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In 2011 Fortune Magazine declared Adam Rifkin the best networker in Silicon Valley. He’s currently CEO of his latest startup, Pandawhale.2011年《财富》杂志评选硅谷社交王,现任Pandawhale首席执行官的Adam Rifkin当选。


Sometimes networking gets a bad rap. How can you network and not feel/come off as salesy?有时社交也会引起不好的口碑。如何才能让社交不被当成是推销呢?

It is better to give than to receive. Look for opportunities to do something for the other person, such as sharing knowledge or offering an introduction to someone that person might not know but would be interested in knowing. Do not be transactional about networking. Do not offer something because you want something in return. Instead, show a genuine interest in something you and the other person have in common.给予比接受更好。寻找帮助他人的机会,比如分享知识或者介绍彼此不认识但却感兴趣的人认识。不要把社交当做交易。不要为了回报而给予。相反,对你和他人都感兴趣的事情表现出真实的喜好。

In general, ask more questions than you make statements. Doing so is particularly useful when meeting someone for the first time.一般来说,比起表达自己,应该多问问题。第一次与别人见面时,这样做非常有效。

What do most people do wrong when it comes to networking?大多数人在社交中会犯的错误是什么?

Most people try to escalate a relationship too quickly. Trust is built slowly, over time. Good relationships are built little by little, and there are no shortcuts, so do not try to push the relationship to progress faster than is natural.大部分人会想要快速提升彼此的关系。信任是慢慢建立的。良好的.关系是一点点建成的,而且没有捷径,所以不要拔苗助长。

Because relationships are progressions, follow-ups are important. It’s okay to follow up by email, but keep in mind that the other person’s inbox is probably swamped, so s/he may not respond even if s/he reads the email. It’s okay to email again even if you have not heard back. Over time, every interaction contributes to a deeper relationship, even when there isn’t always a response.由于关系是有一个过程的,跟进就显得非常重要。可以通过邮箱交流,但是记住对方的邮箱可能爆满,因此他可能不会回复甚至阅读邮件。如果一直没有回复,可以再写一份邮件。随着时间推移,即使对方没有回应,每一次的联系也都能让关系更进一步。

标签:王教 硅谷