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下半年英語四級考試模擬試卷 篇1

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this passage is followed by some questions or unfinished each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D) should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

Some radio singals were heard in were coming from a point in the sky where there was unknown were coming very regularly,too:about once a second,if they were controlled by clock.

The scientists who heard the signals did not tell anybody were rather afraid to tell in case they frightened signals were coming from a very small body—no bigger,perhaps than the that why no light could be seen from it?Or were the signals coming from a planet that belonged to some other star?There was no end to the questions,but the scientists kept the news secret.“Perhaps there are intelligent beings out there.”they thought,“who are trying to send messages to other planets,or to us?So the news was not given to the ead,the scientists studied the signals and searched for others like ,all that happened in 1967 and e then scientists have learnt more about those strange,regular,radio they have told the story,of course.

The signals do not come from a planet;they come from a new kind of star called a “pulsar””t a hundred other pulsars have now been found,and most of them are very like the first one.

Pulsars are strong radio are the smallest but the heaviest stars we know at present.A handful of pulsar would weigh a few thousand r light—if they give much light—is too small for us to we can be sure of this,no intelligent beings are living on them.

21. The radio signals discussed in this passage____.

regular controlled by a clock

heard in 1967 only secret messages

22. The radio singals were sent by____.

A.a satelliteB.a planet

C.a sky body which was unknown at that time

lligent beings who were unknown at that time

23. The scientists did not tell people about the signals because____.

singals stood for secret messages

le would ask them too many questions

did not want to frighten people

stood for unimportant messages

24. A pulsar is____.

A. a small heavy star which sends out strong radio signals and cannot be seen

B. a small heavy planet which sends out strong radio signals and cannot be seen

C. a small heavy satellite which sends out strong radio signals and cannot be seen

D. a small intelligent being who sends out strong radio signals and cannot be seen 25. Which of the following is true?

of the pulsars found by scientists sends radio signals.

ar began to send radio singals in 1967.

ntists have searched for pulsars for many years but found none.

ntists have found many pulsars since 1967.

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

Over vast areas of every continent,the rainfall and vegetation necessary for life are ady more than 40 percent of the earth's land is desert or t 628 million people—one out of seven—live in these dry the past,they have managed to survive,but with difficulty.[ZZ(Z]Now largely through problems caused by modern life,their existence is threatened by the slow,steady spread of the earth's deserts.

Scientists still do not understand all the complex problems of the desert,but there have been many ideas for saving the i Arabia has planted 10 million

trees to help keep the sand from taking over fertile Israelis are aga

in using some of the water collection systems left by the ancient people in the

Negev plan to water their orchards with the extra Sahel farmers still raise cattle on their poor farm land,but before the cattle are sold,

they are taken to greener lands in the south to get fat.

26. What is the article mainly concerned?

problem of spreading desert.

rainfall and vegetation in desert areas.

water collection systems.

difference between modern life and ancient life.

27. “one out of seven” refers to____.

than a third of the lands' earth

percentage of the earth's land that is desert-like

number of people who live in dry regions

D.a day of a week

28. In paragraph 2,“they are taken to the greener lands in the south.”They

refers to____.

Sahel farm land farmers

cattles trees

29. How many ideas for saving the land are described?

. .

. e.

30. Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?

earth's desert are slowly spreading.

out of 10 people lives in dry regions.

r life in the desert is threatened now by traditional problems.

water wells can solve the problem in Africa's desert.

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

Telephone, television, radio, and telegraph all help people communicate with

each other. Because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all

over the world. For example, within seconds, people can know the results of an

election in another country. An international football match comes into the homes

of everyone with a television of a disaster such as an earthquake or a

flood can bring help from distant countries within hours, help is on the way. Because of modern technology like the satellites that travel around the world, information travels fast.

How has this speed of communication changed the world? To many people,the world has become smaller. Of course this does not mean that the world is actually physically smaller. It means that the world seems smaller. Two hundred years ago,communication between the continents took a long time. All news was carried on ships that took weeks or even months to cross the ocean. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,it took six weeks for news from Europe to reach time difference influenced people's actions. For example, one battle, or fight, in the War of 1812 between England and the United States could have been avoided. A peace agreement had already been signed. Peace was made in England, but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America. During these six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought. Many people lost their lives after a peace treaty had been would not have died if news had come in the past,communication took much time than it does now.

There was a good reason why the world seemed so much larger than it does today.

31. News spreads fast because of____.

rn transportation technology

change of the world D.a peace agreement

32. According to this passage,____is very important to people in a disaster area.

communication rn technology

st news ideas

33. Which of the following statements is true?

world now seems smaller because of faster communication.

world is actually smaller today.

world is changing its size.

D. The distance between England and America has changed since the War of 1812

34. Two hundred years ago,news between the continents was carried____.

telephone and telegraph land

air sea

35. The New Orleans Battle could have been avoided if the peace agreement had been signed____.

both sides time

America England

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

The concept of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important estimated 90 percent of all illnesses may be preventable if individuals would make sound personal health choices based upon current medical knowledge.

We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society.[ZZ)]The structure of American society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may concern our we so desire,we can smoke,drink excessively, refuse to wear seat

belts,eat whatever foods we want,and live a completely sedentary life-style without any freedom to make such personal decisions is a fundamental aspect of our society,although the wisdom of these decisions can be onal choices relative to health often cause a one example,a teenager may know the facts relative to smoking cigarettes and health but may be pressured by friends into believing it is the socially accepted thing to do.A multitude of factors,both inherited and environmental,influence the development of healthrelated behaviors,and it is beyond the scope of this text to discuss all these factors as they may affect any given ver,the decision to adopt a particular health-related behavior is usually one of personal choices.

There are healthy choices and there are unhealthy discussing the moral of personal choice,Fries and Crapo drew a comparison.[ZZ(Z]They suggest that to knowingly give oneself over to a behavior that has a statistical probability of shortening life is similar to attempting suicide.[ZZ)]Thus,for those individuals

who are interested in preserving both the quality and quantity of life,personal health choices should reflect those behaviors that are associated with statistical probability of increased vitality and longevity.

36. The concept of personal choice concerning health is important because____.

onal health choices help cure most illnesses

helps raise the level of our medical knowledge

is essential to personal freedom in American society

g decisions could head to poor health

37. To “live a completely sedentary lifestyle”(Para. 1) in the passage means____.”

live an inactive live a decent life

live a life with complete freedom

live a life of vice

38. Sound personal health choice is often difficult to make because____.

ent medical knowledge is still insufficient

e are many factors influencing our decisions

people are willing to trade the quality of life for longevity

le are usually influenced by the behavior of their friends

39. To knowingly allow oneself to pursue unhealthy habits is compared by Fries and Crapo to____.

oving the quality of one's life

ting one's personal health choice

berately ending one's life

king the rules of social behavior

40. According to Fries and Crapo sound health choices should be based on____.

onal decisions of society

istical evidence ions of friends

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)

Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D)se the ONE answer that best completes the mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

41. ____he thought of it,the stars seemed always large and clear before the dawn of Christmas Day.

for that

use soon as

42. A thought____him like a silver dagger.

ck ered

43. I'll____this afternoon.

the radio fixed the radio to be fixed

the radio being fixed the radio fixing

44. Who is____personnel at present?

the charge of r charge of

r the charge of charge of

45. Tell him to turn down the 's____my nerves.

over in

crazy with on

46. The family decided to raise two cows and five sheep____the chickens,ducks and rabbits.

pt des

de pt for

47. I woke up,____that he had gone.

finding having found

to find to have found

48. The project____by the time you come to China again.

be completed have been completed

to be completed going to be completed

49. In the course of the work,we____lots of difficulties.


into across

50. ____his accent,he must be from the south.

ed by g judged from

ing from g judged by

51. The boy____his father.

accused of having killed accused to have killed

accused of killing accused to kill

52. Missing the train means____for an hour.

ing wait

be waiting to wait

53. Something extraordinary happened in that hospital.A man,who was declared

clinically dead,suddenly____.

rned to life ored to life

to life ived

54. They are glad to see the children____in the daycare center.

taken care g well taken care of

looked after g well looked after

55. She is a woman of rare g performance last night was indeed very____.

essed essive

essing ession

56. The road being built was scheduled to____traffic on May Day.

close to closed to

open to opened to

57. It was more than fifteen years ago____I entered the laboratory of Professor Agassiz.

which e

58. ____than it began raining.

ly had he reached home ly did he reach home

sooner did he reach home sooner had he reached home

59. The man's life____if he had been sent to a better hospital.

t have been saved have been saved

to be saved ld be saved

60. Everybody looked____the direction of the explosion.

61. This is a____young has published quite a few good stories in

recent years.

ised ing forward

ising er

62. The doctor insists that the patient____.

be operated ld be operated

operated on s operating on

63. It sounds as if the telephone____.

ringing ringing.

being ringing ringing

64. The family looked on helplessly as their house____.

ing down burned down

burning down ed down

65. What is the____language in India?

ce cial

cially cer

66. He____twenty times,striking a match each time to look at his old watch.

waked awake

have waked waken

67. There he bought____chocolate for his daughter,and then he had____bee

rs in the bar not far from the school.

A.a bar of...a couple of B.a piece of...a bottle of

C.a dozen of...a couple of D.a cubic of...a tin of

68. With his big fleshy nose he____his grandpa.

s like s after

s after mbles

69. The ____majority were in support of this bill so it was passed without

much difficulty.

flowing taking

loading whelming

70. The actress____the terms of her contract and was sued by the producer.

ated ed

emented ated

Part Ⅳ Translation from English into Chinese (15 minutes)


In this part,there are five items which you should translate into Chinese,each item consisting of one or two e sentences are all taken from the reading passages you have just read in Part Three of the Test are allowed 15 minutes to do the should refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context.

71.(Passage 1 Para.1)They were rather afraid to tell in case they frightened people.

72. (Passage 2 Para.1)Now largely through problems caused by modern life,their existence is threatened by the slow,steady spread of the earth's deserts.

73. (Passage 3 Para.1)Because of modern technology like the satellite that travel around the world,information travels fast.

74. (Passage 4 Para.1)We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society.

75. (Passage 4 Para.1)They suggest that to knowingly give oneself over to a behavior that has a statistical probability of shortening life is similar to attempting suicide.

Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)

Directions:〖YY)〗 〖WTBZ〗For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition with the title ON composition should be no less than 120 mber to write your composition should also base your composition on the outline below.

need for friends


principle in making friends



1967年人類收到了一些太空信號。這些信號來自太空中的某一恆星領域,它們極有規律,難道這是外星人向地球或我們發收的信號?為了不致在人們 當中造成恐慌,科學家們一直保守着這個祕密,並且一直對它們進行研究。如今,當然一切都真相大白。原來這些信號都來自一種叫脈衝星的恆星,它們的密度極大連光線也難以逃逸。但有一點可以確定,上面沒有智能生命存在。

21.答案A。【參考譯文】 文中討論到的電磁信號……【試題分析】此題考查考生“辨認事實”的能力。【詳細解答】見原文第一段,“They were coming very regularly,too.”他們同樣非常有規律,與 A)項同意。B)were controlled by a clock.由時鐘控制,原文前面有一表示“似乎的”連詞 if。C),D)根據下文判斷都不正確。

22.答案C。【參考譯文】 這些電磁信號來自於……【試題分析】此題考查考生“根據已知信息進行推斷”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第三段“ come from a new kind of star called a “pulsar””他們來自一種叫脈衝星的新型恆星。 A) a satellite衞星,B)a planet行星,D)當時未知的智能生命。

23.答案C。【參考譯文】 科學家們沒有把有關電磁信號的事情告訴人們是因為……【試題分析】此題考查考生“理解文章中某些細節”的能力。

【詳細解答】 見原文第二段開頭“ The scientists who heard the singals did not tell anybody were rather afraid to tell in case they frightened people.”聽到該信號的科學家未告訴別人,他們害怕這樣會驚嚇了老百姓。因此選擇 C。

24.答案A。【參考譯文】 脈衝星是……【試題分析】此題考查考生“辨認事實”的能力。【詳細解答】見原文第四段,實際由“star”這個單詞就可排除B),C)和D)選項。

25.答案D。【參考譯文】 以下説法,哪一個是正確的?【試題分析】此題考查考生“根據已知信息進行推理”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第三段最後一句“About a hundred other pulsars have now been found...”因此D)項正確,其他各項均與原文意思不符。


本文主要討論的是沙漠擴張的問題。人們賴以生存的降雨及植被在不斷減少,地球上 40%的土地已成了沙漠或已沙漠化, 1/7的人口生活在乾旱地區,以及現代生活造成的一些問題使人類生存日益受到沙漠擴張的威脅。雖然科學家還未能徹底瞭解沙漠問題,但是一些保護土地的措施已被採用,人們在與沙漠抗爭。

26.答案A。【參考譯文】 本文主要談論的是什麼?【試題分析】此題考查考生“把握文章主旨及大意”的能力。【詳細解答】 全文主要闡述了沙漠擴散帶來的水源缺乏的問題,以及人們採取的措施。 A)符合該中心思想;B),C)和D)雖在文中提到過但作為主要思想,過於片面。

27.答案C。【參考譯文】 1/7指的是……【試題分析】此題考查考生“理解文章中某些細節”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第一段第三句“ About 628 million people -one out of seven-livein these dry regions.”大約628,000,000(約為1/7)的人住在這些乾旱地區。C)項符合所指代的內容,為正確答案。

28.答案C。【參考譯文】 在第二段中,“他們被送往南方的綠草地”,他們指的是……【試題分析】此題考查考生“理解文章中某些細節”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文最後一句“ Some Sahel farmers still raise cattle on their poor farm land,but before the cattle are sold,they are taken to greener lands in thesouth to get fat”一些Sahel農民在他們貧瘠的農場上仍然飼養着牛羣,但在把他們賣出之前,往往要送到南方多草的土地上以增肥。 they指代前面的the cattle。因此C為正確選項。

29.答案D。【參考譯文】 文中描述了幾種保護土地的創意?【試題分析】此題考查考生“根據已知信息進行推斷”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第二段“ there have been many ideas for saving the land.”但已有了許多保護土地的創意。以下各句即為例證,確定其數目為 3,因此D為正確選項。

30.答案A。【參考譯文】 根據短文,以下説法,哪個是正確的?【試題分析】此題考查考生“辨認事實”的能力。【詳細解答】見原文第一段最後一句“Now largely through problems caused by modern life,their existence is threatened by the slow,steady spread of the earth's deserts.”現在由於現代生活產生的一些問題,他們生存日益受到地球沙漠逐步緩慢擴散的威脅。因此A為正確選擇。B)中正確數目應為one out of seven,C)應是modern problems,D)文中未提及。

3短文大意本文主要討論了現代通信的發展給世界帶來的巨大變化。如今電話,電視,收音機和電報使人們可以相互交流,由於這些手段的運用,新聞事件傳遞得更快。通信的加快是如何改變了這個世界的呢 ?對很多人來説世界變小了,當然這並非指世界真的變小了,而是指通信的加快使得人們之間的交流更方便,人們之間的距離似乎變小了。

31.答案B。【參考譯文】 新聞傳遞得更快了是因為……【試題分析】此題考查考生“根據材料進行推理”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第一段最後一句,“Because of modern technology like the satellite that travel around the world,information travels fast.”因此B)為正確選項。

32.答案A。【參考譯文】 根據短文,……對災區的人民至關重要。【試題分析】此題考查考生“根據已知信息進行推斷”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第一段“News of a disaster such as an earthquake or a flood can bring help from distant countries within hours,help is on the way”因此A快速通信為正確答案。C)最近,最新新聞並不全面。B)現代技術,D)新觀念。

33.答案A。【參考譯文】 以下説法,哪個是正確的?【試題分析】此題考查考生“理解文章中某些細節”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第二段“ many people,the world has become smaller...”對許多人來説,地球變得更小了。這當然不是地球本身變小了,而是因為通信交流加快。因此A)為正確的闡述。

34.答案D。【參考譯文】 200年前,各大洲之間的消息是通過……傳遞的。【試題分析】 此題考查考生“理解文章中某些細節”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第二段“ hundred years ago,communication between the continents took a long news was carried on ships that...”二百年前,大陸之間的信息傳遞耗時很長。所有的消息都是通過海上傳遞的…。D)by sea符合該意,因此為正確答案。

35.答案C。【參考譯文】 新奧爾良戰爭是可以避免的,假如和平協議……簽署的話。【試題分析】此題考查考生“根據材料進行推理”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第二段“Peace was made in England,but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America...”和平協議在英格蘭簽署,但該消息直到六個星期以後才傳到美國。因此可以排除選項A)、B)和D)


健康的行為選擇十分重要。據估計 90%的疾病是可以預防的,假如人們選擇健康的行為方式的話。我們的社會給了我們極大的自決的權利,而影響健康行為選擇的因素也是多方面的。雖然我們有選擇自己行為方式的權利,但那種明知會減少壽命而為之的做法無異於自殺。

36.答案D。【參考譯文】 個人健康行為選擇很重要是因為……【試題分析】此題考查考生“根據已知信息進行推理”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文前兩句,“The concept of personal choice in relation to healthbehavior is an important estimated 90 percent of all illnesses may be preventable if...”正確選擇健康行為的觀念非常重要。據估計,90%的疾病是可以避免的,假如……。因此 D)為正確選項。

37.答案A。【參考譯文】 文章中提到的“過一種完全是案牘的生活”指的是……【試題分析】此題考查考生“根據上下文推測詞義”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第一段“ live a completely sedentary life-style withoutany exercise.”採取一種整天坐着而無運動的生活方式。A)to live an inactive life.符合該意,為正確答案。

38.答案B。【參考譯文】 健康的行為選擇難以做出是因為……【試題分析】此題考查考生“理解文章中某些細節”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第二段開頭,“ A multitude of factorsinfluence the development of health-related behavior, and it is beyond the scopeof this text to discuss...”該句説明影響人們選擇健康行為方式的因素諸多。因此B為正確選項。

39.答案C。【參考譯文】 有意地選擇不健康行為習慣被Fries和Crapo比作……【試題分析】此題考查考生“理解文章中某些細節”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文第二段“ ingly give oneself over to a behavior that hasa statistical probability of shortening life is similar to attempting suicide.”明知某一行為有統計的縮短壽命的可能而這麼做無異於自殺。 C)項deliberately ending one's life即為自殺,為正確選項。

40.答案C。【參考譯文】 根據Fries和Crapo的`觀點,健康的行為選擇應以……為依據。【試題分析】此題考查考生“根據已知信息進行推理”的能力。【詳細解答】 見原文最後一句“onal health choices should reflect those behaviors that are associated with statistical probability of increased vitality and longevity.”人們應選擇那些根據統計可增強活力增加壽命的行為方式。因此C)statistical evidence統計數據為正確答案。

Part Ⅲ

41.答案B。【參考譯文】 他這麼一想,滿天的星辰在聖誕節的黎明前也顯得格外清晰明朗。【試題分析】該題既是語法題又是詞義辨析題。【詳細解答】 as for關於,至於;now that既然;because因為;as soon as一……就……。因此答案為B。

42.答案C。【參考譯文】 一個想法突然閃現在他腦中。【試題分析】該題為詞義辨析題。【詳細解答】 strike給予……感覺,在心靈產生某種效果;其他三個動詞很少與thought搭配。因此答案為C。

43.答案A。【參考譯文】 我今天下午去修一下收音機。【試題分析】此題考查動詞get的用法。【詳細解答】 動詞get後往往加動詞的分詞形式作賓語補足語。含有“讓人做……事”的含義;現在分詞表示主動,過去分詞表被動。因此答案為A。

44.答案D。【參考譯文】 現在誰負責人事管理。【試題分析】此題為同根詞組辨析題。【詳細解答】 in the charge of由……負責,在……管理下;under the charge of在……管理下 ;in charge of主管,負責。因此答案為D。

45.答案D。【參考譯文】 讓他把電視聲音關小點,我都快瘋了。【試題分析】此題為詞義辨析題。【詳細解答】 get over克服……忘卻;get in進入;get crazy往往和介詞about搭配;get on one's nerves讓……發瘋。因此答案為D。

46.答案B。【參考譯文】 除了雞、鴨、兔,這家人決定再養兩頭母牛和五隻綿羊。【試題分析】此題考查介詞的用法。【詳細解答】 except除……以外;besides除了……還;beside在……旁邊;except for除……之外。因此答案為B。

47.答案C。【參考譯文】 我醒來,結果發現他已走了。【試題分析】此題為語法題。【詳細解答】 only to find不定式短語往往可作結果狀語。因此答案為C。

48.答案B。【參考譯文】 等你下次再來中國,這個項目將已經完工。【試題分析】此題為語法題,考查時態的運用。【詳細解答】在由by引導的將來時間狀語的句子中,主句通常使用將來完成時形式:will(shall)+have+pp。因此答案為B。

49.答案D。【參考譯文】 在工作途中,我們遇到了許多困難。【試題分析】此題為詞義辨析題。【詳細解答】 meet with遇見;see看見;get into碰到;come across偶然遇見。因此答案為D。

50.答案C。【參考譯文】 從他的口音判定,他肯定是南方人。【試題分析】此題為語法題,考查插入語的使用。【詳細解答】 judging from依據……來判斷,分詞短語作插入語,為固定用法。因此答案為C。

51.答案A。【參考譯文】 這個孩子被控告殺害了他的父親。【試題分析】此題考查動詞的用法及時態。【詳細解答】 be accused of doing被指控犯……罪行,為動詞固定用法,而完成時可表示動作已發生,因而動名詞采用完成時形式。因此答案為A。

52.答案A。【參考譯文】 錯過這班火車意味着再等一個小時。【試題分析】此題為語法題,考查句子結構。【詳細解答】考慮到句子的對稱性,因主語是動名詞短語,賓語也應使用動名詞短語。因此答案為A。

53.答案C。【參考譯文】 那家醫院發生了一件離奇的事。【試題分析】此題考查固定短語的用法。【詳細解答】 come to (one's) life復活,醒過來,為固定短語,因此答案為C。

54.答案C。【參考譯文】 他們很高興看到孩子們在託管中心受到良好的照看。【試題分析】此題為語法題。【詳細解答】動詞短語look after和take care of均有照顧,照看的意思;此處用過去分詞短語作賓語補足語,含有被動的意思。因此答案為C。

55.答案B。【參考譯文】 她是一位具有傑出天賦的女子,她昨晚的表演的確使人印象深刻。【試題分析】此題為同根詞辨析題。【詳細解答】 impressed被感動的;impressive給人深刻印象的;impressing極少作為形容詞使用;impression印象,名詞。因此答案為B。

56.答案D。【參考譯文】 正在修建的公路定於勞動節那天開通。【試題分析】此題為詞義辨析題。【詳細解答】 be close to對……關閉,強調狀態;be closed to對……關閉(封閉),強調動作;be open to對……開放,強調狀態;be opened to對……開放,強調動作。因此答案為D。

57.答案B。【參考譯文】 十五年前,我加入了Agassiz教授的實驗室。【試題分析】此題為語法題,考查強調句的用法。【詳細解答】 It is (was)...為強調句的固定結構,因此答案為B。

58.答案D。【參考譯文】 他剛一到家天就開始下雨了。【試題分析】此題考查連詞的用法。【詳細解答】 ,No 剛……就……為固定的連詞搭配;且前一個分句需倒裝。因此答案為D。

59.答案A。【參考譯文】 假如被送往一家更好的醫院的話,他的生命或許可以得以挽救。【試題分析】此題為語法題,考查虛擬語氣。【詳細解答】與過去的事實相反,從句使用過去完成時,主句使用would (could,might)+have+pp的形式。因此答案為A。

60.答案C。【參考譯文】 所有的人都朝爆炸的方向看去。【試題分析】此題考查介詞的固定搭配。【詳細解答】朝某一方向通常為介詞in,in the direction of。因此答案為C。

61.答案C。【參考譯文】 這是一位有前途的年青作家,最近幾年他發表了不少小説作品。【試題分析】此題為詞義辨析題。【詳細解答】 promised承諾了的;looking forward朝前看的;promising有前途的;clever聰明的。因此答案為 C。

62.答案C。【參考譯文】 醫生堅持馬上給病人做手術。【試題分析】此題為語法題,考查虛擬語氣。【詳細解答】動詞insist後的賓語從句往往採用虛擬語氣,即用should+do或直接使用動詞原形的形式;另外做手術為固定短語operate on sb.。因此答案為C。

63.答案D。【參考譯文】 好像電話鈴在響。【試題分析】此題為語法題。【詳細解答】此處as if引導的是一個一般表語從句,並非虛擬語氣。因此答案為D。

64.答案D。【參考譯文】 這家人無助地看着自己的房子被燒燬。【試題分析】此題為語法題,考查時態和語態。【詳細解答】此句要考慮主從句時態一致;另外burn down主動形式本身含有被動含義。因此答案為D。

65.答案B。【參考譯文】 印度的官方語言是什麼?【試題分析】此題為詞義辨析題。【詳細解答】 office辦公室;official官方的;officially官方地,正式地;officer長官。因此答案為B。

66.答案C。【參考譯文】 他一晚上肯定醒了二十次,每次都擦亮火柴看看自己那塊舊錶。【試題分析】此題為語法題。【詳細解答】 must+have+pp形式表示一種肯定的猜測。因此答案為C。

67.答案A。【參考譯文】 在那兒他給女兒買了一條巧克力,然後又在離學校不遠的一家酒吧買了幾瓶啤酒。【試題分析】此題為考查固定搭配。【詳細解答】 chocolate為不可數名詞通常可用a piece of chocolate或a bar of chocolate,beer在此句中為可數名詞,可以用a couple of beers。因此答案為A。

68.答案B。【參考譯文】 他長得像他的祖父,同樣有個大肉鼻子。【試題分析】此題為詞義辨析題。【詳細解答】 look like似乎,看起來像是;take after長得像;look after照顧;resemble相似。因此答案為B。

69.答案D。【參考譯文】 絕大多數人贊成該提案,因此很容易就通過了。【試題分析】此題為詞義辨析題。【詳細解答】 overflowing溢出的;overtaking超過的;overloading超載的;overwhelming壓倒性的。因此答案為 D。

70.答案D。【參考譯文】 這位女演員違反了合同條款,並被製片方起訴。【試題分析】此題為詞義辨析題。【詳細解答】 isolate孤立;sign簽署;implement實施;violate違背,侵犯。因此答案為D。

Part Ⅳ

71.【參考譯文】 他們害怕説出來以免在老百姓中造成恐懼。

【翻譯技巧】 本句採用“分譯法”

【翻譯點評】 本句較短,翻譯時應力求精確。rather非常,相當;in case以防,以免。

72.【參考譯文】 現在主要因為現代生活導致的一些問題,他們的生存受到逐步而緩慢的沙漠擴散的威脅。

【翻譯技巧】 採用“轉譯法”和“分譯法”。

【翻譯點評】 本句狀語較長,此處介詞短語作原因狀語,介詞短語中又包含分詞短語作後置定語;另外要注意不要漏譯了任何細節。

下半年英語四級考試模擬試卷 篇2

1. This kind of medicine has the power to _______poison.





2. He is easily _______ so I do not like to talk with him.





3.I am _______ to believe that he won’t come back to see his wife again.





re you mail this letter, you should check again whether you have _______ it or not.




r talking for nearly ten hours, he _______ to the government’s pressure at last.





hands and feet were ________ with cold as I waited for the bus.

A. cliff




problem is beyond his ability and he can not ________ it.


you buy the spare parts for your car, try to get the _______ ones from the authorized dealer.





you use _______, you can get a higher quality picture.




_______ this country, the people or the president? This question is not easy to answer.





morning in the class, our teacher lost his _______ at last because he could not stand any more.





is not ---_______ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.

A. continuous




traveling alone in the mountains, you’d better take a _______ with you in case you get lost.





a teacher, you should not _______ the students from asking questions in class.




you have any problems during your study here, please do not _______ to call me for help





1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B

6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.D


下半年英語四級考試模擬試卷 篇3

As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and 1 the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly 2 that moment, the air-hostess 3 looked very pale, but was quite 4 king quickly but almost in a whisper, she 5 everyone that the pilot had 6 and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at 7 how to drive a r a moment?s 8 , a man got up and followed the hostesssintosthe pilot's ng the pilot 9 , the man took his seat and listened carefully to the 10 instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport 11 plane was now dangerously close 12 the ground, but to everyone's 13 , it soon began to man had to 14 the airport several times insgroupsto become 15 with the controls of the plane. 16 the danger had not yet terrible 17 came when he had to owing 18 , the man guided the plane toward the shook violently 19 it touched the ground and then moved rapidly 20 the runway and after a long run it stopped safely.

ough e efore

ted wn d

ed ented sed ared

l t

ired red rmed ructed

en ed d ted

t th t

tation rise t y

e t

ent ous nt ous

ath r w

or t sure ef

ound le rve

mate liar rstood e

efore over

nt ment ir

ession rmation

ections ructions

ss e

nd g e

Cloze Test 25















【解析】at best最多、至多;at least至少;at length詳細地;at first開始、最先。at least最符合句意。




【解析】本句意為把飛行員挪到一邊。aside意為一邊、旁邊,符合句意。back向後;about到處;move off指車輛啟程。









解除。to one?s relief意為讓某人鬆了一口氣,最符合句意。




【解析】be familiar with為固定搭配,意為熟悉,排除其他選項。




【解析】根據句意推斷,空格處所填詞應與when he had做同位語,故moment符合句意。movement運動,idea想法,affair事件。


【解析】following…這個分詞的邏輯主語應為the man,本句意思應為,這個人遵照指令,駕駛飛機朝機場飛去。impression意為印象,information消息,inspections視察,instructions指令。



