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1. 字數高達599words, 充分體現了字數為王的判分傾向。

2. 標準的五段制,首段、末端,中間三段,看上去很美。

3. 沒有陳詞濫調、滿篇廢話的模板式語言


下面是一篇官方給出gmat作文滿分的ARGUMENT範文,我們來一起賞析,看看它為何能scored six.


Finally one must understand that not all work environments can be made safer. For example, in the case of coal mining, a company only has limited ways of making the work environment safe. While companies may be able to ensure some safety precautions, they may not be able to provide all the safety measures necessary. In other words, a mining company has limited ability to control the air quality within a coal mine and therefore it cannot control the risk of employees getting blacklung. In other words, regardless of the intent of the company, some jobs are simply dangerous in nature.


In conclusion, while at first it may seem to make financial sense to improve the safety of the work environment sometimes it truly does not make financial sense. Furthermore, financial sense may not be the only issue a company faces. Other types of analyses must be made such as the social ramifications of an unsafe work environment and the overall ability of a company to improve that environment (i.e。, coal mine)。 Before any decision is made, all this things must be considered, not simply the reduction of payroll expenses.

1. 首段再現了原TOPIC的推理過程,並指出其assumptions多有不適;尤其令閲卷人高興的是:首段在最後簡化羅列了推理中的三個問題。要知道美國人就喜歡的'作文---總分式,在首段就把三個ideas羅列出來,然後在中間三段分別展開,先總後分,一目瞭然。

2. 中一的TS -- “The first issue to be addressed is whether increased labor costs justify large capital expenditures to improve the work environment.”可謂是一針見血,一劍封喉。對於這樣嚴重的推理漏洞,如果不首先指出,其argument必然軟弱乏力。此所謂Topic中的“必削點”,不可不察。

3. 中二的TS – “This argument also relies on the idea that companies solely use financial sense in analysing improving the work environment.”這可謂是劍走偏鋒,獨闢蹊徑,出人所料。文章竟然批評了Topic以錢為本經營理念,提出了要以人為本,這樣寫是有一定風險,畢竟這不是Issue。那本文是如何化險為夷的呢?且看本段最後一句“this guarantees more money for the business as well as more safety for the employees.”我不由得長舒一口,人家再次迴歸了,又回到了Topic中以“Money”為本的推理。



1 做模版:不用找什麼馬思德,就拿幾片範文,找幾句比較拽的結構型句子,拼湊出一個你自己順手的框架即可。不用到處找,也不用找很多,一個框架即可,當然,準備一些可以替換的詞:比如recommendation替換conclusion.漂亮句子很多,但“若水三千,我只掬一瓢飲”。

2 找出主要的錯誤類型,每種寫出一道兩句經典的表述即可。

3 考時30分鐘分三個階段:一)12-15分鐘,寫出完整的第一段,三個徵文段的topic sentence,和完整的末段。寫第一段的同時就構思topic sentence,末段無非是重複結論和三句topic。這樣的好處是結構已經完整了,你不用慌了。(其實已經有3分了)。二)13-10分鐘,完成三段正文。我以前覺得這個很困難,後來想通了。無非是把這層意思説清楚就行。3句話就夠了。也夠長了。三)5分鐘check.還一個作用時,是在前面沒有完成,還有一個buffer,也不至於彈盡糧絕。

4 非常措施:考試萬一時間不夠,首段就抄原句(當然6分就沒有了);如果時間還不夠,末段就cut-paste首段和topic 的文本,稍加修改即可(當然5分就沒有了)。但是,結構是完整的。

5 gmat快速成文法的精髓和適用範圍:精髓:“看上去很美”。適用範圍:不想得6分的人(因為想的6分的人追求的是“實際上也很美”。如果運氣好,可以得5分,運氣不好,可以得4分。