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【例1】Mrs 0’Neill asked questions,and she didn’t scold US either.



【例2】First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to break at least six windows. Then he became a bus conductor and on his second day a passenger stole his bag with all the fares collected. He 1 lost his job as a postman 2 he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to people's houses. It seemed that there was 3 suitable work for him.

1. A. thus B. even C. once D. only

2. A. even if B. so that C. because D. though

3. A. some B. such C. less D. no

以上幾句敍述了John的不幸遭遇:做清潔工,打破玻璃;做售票員,錢又被偷;做郵遞員,又把本該送到收件人家裏的信件寄出。根據文章的這一情境,l空應選B,表示遞進;2空則説明lost his job的原因,故選C;由接連發生的不幸遭遇,從而得出結論:似乎無合適工作可幹了。故3空選D。


[例 1] One day Mrs. Nanete. O'Neill gave an arithmetic to our class. When the papers were marked she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the same mistakes throughout the test.

A. test

B. problem

C. paper

D. lesson

該題撇開具體上下文,A、B、C、D四個選項都能成立,而在把握全文整體意思的情況下,很容易找到下文的.重要信息詞:the test。故選A。

[例 2] "In her eyes he couldn't do anything ."

A. wrong

B. great

C. good

D. strange

在他母親眼中,他不可能做出什麼事呢?僅從這一單句考慮,四個備選答案都沒錯。但根據上文的She loved John very much以及下文提到的:當John與其他士兵一起接受檢閲時,觀眾嘲笑John與其他士兵步調不一致,而他母親卻大叫:They are all out of step except my John!到此,我們才能選出A項為正確答案。

【例 3】 ... in fact he had tried a few. First of all he was a window-cleaner... Then he became a bus conductor...

A. ones

B. years

C. tasks

D. jobs

以上四個選項都可以用a few修飾,但根據下文的a window—cleaner和a bus conductor可知,正確答案為D。


[例1]…scientists are doing a research her…

本題考查固定搭配do(make)a research on…因此,正確答案為D。

[例2]But all of US are called daily to make a great many personal decisions

該題正確答案為D,考查固定搭配call upon do sth.(要求某人做某事)。而學生可能因只記住call upon為“訪問”、“號召”之意而誤選。

[例3]Here’s a fellow who just walks into a bank and helps himself so much money.

該題答案為C,固定搭配help oneself t0,在文章中為:“未經許可擅自取用”。但學生可能會由於對這一固定搭配沒有全面理解,僅記得help oneself to是“隨便吃……”之意,看到後文的money,而誤選for。


【例1】 1 of us are asked to make 2 decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are called 3 daily to make a great many person- al decisions. 4 wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket 5 turned over to the policeman? Should the 6 change received at the store be forgotten or 7 ?

1. A. All B. Few C. Some D. None;

2. A. quick B. wise C. great D. personal;

3. A. out B. for C. upD. upon;

4. A. Should B. MustC. WouldD. Need;

5. A. andB. or C. then D. but;

6. A. extra B. littleC. small D. necessary;

7. A. paidB. remembered C. claredD. returned;

(Key:1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.D);在把握全文的情境後,不難分析出以上幾句在結構上的相同和表現方式上的相似:第一、二兩句,是以相似的結構進行內容上的對比。第三、四兩句,是為了達到強調目的,使用相同句式結構的排比句。

【例 2】 Toddy thought of the 1 with which he managed to get the amount of money he 2 to start his gas station. ;

1. A. satisfaction B. Difficulty C. disappointed D. spirit;

2. A. saved B. made C. offered D. needed;

從測試的目的看,兩個空都要求考生對該句的結構有準確的把握:從with which到句末是一個定語從句,修飾diffieulty,這個定語從句中又包含了一個定語從句he needed和一個不定式to start his gas station作目的狀語。答案分別為B和D。


The news twenty minutes later…

inued ed ad ved

(20分鐘同一消息又在繼續播放)四個動詞都可以與the news搭配,但含義各不相同,lasted(持續),spread(擴散),arrived(到達),只有A項continued(繼續)能與後面的時間狀語twenty minutes later連用。