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1. The study also factors in a survey among business leaders, assessing for example the government's efficiency or the flexibility of the labor market.

2. Whether that judgment applies to US titles that have gone the same route is hard to say based on a single case study.

3. The Shanxi health department study said students with more money at their disposal were more likely to buy cigarettes and take up smoking.

4. The study also found that 69 percent of respondents agree that buying a home is better than renting one in the long run.

5. The study found that female perceptions of good dance quality were influenced most greatly by large and varied movements involving the neck and trunk.

6. The recommendations by the Review Committee on the Regulation of Pharmaceutical Products in Hong Kong, comes after nine months of study.

7. The media reports were triggered by a US study whose findings were reported by the Evening Standard newspaper in the UK.

8. Honduras has the highest homicide rate of any country worldwide, according to a global study published this month by the United Nations.

9. A Swedish study of 82 patients confirmed an association between lower cystatin C levels and a higher risk of Alzheimer's.

10. The CAE has set up an emergency response panel to study epidemic prevention and its suggestions will be submitted to the State Council soon.


1. 我會收集並且整理起來,統一採購漂亮的相框,屆時將懸掛或擺放在我們遠郊上海總部的辦公室裏。

Then your photos will be hung or put in our RSM HQ Office in Shanghai.

2. 要想成為一個好祕書,你就得對辦公室的日常事務非常熟悉。

To be a good secretary, you'll have to be quite familiar with office routine.

3. 他們的學生並沒有在又吵又鬧,狂打手勢的交易場內學習,而是在一個安靜的辦公室學習,沒有電視,沒有電腦,只有幾部電話。

Their students did not learn to trade from a screaming mosh pit on the trading floor with wild hand signals, but rather in a quiet office with no televisions, computers and only a few phones.

4. 黨政辦公室:負責黨政、紀檢、工會、共青團、婦聯的日常事務工作,協調各辦公室之間的關係;負責組織、宣傳、精神文明建設、統戰、僑務、計劃、統計、信訪、勞動人事、文祕及行政後勤服務等工作。

Office party: The party in charge of discipline inspection, trade unions, Communist Youth League, women's federations of the day-to-day affairs, the coordination of the Office of the relationship between; responsible for the organization, propaganda, ideological and cultural progress, united front, the Overseas Chinese Affairs (Federation of Returned Overseas), planning, statistics, Letters and visits, labor and personnel, secretarial and administrative services, logistics and so on.

5. 他不同意建一條高速公路的計劃,因此他離開了辦公室。

He was against the plan for building an express highway, so he walked out of the office.

6. 來自聯合國毒品與犯罪辦公室週六發佈的報告稱,阿富汗的鴉片產量在去年一年裏增加了60%。

Office on Drags and Crime, says poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has increased nearly 60 percent in last year.

  咖啡室的英文單詞:cafe room

1. 其實我們亦已建立了自己的咖啡品牌 EXPRESSO PARISIENNE,除了咖啡之外,還有所代理名牌啤酒,均供應給咖啡室、咖啡吧、餐廳和會所之用;而我們的服務還包括協助客户進行市場推廣和融資等。

Recently, for the trade of coffee shops, coffee bars, restaurants and clubs, we supply the draught beers we have represented as well as our own coffee brand EXPRESSO PARISIENNE. We always work closely with our clients in every aspect of marketing and even financing.

2. 那天上午咖啡室裏除了這位穿褐色禮服的.先生再也沒有客人。

The coffee-room had no other occupant, that forenoon, than the gentleman in brown.

3. 我就一輩子都要爛在這間咖啡室裏了

Otherwise, I'm stuck playing ditsy coffee girl the rest of my life.

4. 你去研討會,這是你的咖啡室,移動形式的教室和你的工作開始了整件事情。

You go to the seminar and it is up to you to lead the move form the coffee room to the classroom and your job to start the whole thing off.

5. 兩位學院實習生在中國亭咖啡室實習工作。

The HKCC interns had their job trainings at this Chinese pavilion café.

6. 譯:多賓已經在咖啡室呆了一個多小時。

Dobbin had been in the coffee-room for an hour or more.

7. 多賓在咖啡室內呆了至少一個小時,他翻動了所有的報紙,但沒有讀。

Dobbin had been in the coffee-room for an hour or more. He had tried all the papers, but could not read them.

8. 在咖啡室內喝著我最愛點的黑朱古力咖啡

Ln the coffee shop drinking my favorite dark chocolate coffee

9. 相反,在往裏的咖啡室,塗白的牆提供了另外一種氛圍。

標籤:英文單詞 房間