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1 你的故事好像不僅僅是幽默, 是嗎?


It seems that your story is not just humor, isn’t?

2 這個故事有什麼意義?

What’s the meaning of the story?

3 目前世界上有多少人在説英語?

How many people speak English in the world today?

4 在中國, 學生是怎樣學習英語的?

How do students in China learn English?

5 為什麼你認為學習英語很重要?

Why do you think it important to learn English?

6 這部電影是以什麼為根據的?

What is the movie based on?

7 為什麼電影會給觀眾留下了深刻印象?

Why did the movie leave audience a deep impression?

8 電影的新票房紀錄如何?

How about its new box office record?

9 Bernard Shaw為什麼被授予諾貝爾文學獎和奧斯卡獎?

Why was Bernard Shaw awarded both a Nobel Prize for literature and an Oscar?

10. Bernard Shaw上過大學嗎?

Did Bernard Shaw go to university?

11 花多少天遊覽新西蘭才夠?

How many days would be long enough to spend visiting New Zealand?

12 如果住較小的旅館, 每天要花多少錢?

How much should I pay if I live in a smaller hotel?

13 為什麼他沒有參加六月份舉行的世界盃?

Why didn’t he participate in the World Cup held in June?

14 你對服務/服侍/上菜滿意嗎?

Are you satisfied with the service?

15 是什麼讓您從一個普通演員轉變為好萊塢明星?

What makes you change from a normal actor to a Hollywood star?

16 你認為寄宿學校對獨生子女好嗎?

Do you think a boarding school is good for children without brothers or sisters?

17 你要送你兒子去私立學校還是公立學校?

Will you send your son to a private or a state school?

18 為什麼兩者間會有不同?

Why is there difference between them?

19 為什麼您會對中國如此感興趣?

Why are you so interested in China?

20 您認為您作了一個正確的決定嗎?

Do you think you made a right decision?

21 直達車的票價是多少?

How much does a non-stop cost?

22 到2035年醫學科學上會有突破嗎?

Is there any breakthrough in medical science in 2035?

23 未來的汽車會有什麼變化?

How will future cars change?

24 未來生活還有什麼其他變化?

What other changes will there be in future life?

25 Susan的.其他日程安排是什麼?

What else did Susan schedule?

26 Sam給了Susan什麼建議?

What suggestion did Sam give Susan? / What was Sam’s suggestion to Susan?

27 我需要有好奇心嗎?

Do I need to have curiosity?

28 尋找校園生活周圍的有趣事情有價值嗎?

Is it worth looking for interesting things around school life?

29 在新西蘭多久會發生一次家庭火災?

How often does a house fire break out in New Zealand?

30 在家中, 哪裏是經常發生傷害事故的地方?

Inside the house, where do the majority of all injuries occur?

31 每年有多少傷害是由於人們從梯子掉下來而造成的?

How many injuries are caused by people falling off ladders every year?

32 如果沒有人收養Gemma, 我們該怎麼辦?

What should we do if there is no one to adopt Gemma?

33 你喜歡養狗嗎?

Do you like keeping dogs?

34 你的口音為什麼這麼接近美國人呢?

Why is your accent so close to that of Americans?

35 你還有其他學習英語的方法嗎?

Do you have any other ways to learn English?

36 為了保護野生動物, 我們應該做什麼?

What should we do to protect wildlife?

37 野生動物園應該向遊客開放嗎?

Should the wildlife parks be open to tourists?

38 這部電影有關人性嗎?

Is this movie about human nature?

39 除了戰爭電影你還喜歡什麼類型的電影?

In addition to war movies, what type of movies do you like?

40 你認為上次的派對怎麼樣?

What do you think of the last party?

41 哪種樹用作聖誕樹?

What kind of tree is used/ intended as a Christmas tree?

42 你怎樣慶祝平安夜?

How do you celebrate the Christmas Eve?

43 你的小孩子認為是聖誕老人給禮物他們的嗎?

Dou your children think that Santa Claus gives presents to them?

44 航班為什麼會延遲達到?

Why has the flight been delayed?

45 現在幾點了?

What time is it now?

46 高血壓對身體有什麼害處?

What’s the harm of high blood pressure

47 醫生還有什麼建議?

What other suggestions does the doctor give?

48 你自己採用了哪些保持健康的積極措施?

標籤:提問 考試 英語