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In this conversation, Oscar Davidson, the owner of a chain of retail clothing stores, is talking to Kathleen Harbrough, his financial manager, about a big deal one of his competitors has just concluded.

Kathleen: Have you heard the news, Oscar? The InFashion merger with Artingdales has just been approved.

Oscar: Yeah, I heard. They've just leap-frogged ahead of us by a good margin. Our 265 shops nationwide pales in comparison to their 710. On top of that,they now have a top manufacturer as part of their operation.

Kathleen: For sure. Most analysts think that Debusy Manufacturing was the crown jewel of Artingdales.

Oscar: This really gives InFashion a huge competitive advantage over us. Do you have any news on potential acquisitions we might go after?

Kathleen: Actually, I do. You may be a little surprised at this one. I've been checking up on Clarisa Exclusives.

Oscar: Clarisa! They've never shown any interest whatsoever in a merger, and they would probably never agree to an acquisition.

Kathleen: I know, but the time might be right for a 's not a well-known fact, but their finances are in poor shape. Actually, they could turn out to be a Sleeping Beauty. I think their assets are highly undervalued in the industry.

Oscar: Wow, that would surely put us back in the thick of things. OK, Kathleen, give me a report on the finances involved as soon as you can. Let's go after them!


在以下這段對話中,Oscar Davidson是一家服裝零售連鎖店的老闆,而Kathleen Harbrough是他的財務主管。他倆正談論一個競爭對手剛完成的一筆大買賣。

Kathleen: 嘿,Oscar, 你聽説了嗎?InFashion和Artingdales已經成功合併了。

Oscar: 我聽説啦。他們已經大步向前,把我們遠遠甩在後面了。你看,全國範圍內,我們只有265家店,而他們卻有710家。另外,現在還有一個頂尖的製造商加入了他們的行列

Kathleen: 的確如此。大多數分析家都認為Debusy製造公司是Arlingdales最具實力的拳頭部門。

Oscar: 這無疑給Infashion增加了不少競爭砝碼,而我們已處於劣勢了。對了,對於我們下一步的收購計劃你有什麼目標嗎?

Kathleen: 當然。或許你會有些意外,但我現在確實在關注Clarisa專賣店。

Oscar: Clarisa!他們對合並可從來沒有過什麼興趣,我想他們更不會同意被收購。


Oscar :好啊,那肯定會使我們脱離困境的。這樣吧Kathleen,你儘快給我一份涉及相關財務狀況的報告,是 我們大顯身手的時候了!