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add16 v.①增加②進一步説,附帶説明

經典句Ms Marschall added she believed there was a danger in portraying the human side of Hitler on screen.馬沙爾補充説她相信在熒屏上刻畫希特勒人性化的一面是危險的。

考點提要add to 增加;add up to 共計為,合計達

addition n.①加,加法②增加的人,附加物

詞彙辨析in addition, in addition to:

in addition 另外,此外,在句中相當於副詞;

in addition to 加上,除……之外,後接名詞或代詞。

記憶方法①同根詞:add 加,增加;additional 附加的;additive 添加物,添加劑②相關詞:減法 subtraction;乘法multiplication;除法 division

聯 想 記 憶 卡 片add v. 加→subtract v. 減

addition n. 加法→ subtraction n. 減法

plus prep 加→minus prep 減

multiply v. 乘→divide v. 除

multiplication n. 乘→division n. 除additional4 adj.附加的.,額外的,另外的

經典例句Studies show that once the basic needs of shelter and food are met, additional wealth adds very little to happiness.研究表明,一旦衣食住行的基本需求得到滿足,額外的財富並不能增添多少幸福。


advance4 vi.①前進,進展②提高,提升,(物價)上漲 n.①前進,進展②預付款,貸款③(價格,工資)增長vt.①預先發放,預先支付 ②提前,使提前發生 ③提出(建議)等adj.預先的,先行的

經典例句Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps. 知識只能循序漸進,不能躍進。

考點提要in advance 預先,提前;in advance of 比……先進,在……之前

advanced adj.先進的,高級的,後期的

經典例句Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. 學識可使老年時舒適地退隱和有所寄託;但如果年青時不使它紮下根,老年就得不到它的庇護。

記憶方法相關詞: elementary初級的;intermediate中級的

聯 想 記 憶 卡 片elementary (初級的)→intermediate(中級的)→advanced (高級的)advantage15 n.①優點,有利條件②好處,利益

經典例句Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude.要有單獨自處的能力,不要放過孤寂的好處。

考點提要take advantage of 利用……,乘……;have (gain,get) an advantage over 比……有利;be of advantage to 有利於(to作介詞,後跟名詞);to advantage 有利地,使優點突出地

詞彙辨析make use of,take advantage of:

make use of /!利用”,指很好地使用,別無他意;

take advantage of /!利用,趁……之機”,指為了自己的利益而對某人(事)加以利用,常用作貶義。

記憶方法反義詞:disadvantage n.短處,不利之處


adventure n.①冒險、冒險活動,驚險②投機活動

經典例句The gang travelled throughout the country in their van, the Mystery Machine, on the trail of supernatural adventures.


詞根記憶ad (增強)+ venture (冒險)

venture n. 冒險,冒險事業v. ①冒險,使……處於危險的環境或情況 ②敢於説,竟敢

經典例句Venture a small fish to catch a great one. 吃小虧佔大便宜。





詞根記憶 vent (來)+ ure?來到〔危險〕 ?冒險


advertise vt.①公告,公佈②為……做廣告 vi.登廣告,做廣告

經典例句It was unwise of them to advertise their willingness to make concessions at the negotiations.他們宣佈願意在談判中讓步,這是不明智的。

advertisement(ad.) n.①廣告,公告②廣告活動

記憶方法 ad.是縮寫形式。advert n.=advertisement

詞根記憶~=ad(to)+vert(to turn)+isement(詞尾)