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ankle: achilles tendonitis 跟腱炎

ankle: ruptured achilles tendon 跟腱破裂

ankle: sprain 踝部扭傷

ankle fracture 踝部骨折

ankylosing spondylitis 關節黏連脊椎炎

aseptic necrosis 無菌的骨疽

back pain: approach to management 怎樣處理背痛問題

back pain: prevention 預防背痛

baker's cyst 貝勾氏囊

bones 骨骼的功能

bone tumors 骨腫瘤

bunions 姆趾黏液囊腫大

carpal tunnel syndrome 腕管綜合症

colles fracture 橈骨下端骨折

compression fracture of the vertebrae 脊椎壓迫性骨折

dislocation 脱臼

dupuytren contracture 掌攣縮病

elbow: golfer's elbow 高爾夫球肘

elbow: tennis elbow 網球肘

fibromyalgia 纖維組織肌痛

flat foot 扁平足

foot: hammer toe 錘狀趾

foot: plantar fasciitis 足底筋膜炎

foot: ulcers 腳潰瘍

fracture 骨折

fracture: bones in the foot 腳部骨折

fracture: clavicle 鎖骨骨折

fracture types 骨折的種類

frozen shoulder 凝肩

ganglion 腱鞘囊腫

hand fracture 手骨折

hand: tenosynoritis 手部腱鞘滑膜炎

heel spurs 腳跟骨刺和發炎

herniated disk 椎間盆後凸

hip: arthritis of the hip 髖關節炎

hip and knee replacement 髖關節和膝關節置換手術

hip fracture 髖部骨折

infectious arthritis 感染性關節炎

joints 關節

knee: arthritis 膝關節炎

knee: joint pain 膝關節痛

knee: runner's knee 跑步者膝蓋

knee: torn ligaments 膝韌帶撕裂

knee: torn meniscus cartilage 半月板軟骨撕裂

knee pain: injury, degeneration & arthritis 勞損、退化與膝蓋關節炎

knee pain and shoes 膝關節痛與鞋子

knee replacement: surgery can relieve pain 膝關節置換術:手術舒緩痛楚

kyphosis 脊柱後彎

leg cramps 小腿抽筋

lumbar herniated disc 腰椎盆脱出

mallet finger 錘狀指

morton neuroma 莫耳通氏神經瘤

muscles 肌肉

muscular dystrophy 肌肉萎縮症

neck: osteoarthritis 頸骨性關節炎

neck: whiplash injury 撞車引致的頸部扭傷

neck: wry neck 頸部僵硬

osteoarthritis 骨關節炎 (退化性關節炎)

osteomalacia 軟骨病

osteomyelitis 骨髓炎

osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症

paget disease 柏哲德氏病

ribs & cartilage inflammation 肋與軟骨炎

rice therapy rice治療法

rotator cuff injury 旋轉肌邊創傷

sciatica 坐骨神經痛

scoliosis 脊柱側凸

scoliosis 脊柱側彎

shin splints 脛纖維發炎

shoulder: dislocation 肩脱位

shoulder: rotator cuff tear 軸轉肌撕裂

shoulder: tendinitis & caspulitis 肩部腱炎和囊炎

spinal stenosis脊柱狹窄

swollen legs, ankles, or feet 腿、踝或腳腫脹

tendinitis, tenosynovitis and bursitis 腱炎、腱鞘炎和黏液囊炎

trigger finger 彈機狀指