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Live well, love lots, and laugh often.以下是小編為大家搜索整理的商務英語BEC高級閲讀日常練習,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!



Even as Japanese officials wring their hands about the harmful effects of China’s air pollution drifting over to Japan, Japanese white goods manufacturers are finding the problem has a welcome silver lining.

Sales of air purifiers made by Daikin, Panasonic and Sharp have shot up in China amid mounting concerns about air pollution over the past few months.

Sharp said sales of its air purifiers in China tripled last month compared with a year earlier, while Panasonic sold more than twice as many air purifiers in China in January.

Daikin, a leading maker of air-conditioners, also saw sales of its air purifiers in China rise 3.6 times year on year in January.

The boost in demand for air purifiers is a rare piece of positive news for Sharp and Panasonic, which are struggling to regain profitability. Sharp is forecasting a record net loss in the year to the end of March of Y450bn ($4.8bn), while Panasonic expects to suffer a net loss of Y765bn.

“We believe the impact of the air pollution problem in China on sales of our air purifiers is huge. We expect sales to continue increasing until May or June,” said a Panasonic representative. The group is ramping up production by 50 per cent.

Demand for air purifiers made by Japanese manufacturers had already been on the rise in China, due to increasing awareness of health and environmental issues, a Sharp representative said.


of the day

suffer:(used with object) to undergo, be subjected to, or endure (pain, distress, injury, loss, or anything unpleasant) 承受,蒙受

ex: His failure to take every factor into consideration made him suffer a great loss.


小編注:suffer loss從某種意義上來説,是一種固定搭配。這裏想説的是suffer是個很好用的詞,用法很靈活。比如“歐洲金融危機,中國也會受其影響”,其中“影響”一詞,第一反應可能就是impact或affect,實際上這裏就可以活用suffer來表達影響的意思,即China will also suffer.這個詞的用法還有很多,大家可以在平常的閲讀中多多留意。

se of the day

wring one's hands:clasp and twist one’s hands together as a gesture of great distress, especially when one is powerless to change the situation 束手無策,坐立不安

ex: Journalists and the nostalgic may wring their hands, but should anyone else care?


ence of the day

The boost in demand for air purifiers is a rare piece of positive news for Sharp and Panasonic, which are struggling to regain profitability.


小編注:還是要關注一個動詞的用法,英語中的動詞總是很生動、很有畫面感,比如這裏的struggle。如果換做是漢譯英,也許大部分人會譯成“which are difficult to regain profit”。和原句對比之後,是不是發現struggle更能表達那種苦苦掙扎、苟延殘喘的意味呢?同樣的,這裏的“恢復盈利”原文用的是profitability而不是profit,兩者的區別在於前者指盈利能力,後者指盈利。有點像“授人以魚不如授人以漁”的感覺,大家可以體會一下。

ural point of the day

white goods:large household appliances, as refrigerators, stoves, and washing machines. 白色家電

小編注:白色家電,泛指可以替代人們家務勞動的電器產品,主要包括洗衣機、部分廚房電器和改善生活環境提高物質生活水平(如空調器、電冰箱等)。早期這些家電大多是白色的外觀,因此得名。和白色家電相對的是“棕色家電(brown goods)”指的是電子消費產品如移動電話,電視,CD / DVD播放機和個人電腦等。口語俚語裏也會叫做“布朗貨”。

slation of the day

Daikin, a leading maker of air-conditioners, also saw sales of its air purifiers in China rise 3.6 times year on year in January.


小編注:倍數的翻譯一直是翻譯上的一個坎,有些表達我們可能從來就沒搞明白過。比如(1)A is N times as large/long (形容詞/副詞原形) as B./ (2) A is N times larger/longer(形容詞/副詞比較級)than B. / (3) A is N times the size/length (形容詞/副詞的名詞形式) of B.這三種表達你分得清嗎?關於倍數的翻譯,詳情見《連編輯都會犯的`翻譯錯誤——倍數翻譯篇》>>


1) Japanese white goods manufacturers are finding the problem has a welcome silver lining.

2) amid mounting concerns about air pollution over the past few months


Even as Japanese officials wring their hands about the harmful effects of China’s air pollution drifting over to Japan, Japanese white goods manufacturers are finding the problem has a welcome silver lining.


Sales of air purifiers made by Daikin, Panasonic and Sharp have shot up in China amid mounting concerns about air pollution over the past few months.


Sharp said sales of its air purifiers in China tripled last month compared with a year earlier, while Panasonic sold more than twice as many air purifiers in China in January.


Daikin, a leading maker of air-conditioners, also saw sales of its air purifiers in China rise 3.6 times year on year in January.


The boost in demand for air purifiers is a rare piece of positive news for Sharp and Panasonic, which are struggling to regain profitability. Sharp is forecasting a record net loss in the year to the end of March of Y450bn ($4.8bn), while Panasonic expects to suffer a net loss of Y765bn.


“We believe the impact of the air pollution problem in China on sales of our air purifiers is huge. We expect sales to continue increasing until May or June,” said a Panasonic representative. The group is ramping up production by 50 per cent.


Demand for air purifiers made by Japanese manufacturers had already been on the rise in China, due to increasing awareness of health and environmental issues, a Sharp representative said.
