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積極的態度能得到相當不同的效果!用以下的句子向老闆主動要求承擔更多的任務讓你的熱情充分表現出來,"I'd be happy to do that." 此外,通過問以下的問句來表現你非常樂意承擔更多的責任,"Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" 當然,當你的老闆感謝你的工作時,用"My pleasure" 來表現出你真的很喜歡現在做的事!


我們都喜歡和see eye to eye的人在一起,或是和我們持相同意見的人在一起。支持老闆的想法,這樣你就一定能站到他或是她的一邊。使用像"Good point!"的短語,"I couldn't agree with you more" 和"That's exactly how I feel"來表達贊同。你的老闆會很欣賞你對他的擁護。


簡單的一句"please"或是"thank you"能起到非常大的作用。就算你和老闆或是經理關係很好,禮貌也是非常重要的。如果你的老闆和別人在交談而你又有急事找他時,一定要説,"Excuse me for interrupting."如果你詢問一些信息的話,你還可以加上, "Please get back to me as soon as possible."最後,當他們回答後,告訴他們,"Thanks for your help!"


努力工作是我們不可以忘記的重要方面!如果你on the ball 或是能幹而且有效率的話別人一定會欣賞你。當接受一項任務時,可以説 "I'll get right on that." 來表示你會馬上開始工作的。又或是,如果你的老闆要你做某事你可以這樣告訴他或是她,"I'll get that to you by 6 p.m."


如果你有非常好的主意,不要害怕表達出來!這能表現出你革新,進取和積極尋找改進運營方式的特質。使用類似以下的短語 "I was thinking that it might be a good idea to...?" 或是"Why don't we...?" 用一種毫無威脅感的方式表達你的想法。此外,充分做好被否定的準備,並不是所有的想法都是 overnight hit,或馬上就會成功的,但是這並不代表你不應該提出建議!


假如你已經在外企中得到了一份非常令人羨慕的工作,但是每次你需要和老闆用英語交流的`時候就楞在了那裏。不要害怕!展現出以下的五種特質並使用相應的表達--他們一定能讓你的老闆喜歡你!熱情積極的態度能得到相當不同的效果!用以下的句子向老闆主動要求承擔更多的任務讓你的熱情充分表現出來,"I'd be happy to do that." 此外,通過問以下的問句來表現你非常樂意承擔更多的責任,"Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" 當然,當你的老闆感謝你的工作時,用"My pleasure" 來表現出你真的很喜歡現在做的事!支持我們都喜歡和see eye to eye的人在一起,或是和我們持相同意見的人在一起。支持老闆的想法,這樣你就一定能站到他或是她的一邊。使用像"Good point!"的短語,"I couldn't agree with you more" 和"That's exactly how I feel"來表達贊同。你的老闆會很欣賞你對他的擁護。

禮貌簡單的一句"please"或是"thank you"能起到非常大的作用。就算你和老闆或是經理關係很好,禮貌也是非常重要的。如果你的老闆和別人在交談而你又有急事找他時,一定要説,"Excuse me for interrupting."如果你詢問一些信息的話,你還可以加上, "Please get back to me as soon as possible."最後,當他們回答後,告訴他們,"Thanks for your help!"有效努力工作是我們不可以忘記的重要方面!如果你on the ball 或是能幹而且有效率的話別人一定會欣賞你。當接受一項任務時,可以説 "I'll get right on that." 來表示你會馬上開始工作的。又或是,如果你的老闆要你做某事你可以這樣告訴他或是她,"I'll get that to you by 6 p.m."

想象如果你有非常好的主意,不要害怕表達出來!這能表現出你革新,進取和積極尋找改進公司運營方式的特質。使用類似以下的短語 "I was thinking that it might be a good idea to...?" 或是"Why don't we...?" 用一種毫無威脅感的方式表達你的想法。


In my work, I do a fair amount of executive coaching for senior leaders in the Asia-Pacific region. One of the first questions I like to ask is “how is your relationship with your boss?” Many people I work with aren’t sure whether to laugh or cry when they hear this question! Typically I hear things like this:


• My boss…never has time for me and seldom really listens to my perspective.

• 我的老闆……從來都沒有給過我時間,也幾乎沒有真正聽過我的想法。

• Um…my boss, just tells me what to do, expects miracles and has a low tolerance for mistakes. I don’t trust him very much.

• 嗯……我的老闆只會告訴我要做什麼,然後就等着出現奇蹟,對失誤的容忍度很低。我不是非常信任他。

• The boss…is always right, and the Emperor of course is fully clothed at all times. If I bring him the truth, he shoots the messenger. Why bother?

• 老闆……總是對的,國王當然總是穿着衣服的嘛。誰告訴他真相,他就會開槍打死誰。幹嘛要自尋煩惱?

• My boss…cares nothing for me as a person. I’m just a donkey to do his dirty work.

• 我的老闆……從不把我當人看。我就是一頭給他幹髒活的驢子。

• The less I interact with my boss the happier I am.

• 跟老闆接觸的越少,我就越快樂。

Oh my. And these are people who have engaged my services to help build a better career, achieve their dreams and so on. So, most often, we start by developing their “Managing Up” muscles. Because, in truth, no matter how bad you think your boss is, they are all human, have their weaknesses and blind spots and it IS possible to build a better working relationship with most of them. If not, well, we can always “vote with our feet” as many people do. In fact more than 80% of people leaving organizations cite “my boss” as the main reason for leaving. Bosses…take heed!


So here are my “11 Secrets” of Managing Up. It’s a two-way street so please take a moment to consider what YOU can do to influence your relationship with the boss.


1. Supervisors are Human Beings. Yes, it’s true. They are very human and they have all the strengths and weaknesses that you do. They have emotions, stress, responsibilities, families, worries, concerns and so on. They get busy, make mistakes, don’t always see clearly, aren’t always skillful in everything and do always see things the way others do. Welcome to Earth! So, always treat them to your best understanding, give them the benefit of the doubt, forgive them when needed and support them in any way you can. Helping your supervisor be successful is one of the most effective strategies for Managing Up. Start by “humanizing” your boss and seeing them as a worthwhile partner. Isn’t that what you want them to do for you?


2. Personal Contracting. All relationships are managed in a framework of personal agreements. When people are in a reporting relationship, maintaining trust is all about having clear agreements and expectations and holding each other accountable for keeping the agreements. Approach your supervisor directly and request to schedule a one-hour “personal contracting” session. Each party then writes down on paper “what they want and don’t want” from the other person in this reporting relationship. Then, exchange papers and negotiate anything that needs to be refined, check for understanding, etc. Afterwards, type up the contract, send it to your supervisor and keep a copy on file. Your personal contract is a “living document” that can be updated whenever needed. This single step has transformed many, many relationships.

2. 訂立個人合同。所有關係都受到個人協議框架的制約。人們之間存在上下級關係時,要保持信任,就必須有清晰的協議和預期,而且雙方都有責任履行協議。直接去找你的上司,要求預留一小時來“訂立個人合同”。在這期間,雙方都針對這樣的上下級關係把“自己希望對方做什麼和不希望對方做什麼”寫在一張紙上。然後雙方把這張紙交換一下,就需要調整的內容進行協商,跟對方確認自己理解無誤。接下來,把這份合同打印出來,把它交給你的上司,同時自己也保留一份。這份個人合同並非一成不變,隨時都可以根據需要更新。這種簡單的做法已經改變了許多上司和下屬之間的關係。

3. Being Accountable. We are all accountable to each other for keeping the agreements (promises) we make. Full stop, no exceptions. To be clear: accountability is understood as a two-way street. When there is a breakdown in keeping an agreement, trust is damaged, questions of sincerity arise. So it is very important that in such situations all parties are free to voice their concerns directly and respectfully with those involved. Without this assumption of accountability, trust is threatened and it is difficult to avoid misunderstandings and conflict. So: hold yourself accountable for your promises and let others know when you feel a promise has not been kept. Credibility is always earned, and that includes the boss…they do not get a free pass just because they are more senior.

3. 負責任。上司和下屬都有責任履行雙方簽訂的合同(做出的承諾)。就是這樣,沒有例外。要明確的是,人們都認為負責任是雙向的。如果在履行協議時出了問題,信任就會遭到破壞,誠信就會受到質疑。因此,在這樣的環境下,各方都可以有禮貌地直接向相關人員提出自己的顧慮,這一點非常重要。如果不以負責任為前提,信任就會受到威脅,誤解和矛盾就在所難免。因此,一定要對自己的承諾負責,而且在你們覺得有人沒有履行承諾時要讓別人知道。信譽是掙來的,老闆也是這樣……他們不能僅僅因為職位更高就不受約束。

4. Employee’s Bill of Rights. From my supervisor I have a right to expect:


• Respect and dignity in each interaction

• 相互接觸時尊重對方,讓對方有尊嚴

• Timely feedback, guidance, access

• 及時提供反饋、指導和渠道

• Clear performance goals, updated whenever appropriate

• 明確業績目標,在恰當的時候予以更新

• Coaching and mentoring in support of my performance goals

• 通過培訓和指導為下屬實現業績目標提供支持

• Acknowledgement of a job well done; specific feedback when improvement is needed

• 工作表現好時予以表揚;需要改進時提出具體的反饋意見

• Trust in my ability to perform and take on large responsibilities

• 相信下屬有能力開展工作並承擔重大責任

• Willingness to listen to my concerns and perspectives

• 願意傾聽下屬的顧慮和想法

• Clear time frames and scope of work when delegating

• 分配工作時明確時間表和工作職責

5. Supervisor’s Bill of Rights. From my staff I have a right to expect:

5. 上級的權力。上級有權期望員工做到:

• Respect and dignity in each interaction

• 相互接觸時尊重對方,讓對方有尊嚴

• Regular, timely updates on the status of work

• 定期並及時地彙報工作的最新進展

• Continuous progress towards agreed performance goals

• 向雙方商定的業績目標不斷邁進

• Willingness to learn new skills, take on challenges and responsibility

• 願意學習新技能,接受挑戰,承擔責任

• Openness to feedback, suggestions, guidance

• 虛心接受反饋、意見和指導

• Willingness to be a team-player, always ready to make a difference

• 願意成為團隊中的一員,總是準備有所改進

• Openness to the “big picture” of the business, not merely “tasks”

• 心裏放得下公司大局,而不僅僅是各項任務

• Placing clients’ outcomes as the number one priority

• 把客户受到的影響放在第一位

• Always know the objectives and ask “are we getting there?”

• 總是知道目標是什麼,並且會問“我們實現目標了嗎?”

6. Communicate Proactively. The whole notion of “managing up” relies on using proactive communication effectively. You always have a choice: speak up, or suffer in silence. You may believe your supervisor “should know” what you want or need, but you would be mistaken. As humans, they cannot read minds! People are busy, distracted by a zillion things. So: if you want your voice to be heard its up to you to “speak up.” Speak up:

6. 積極溝通。“向上管理”的整個理念都依賴於有效的積極溝通。你們總是面臨這樣的選擇:要麼説出來,要麼默默忍受。你們可能覺得,自己的上司“應該知道”你想要什麼和需要什麼,但這種想法可能不對。他們是人,不會讀心術!大家都很忙,都在為許許多多的事情分神。因此,如果想讓上司聽到你們的聲音,就要選擇 “説出來”,包括:

- as soon as an issue emerges, action is needed, concerns arise

- 出了問題,需要採取行動以及產生疑問時,要立即説出來

- using suitable channels: phone, email, in person, Post-its…whatever works

- 通過恰當的途徑,比如打電話,發電子郵件,面談,寫便條……只要管用就行

- specifically, rationally, concisely, persistently, respectfully

- 具體、合理、簡潔、堅決、禮貌

Proactive communication is not a “waiting game.” Speak up, take the initiative.


7. Use Frequent Updates. “The world changes” and situations evolve rapidly. Communicate new information and altered circumstances as soon as they emerge in your awareness. Flag any concerns you have, the expected impact, etc., in writing and copy all who may be affected. “Rapid Information Sharing” is one of the hallmarks of a high performing team. Make it a point to always be a part of the solution. If not, you may be perceived as part of the problem. Using frequent updates is essential for the effective coordination of action. Never assume others know what you know: over-communicate.

7. 經常提供最新信息。“世界一直在變”,事態同樣變化迅速。只要掌握了新的信息或者發現情況有變,就要立即進行溝通。把你的顧慮以及你認為可能出現的問題統統寫下來,同時還要抄送給所有可能受到影響的人。“迅速共享信息”是高效團隊的特性之一。要讓你的觀點成為解決方案的一部分。如果不是這樣,別人就可能把你看成問題的一部分。經常提供最新信息是有效協作的關鍵。絕不要假設你瞭解的情況已經為別人所知,要反覆進行溝通。

8. Make Explicit Requests for Action. When you notice that action or resources are needed that might require approval from your supervisor, make clear, explicit requests for what you feel is required. Avoid vagueness or “beating around the bush” and don’t sit around agonizing about “what if they say no.” Make your request in writing, following the rules of Proactive Communication. Don’t expect an automatic “yes” for every request you make. Instead, view your request as the start of a negotiation, and aim to negotiate for “win-win.” Expect to compromise and to “give and take.” If the request is not approved, accept it gracefully. Choose your battles: not all are worth a fuss! Remember: you are responsible to make your requests “voiced and visible.”

8. 在採取措施方面提出明確要求。如果你發現需要的行動或者資源可能得經過上級批准,就按你的想法清晰而具體地説明需要什麼。不要言辭含糊,也不要“拐彎抹角”,也不要乾坐着,放任“如果他們不同意該怎麼辦”的想法困擾自己。遵循積極溝通的原則,書面提交自己的要求。不要指望自己提出的任何要求都會自然而然地得到批准。相反,要把提出要求看成是協商的第一步,同時把“雙贏”作為協商的目標。要準備好做出讓步,做到“禮尚往來”。如果上級沒有同意你提出的要求,就要有風度地予以接受。在和上司爭執方面要有所選擇,並不是所有的問題都值得大驚小怪。記住,你有責任讓自己的要求“既聽得見又看得見”。

9. Take Initiative. Not every issue that arises can be instantly resolved by a supervisor. However it’s a rare issue that can’t be resolved over time. When others are busy and you need to take timely action, let them know that “I need a response by X time. If I don’t hear from you I will go ahead with the plan as follows…” If a response doesn’t come, always check to see if the other person received your message! Emails are frequently lost or over-looked. It is most often better to take timely initiative rather and move things ahead, rather than to “suffer in silence” while balls are dropping right and left. Give fair warning and then be prepared to grab the ball and run with it when appropriate.

9. 採取主動。上級不可能馬上解決所有問題。不過,不能逐步得到解決的問題也很少。別人都在忙的時候,你需要及時採取行動,讓他們知道“我在某個時間點之前需要得到回覆,如果得不到回覆,我就會按照這樣的計劃進行……”。如果沒有得到回覆,就要詢問一下別人是否收到了你的信息。電子郵件經常會丟失或者被忽略。及時而主動地採取措施往往好於在工作任務層出不窮時“默默忍受”。要做出明確警示,然後為接受任務並在恰當的時候開展工作做好準備。

10. Track and Report Outcomes. Whenever you complete an action, always inform all concerned parties “this is completed, and this is the outcome that resulted.” You cannot assume that they will know, and in most cases they won’t until you let them know. It is vital that you proactively declare “this task is done as we agreed” so that others are aware of the status. This is in fact one of the most effective ways to gain the trust of your supervisor. They will quickly come to rely on you to track and report the status of work and see you as a competent professional.

10. 追蹤結果並進行彙報。不管在什麼時候完成了一項任務,都要告知相關各方“這項工作已經完成,結果是什麼”。你不能假定他們會知道這些,而且在大多數情況下,你不説他們就不會知道。你要主動表示“這項任務已經按我們協商的結果完成了”,這樣其他人就會清楚目前的狀況,這一點至關重要。實際上,這是獲得上級信任的最有效途徑之一。他們會迅速回復你,讓你追蹤、彙報工作進展;他們還會認為你是一名能幹的專業人士。

11. Offer Feedback and Request Feedback. Giving and receiving feedback effectively is another of the key skills of a high-performing team. Having enough mutual respect, trust and rapport is vital for the free-flow of feedback among team members. Feedback allows us, and our supervisors, to make necessary adjustments to policies and behaviors. So if you feel frustrated in a situation you can proactively and respectfully offer feedback. At the very least, you can let your supervisor know the facts of the situation from your perspective, how you feel, and the outcome you want now. Feedback is “the breakfast of champions”---if you want to be a champion, ask for it and offer it frequently when you feel it can make a difference.

11. 提供反饋並且要求別人做出反饋。有效地提供和接收反饋是高效團隊的另一項關鍵能力。足夠的相互尊重、信任和默契對團隊成員自由進行反饋來説至關重要。通過反饋,下屬和上級就能對政策和行為做出必要的調整。因此,如果某種情況讓你感到受了挫折,你就可以積極而禮貌進行反饋。至少,你可以讓上司知道,從你的角度來看實際情形如何,你的感受如何,以及此時你想要的結果是什麼。反饋是“冠軍的早餐”——要想出類拔萃,就得要求吃這樣的早餐,而且還要經常在你認為可以解決問題時為別人提供這樣的早餐。

I can already envision the comments that will follow this article!


• “It’s fairy-tale material, not practical.”

• “這是童話,不實用。”

• “Idealistic…impossible…who is he kidding?”

• “太理想化了……不可能……這個搞笑的人是誰?”

• “If I tried half of these things, I’d get fired!”

• “只要嘗試其中一半的建議,我就會被開除。”

• “He doesn’t understand how the real world works…”

• “他不知道真實世界是怎麼運作的……”

So I will pre-empt them by saying the following:


• In life, you never get what you deserve…you only get what you negotiate.

• 人的一生中,你從來不會因為值得而得到……你只能通過爭取而得到

• If you declare something uncomfortable as ‘impossible’ then you are stuck in a rut

• 如果你把讓自己不安的東西描述為“不可能”,你就是墨守成規

• These “secrets” are what actually work in the real world: if your boss doesn’t treat you this way, don’t let that stop you or decide what is possible for you

• 實際上,這些“祕訣”在真實世界裏很有效:要是老闆不這麼對你,別讓自己受到妨礙,或者想一想可能有哪些出路

• If you never take a risk, you never find out what might happen

• 如果從不冒險,就永遠不會知道可能會出現什麼樣的情況

• Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take small steps.

• 冰凍三尺非一日之寒;積跬步以致千里

• Model the behavior you believe in rather than waiting for your turn to be a lousy boss to others.

• 你自己相信的行為,自己要以身作則,不要等着自己也變成別人討厭的老闆

• I have seen this approach work in 90% of cases, and, it takes time and patience.

• 我發現,這套方法在90%的情況下都會起作用。它需要時間,大家要有耐心。

標籤:祕訣 英語