
國中英語《Describe ways》2016教師資格面試真題

導語:關於國中英語《Describe ways》這一課文的教學過程你懂的麼?下面是本站小編整理的教師資格面試材料真題,需要考試的考生們一起來看看吧。

國中英語《Describe ways》2016教師資格面試真題


《Describe ways》主要教學過程及板書設計


Step 1 Warming up and leading-in

Show some pictures of well-known places in our city, and ask student, “Do you know something about these places?”

Step 2 Presentation and practice

Set a scene that our foreign friend Tom is visiting our city and he is in the school gate, Can you help him?

Show the map of our city and the dialog given. Ask where the hotel is. Students find the position. Teacher point the map and read the dialogue. Write down these words in the blackboard.

Students read the dialog together. Then teacher shows the pictures of places quickly and students say the way.

Pair work: students working in pair to practice the words and sentences. One says “a place”, another gives the way, and vice versa.

Step 3 Production

Game: I say you guess. Two groups compete with each other. Teacher shows the place to one student, this student says the way and the other follow the way to find the position of it and guess the name of the place.

Step 4 Summary and Homework

Summary: Ask students to think about what they have learned today. And then make a summary.

Homework: Draw a map about the way from school to your home and write down the brief introduction. And introduce it to the desk-mate next day.


Blackboard Design:




本節課我利用圖片導入法,本節課要教授關於問路的英文表達方式,在授課最初呈現出我市醫院、學校、圖書館、賓館等地理位置的照片,之後問一些於此有關的問題,像"Do you know something about these places? Is it on the left or right?"等問題,幫助學生整體感知方位,讓學生通過一種直觀的形式瞭解要學習的單詞,這樣更利於他們之後應用所學的單詞到實際生活當中。





其次,可以在學生疲倦的時候安排遊戲環節,遊戲最能吸引學生的注意力,學生由於年齡小,對遊戲都比較痴迷,所以設置適當的遊戲會極大程度的吸引學生的注意力,而且遊戲會 讓全員都參與到遊戲當中,會比較好的檢驗學生的知識掌握程度。

