黨只不過是神經失常的一小撮。

A smallgroup has begun to predominate in policy-making.一小撮人在制定政策中已開始起主導作用.

The original population was now reduced to a tiny handful of islands and enclaves.原有的人口現在早已縮小到一小撮的島嶼和化外之地。

A cabal of Appalachian district directors will undertake a palace revolution.阿巴拉契山脈地區的一小撮頭面人物正企圖謀反。

All the trouble are caused by a handful of malcontent.這些是非都是由一小撮不滿分子搬弄的。

We must isolate the handful of enemies to the maximum.我們要最大限度地孤立一小撮敵人。


n. 少量,一把;棘手事,難以控制的人

Gossiping and lying go hand in hand搬事弄非者,必是撒謊人

They walked hand in hand in a delicious garden.他們手挽手在一座可愛的花園裏散步。

Dirt and disease go hand in hand.骯髒與疾病是密切相關的。

A watch has three hands ---- the second hand, minute hand and hourhand.手錶有三根指針--秒針,分針和時針。

The newly married couple strolled hand in hand in the park.這對新婚的夫妻手牽手在公園漫步。


n. 捏,掐;能捏住或掐住的量

v. 捏,掐;夾痛;擅自拿走;逮捕

The pinched look of a hungry person. 面如菜色。

to pinch; to nip; to cut with fingernails.掐

I will help you in a pinch.有緊急情況我會幫助你。

Her face was pinched and drawn.她一臉蒼白憔悴。

Put a pinch of sugar in the soup.在湯里加一小撮糖。
