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  section 1


  Oh, Lazy man!

I'm twenty and proud that I've never fed myself! 我二十歲了,但是,以從來不會自己掙錢吃飯為傲。

I'd rather dream than study my chemistry. 我還是做我的夢,總比研究化學好。

He is too lazy to move but luckily he has strong toes. 他雖然懶惰得不肯動,但是幸而有強壯的腳趾。

He has forgotten about his job. 他把工作忘得一乾二淨。

They enjoy being idled. 他們以偷懶為樂。

The fool doesn't suspect a thing. 傻人不疑心什麼。

innocent fool 無罪的傻瓜

He may cheat in checkers, but it beats staring at his face all day long. 他可能在下象時做手腳,但是隻要一整天盯着他的臉看便會獲勝了。

What can I say? 我能説些什麼呢?

Banking is such a boring business; I believe I'll take a short snooze. 警衞銀行是樁枯燥的'差事,且打個盹吧。

good guy 好傢伙

tricky 詭計多端

fooling around 閒蕩

Eating is my favorite hobby. 吃是我最大的嗜好。

I do have such a gorgeous face even if I do say so myself. 假如要我自己説嘛,我委實是個美人胚子。

I'll pretend like it's not ringing. 且當它鬧鐘沒有響吧。

I'm sorry I'm late. I overslept again. 抱歉我來晚了。我又睡過頭了。

Perhaps I can sneak out of the classroom unnoticed. 也許我可以神不知鬼不覺地溜進教室。

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.儘量學,盡情玩。

  section 2


Money, Money, Money.

Two dollars and seventy-five cents. 二美元七角五分。

That makes ten dollars, right? 這加起來是十美元,對嗎?

Grocery bills are expensive. 食品價格昂貴。

I'm not rich. I wish I didn't have to pay the fine. 我不是富有人家,但願不必交罰款。

I only need a thousand more pennies to buy my airplane. 我只要在有一千個一角的銅板,就能買一架飛機了。

I won the most valuable prize! 我贏得了最高的獎賞!

Here's my credit card, just bill me. 這是信用卡,請記賬吧。

Remember us on payday with a good bone. 發工資的日子可別忘了請客。

I wish I had half the money he does. 但願我有他一半的錢。

This month all of my law clients paid their bills. 這個月前來做法律諮詢的客户全都付清賬單了。

All of my paycheck disappears so quickly. 我的薪水在不旋踵之間都消失無蹤了。

This lady is a rent collector. 這位女士是收租人。

If you sign this contract all of your financial worries will be over! 如果你在這份合約上簽字,你就和金錢的勞累一刀兩斷了。

Your car hit me and now I demand the money to pay the doctor with! 你的汽車撞了我,所以我要求你支付賠償。

Payday is here again. 又到了領薪水的日子了。

Here's the money you need. The interest rate is 25%. 這是你要的錢,利息是25%。(謀殺!)

Just deposit your money with us; we'll take good care of it. 請存在本銀行,我們會負責保管的。

With the rate of inflation I borrow money from the bank. 由於通貨膨脹,我要向這家銀行貸款。