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100 Reasons You'll Be Speechless
Seeing Windows Vista for the first time may leave you searching for words. Many people just say "Wow." Here are 100 reasons why.

Windows Vista 的首次亮相會讓您無法用言語來形容。 很多人只是發出感歎聲。下面就是這 100 個理由。

#1. It makes using your PC a breeze.

Windows Vista features a breakthrough design and easy-to-use organizational tools that make it simpler to get things done and get on with life! Find what you need instantly, on your PC or on the web, with Instant Search. Bring more clarity to your tasks with the spectacular Windows Aero user experience and Windows Flip 3D, allowing you to see everything you’re working on at a glance.

#1. 它使得使用 PC 變得輕而易舉。

Windows Vista 採用了突破性設計和易於使用的組織工具,使完成工作和享受生活變得更為簡單! 使用即時搜索,隨時找到 PC 或 Web 上所需的內容。憑藉無與倫比的 Windows Aero 用户體驗以及使您對正在使用的`所有程序一目瞭然的 Windows Flip 3D,從而使任務更為明晰。

#9. Unchain your mobile PC.

Network and Sharing Center lets you set up a wireless network at home so you can experience the freedom of working from your living room, backyard, or anywhere in your home.

#9. 突破移動 PC 的限制。



#15. Because your PC remembers to back up for you.

Windows Backup and Restore Center offers improved backup and restore functions, with automatically scheduled backups to preserve priceless digital photos, music, movies, and documents.

#15. 因為 PC 會為您備份。

Windows 備份和恢復中心提供改進的備份和恢復功能,將自動定期備份並保留珍貴的數碼照片、音樂、電影和文檔。

#23. Because it’s like a digital candy store.

You choose the fun—TV, games, music, movies, home videos, or photo slide shows—Windows Vista has all of your entertainment in one convenient place. Enjoy it on your PC, or gather friends and family around your home entertainment center, and let the good times roll!

#23. 因為它好似一個數字商店。

您可以挑選電視、遊戲、音樂、電影、家庭視頻或照片幻燈片等,Windows Vista 在一個方便的位置提供所有的娛樂方式。 在 PC 上或者與朋友和家人一起在家庭娛樂中心體驗各種娛樂方式,讓快樂時光在此傳遞!