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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a campaign speech in support of your election to the post of chairman of the student union. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 你認為自己具備了什麼條件(能力、性格、愛好等)可以勝任學生會主席的工作

2. 如果當選,你將為本校同學做寫什麼

應當説,這個作文題目出得挺新、挺奇,恐怕培訓老師也難以料想到會考競選演講詞(相信不少老師和學生還在孜孜矻矻地講練着書信作文呢)!那麼,要寫好英文演講詞應注意那些呢?筆者結合自己的教學經驗,總結了寫好英文競選演講詞的七大原則。為便於記憶,把它編成口決:開門見山説自己,直奔客套話競選,陳述自我一二三, 主觀評論宜加上,當選打算不可少,期待投票是老套,表態感謝也重要。以下就是按照上述口訣寫成的範文:

A Campaign Speech

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,

My name is × ×. I am from English department.(開門見山説自己)I am greatly honored to have such a golden opportunity to run for chairman of the student union.(直奔客套話競選)

I think I am the right candidate for the post, because I have the ma-ki-ng of a competent chairman. First of all, I like communicating with different people and also find much delight in dealing with people. I know pretty well about how to organize programs effectively and how to manage an organization efficiently.(陳述自我一) These personal qualities, I am sure, will surely qualify myself for the job in the student union and distinguish me from other candidates as well.(主觀評論宜加上)Secondly, I am optimistic, enterprising and extroverted by nature. (陳述自我二) With such a good character, I believe I can rise up to any challenge ahead of me and will never lose heart in time of adversity. Meanwhile, with such a nice character, I believe I can get along well with my colleagues.(主觀評論宜加上) Thirdly, I have a wide variety of hobbies, such as public speaking, writing for magazines and reading books on management,(陳述自我三)all of which ,I firmly believe, enables me to perform brilliantly in my future work. You can easily imagine that I may come up with as many good ideas as possible to host activities. (主觀評論宜加上)

My dear friend, if I am luckily enough to be the chairman, I will serve everyone with heart and soul. On the one hand, I will recruit some capable students to build up an efficient working team. On the other hand, we will carry out many worthwhile activities to enrich the campus life, such as academic lectures, sports contests and speech conests.(當選打算不可少)

My dear friend, it’s time for you to cast a wise vote. Please don’t hesitate to vote for me,(期待投票是老套) because you have known me quite well and I will exert myself to live up to your expectation.( 表態感謝也重要)Thank you.

從該演講詞中看出,作者開頭先做了個簡單的自我介紹(姓名和所讀院系),然後直奔主題---參加學生會主席一職的競選,並表示客套(be honored to )。接着,第二段緊扣提綱,介紹自己可以勝任學生會主席的工作的原因,即作者自身的素質表現,如能力、性格、愛好等完全適合該職。介紹自我表現要有條理性,所以一二三不能少,因為聽眾是根據演講者的自我陳述來判定該投票選誰,這也關係到演講者能否競選成功。同時,要注意把客觀陳述和主觀評論結合起來,因為這樣能更好地引導聽眾的想法和判斷,也能更好地表現演講者的自信並增加互動。此外,演講中一般都要談假如競選成功的打算,而這也是在場即將投票的聽眾們最關心的.實質性問題。所以,一定要有較切實的行動打算。當然,演講者前面所做的一切努力都是為了爭取作為聽眾的同學們手中的選票,所以別忘了寫期待對方能投自己一票。作後,演講者應表態,表示自己將屢行承諾,不負眾望。演講詞一般以道謝告終。


其一,演講詞較偏重口語體,但又與完全通俗的口語體不盡相同。更確切地説,演講詞應亦狀亦諧,雅俗共賞。因為太通俗,演講詞就缺少文采,缺乏感召力,不足以表現演講者的才華;太文謅謅,演講就非常呆板,沒生氣,很教條,缺乏親和力。因此,選詞時要注意詞語的正式程度。一些口語化過重的詞,如well, yeah, gonna, wanna, gotta, alas, O.K ,all right, Good, 都不大適宜使用。


其三,演講要有親和力,不要讓人有演講者在背書之感。要做到這一點,除了演講者本人要訓練有素,要有高超的演講技巧外,演講詞寫作中還應注意人稱和語態的使用。一般而言,演講詞應較多運用第一和第二人稱,少用或不用第三人稱,以增加演講的對話性和親和力。同時,演講詞應多用主動語態,少用或不用被動語態及It is +adj./done +that 從句的無人稱句,因為被動句和無人稱句過分強調客觀性,往往讓人感覺太正式,太沒人情味。

其四,演講詞尤其是競選演説詞應具有極大的感召力和鼓動性。因此,競選演説詞寫作時應注意語氣禮貌客套,但不卑不亢,自信練達,但不狂妄孤傲。所以在演講中宜多用褒義詞,少用中性詞和貶義詞。此外,要注意在文中應不止一次提及對方(如上面例文中My dear friend),這樣便可加強演講色彩,也有助於演講者提請聽眾提高注意力。演講中為達到感召力和鼓動性,還往往運用一些特定句式,如祈使句、感歎句、反意疑問句、設問句、排比句、強調句等。
