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A:How much do you know about your parents?

B:Well,not all but something,I think.

A:That's d you tell me how to get on well with parents?

B:In my oponion,when you in trouble you can communicate with your parents.

A:Yeah,thank you very much.


I have a very good relationship with my parents. We are a close family and love each other very much. I like to tell my parents about what I do at school and they are always interested in what I have to tell them. Since I came to college, I think there have been some changes in our relationship. I remember, when I was in middle school, it was usually my parents who did most of the talking when we spent time together. They would have endless advice to give to me. Now it seems to be the other way around. They tend to do more listening than talking. My parents and I have different opinions on quite a few things. My parents don’t like the type of music I listen to. They don’t seem to have any interest in football or basketball. They think little of the fashion that is popular on university campuses. I, on my part, don’t exactly share some of their interest and concerns. But we never let our differences hurt our feelings for each other. Most of the time we would agree to disagree.


标签:英语口语 父亲