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  1. 過去完成時的定義

過去完成時既可表示過去某個時間或動作之前所發生的事情(常用時間狀語有already, before, ever, just, never, still, yet),也可表示過去某個時間或動作之前所發生的`動作一直持續到過去某個時間(常接時間狀語:since +時間點, for + 時間段)。如:

When I got to the station, the train had left. 當我到達車站時,火車已經開走了。

We had learnt fifteen lessons by last week. 到上週為止,我們學完了十五篇課文。

He had stayed here for two days before he left. 他走之前在這兒呆了兩天。

He said that he had lived there since he was ten. 他説他十歲起就住在那兒了。

  2. 過去完成時的結構

過去完成時由“had + 過去分詞”構成。


(1) 與過去完成時連用的時間狀語可以多種多樣,使用它的主要依據是看其是否發生在“過去的過去”。如:

He had learnt some English before I went here. 在來這兒之前我學過一些英語

He had written three stories by last year. 到去年他已經寫了三篇故事。

We had cleaned the room when he got there. 當他到那兒時,我們已經把房子弄乾淨了。

He went there after he had finished his work. 他把事做完之後,就去哪兒了。

注意:當主句跟由before, after, as soon as所引導的時間從句的動作連接很緊密時,從句也可用一般過去時。

He went there after he read the letter. 他看了那封信後就去那兒了。

(2) 過去完成時還經常用於主句為過去時的賓語從句中。如:

He said he had been a soldier. 他説他當過兵。

They said they had seen the film. 他們説這幕電影他們看過。

(3) 在hardly / scarcely …when…, no sooner…than… 兩個結構中的主句通常要用過去完成時。如:

Hardly had I told her the news when she began to cry out. 她一聽到這一消息就大哭了起來。

Scarcely had he finished his supper when he went out. 他已吃完晚飯就出去了。

No sooner had he fallen asleep than he lay down on the bed. 他一躺倒牀上就睡着了。

(4) 動詞expect, hope, suppose, think, want等的過去完成時可用來表示未實現的計劃、打算或希望。如:

I had hoped to see you. 我本希望來看你。

He had wanted to buy a house in Beijing. 他本想在北京買棟房子。

標籤:語法 解析