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猶太人自稱是上帝眼中的“選民”Jewish people call themselves Chosen People in God’s eye,是上帝從眾多民族中優選出來的寵兒Lord’s favorite nation on the earth。至今他們還保留對出生僅八天的男嬰施行割禮(包皮環切術)的習俗till now they observe the custom of cutting the surplus prepuce of an infant when it is only eight days old,以此向上帝表示自保清潔以不負上帝厚愛to live up to God’s great favor by keeping their bodies clean。


由於這個不小心的驕傲owing to this careless arrogance,猶太民族命運坎坷the life of Jewry is full of frustrations:公元前《出埃及記》The Exodus中摩西Moses就領着40萬在埃及作奴隸的猶太人leading 400,000 Israelites與埃及法老斗智鬥勇fought a battle with wits and courage with the King of Egypt,逃離奴隸主的鞭子to escape from being slaved in Egypt奔赴上帝許諾的樂土寶地and run to the Promised Land offered by God,即“流着牛奶和蜂蜜”的迦南(今巴勒斯坦地區)a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey-----Canaan (Palestine)。然而兩千多年過去了,自公元前586年猶太國被巴比倫摧毀後猶太人就流離失所they have been forced to leave home and live a vagrant’s life ever since the destruction of their own country in year 586 B.C.。且不談希特勒Hitler利用世人對猶太人富裕成功的`痴妒而挑起的屠殺leaving alone Hitler’s massacre of Jewish people by provoking other nations’ jealousy to their wealth and success,時至今日巴勒斯坦硝煙依舊war bells still blaze in scarlet battalion in Palestine area。1948年誕生的以色列國仍與環而圍之的阿拉伯諸國弩張劍拔Israel and Arabian countries around it have been at daggers drawn ever since 1948。一本難了的血肉債。其實總數達1,500萬的猶太人僅有300萬住在以色列,大部分仍旅居它鄉(僅在美國就有600萬)。

這個長期國土無着、人心無着的民族惟有一心向往天國-----他們是虔誠的信徒,潛心追求信仰和真知though without a strong host country to support them, they are faithful followers of Lord and pursue real knowledge and deep insight all their lives:在諾貝爾獎(Noble Prize)得主中有60多位猶太人,以愛因斯坦為巨峯,哥倫布、李嘉圖、畢加索、弗洛伊德、海涅、卓別林、基辛格……他們都是人類文明的瑰寶undoubtedly, they are the real treasures of human civilization。