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(1) 把握大局 :grasp the overall situation

(2) 擺譜兒 :put on airs;keep up appearances

(3) 白手起家: start from scratch

(4) 拜年:pay New Year call

(5) 班門弄斧:teach one's grandma to suck eggs

(6) 報銷 :apply for reimbursement

(7) 爆冷門:produce an unexpected answer

(8) 曝光:make public

(9) 奔小康:strive for a relatively comfortable life

(10) 閉門羹:given cold-shoulder

(11)比上不足,比下有餘:fall short of the best,but be better than the best

(12)逼上梁山:be driven to drastic alternatives

(13)變相漲價:disguised inflation

(14)邊遠貧困地區:outlying poverty-stricken areas

(15)邊緣知識人:Marginal intellectuals

(16)表面文章:Lip service;surface formality

(17) 博導:Ph.D supervisor

(18)補發拖欠的'養腦筋:Clear up pension payments in arrears

(19)不眠之夜:white night

(20)菜鳥:green hand

(1) 把握大局 :grasp the overall situation

(2) 擺譜兒 :put on airs;keep up appearances

(3) 白手起家: start from scratch

(4) 拜年:pay New Year call

(5) 班門弄斧:teach one's grandma to suck eggs

(6) 報銷 :apply for reimbursement

(7) 爆冷門:produce an unexpected answer

(8) 曝光:make public

(9) 奔小康:strive for a relatively comfortable life

(10) 閉門羹:given cold-shoulder

(11)比上不足,比下有餘:fall short of the best,but be better than the best

(12)逼上梁山:be driven to drastic alternatives

(13)變相漲價:disguised inflation

(14)邊遠貧困地區:outlying poverty-stricken areas

(15)邊緣知識人:Marginal intellectuals

(16)表面文章:Lip service;surface formality

(17) 博導:Ph.D supervisor

(18)補發拖欠的養腦筋:Clear up pension payments in arrears

(19)不眠之夜:white night

(20)菜鳥:green hand

(41)服務行業:catering industry

(42)複合型人才:inter-disciplinary talent

(43)崗位培訓:on-the-job training

(44)高等教育自學考試:self-study higher education examination

(45)高新技術產業開發區:high and new technological industrial development zone

(46)各大菜系:major styles of cooking

(47)各行各業:every walk of life

(48)功夫不負有心人:Everything comes to him who waits

(49)各盡其能:let each person do his best

(50)公益活動:public welfare activities

(51)工薪階層:state employee;salaried person

(52)過猶不及:going too far ia as bad as not going far enough

(53)函授大學:correspondence university

(54)好萊塢大片:Hollywood blockbuster

(55)核心競爭力:core competitiveness

(56)虎父無犬子:A wise goose never lays a tame egg

(57)基本國情:fundamental realities of the country

(58)激烈競爭:cut-throat competition

(59)極限運動:maximal exercise/X-games

(60)集中精力把經濟建設搞上去:go all out for economic development