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Immanuel Kant


Immanuel Kant , German philosopher, considered by many the most influential thinker of modern times. Born in Knigsberg , April 22, 1724, Kant received his education at the Collegium Fredericianum and the University of Knigsberg. At the college he studied chiefly the classics, and at the university he studied physics and mathematics. After his father died, he was compelled to halt his university career and earn his living as a private tutor. In 1755, aided by a friend, he resumed his studies and obtained his doctorate. Thereafter, for 15 years he taught at the university, lecturing first on science and mathematics, but gradually enlarging his field of concentration to cover almost all branches of philosophy.


伊曼紐康德被許多人認為是現代最偉大的哲學家。康德的生平聽上去是對他這位象牙塔裏的知識分子一生的戲稱。他出生在普魯士的柯尼希斯伯格,16 歲的時候進入大學,在這裏教書直到 73 歲,除了在這個城市 40 英里的範圍內走動外,一生從未出過遠門。他不到 5 英尺高,胸部凹陷,過着單身漢的生活,一生不變,據説這是為了保存他那脆弱的健康狀況。每天早晨 5 點由男僕將他喚醒,花兩個小時進行學習,還有兩個小時講課,寫作到下午一點,然後再去一家餐館進餐。下午 3 點半,他準時散步一個小時,不管天氣如何。他在菩提樹下的一條小路上散步,只用鼻子呼吸,而且這時候不跟任何人説話。一天餘下的時間裏,他會花在讀書上面,並準備第二天的講課。約在晚上 9-10 點間睡覺。


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