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以fired up為主題的英語詞組使用方法


今天我們要學的詞是fired up。

以fired up為主題的英語詞組使用方法

Fired up, 意思是激動的,熱情的。

"The students are totally fired up about the upcoming math competition," 學生們興奮地期待着即將舉行的數學競賽。

"The candidate got the crowd fired up with his promise to create more jobs," 候選人保證創造更多的'就業機會,引起了集會羣眾的熱烈反響。美國這次國會中期選舉, "Republican voters are more fired up than Democrat voters," 共和黨選民比民主黨選民的熱情更高昂。

"After last week’s win, the team is really fired up," 上星期贏了比賽後,球隊鬥志格外昂揚。