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You are going to spend holidays in Hawaii in June. Suddenly you received a letter from an important customer,Mr. Elton Deland,who will arrive on 25th June and discuss the claim. You have to delay the trip till July.


Write a short message to Ms. Anne Folster, your secretary.

. Explain Why you postpone your trip.

. Mention the date when Mr. Elton Deland will arrive.

. Ask her to arrange your meeting.

. Write 30-40words on your Answer Sheet.


一般不用信頭稱呼的形式,也不採用在結尾處署上寫信人的名字的方式,而是在備忘錄的開頭處寫明收信人To________,在結尾處寫明具體的寫信人From___________以及主題:Re:__________ 或Subject:____________。例如:

To: Head Office staff

From: Tom Beck

I have the pleasure of announcing that Ms Sally Jolie has been appointed as the new Sales Manager at Head Office. Ms Jolie is due to join us on Monday 15th. Please give her a friendly welcome when she starts work.

Thank you.


To : Ms. Anne Folster


I have to delay my trip to Hawaii till July,as Mr. Flton Deland will arrive in London on 25th June and discuss the claim face to face. Please arrange our meeting on 26th June.


You have been informed that next Wednesday your company's computer system will be closed down so that improvements can be made.

Write an email to all staff in your department:

ng what time on Wednesday the system will be closed down

esting how staff should prepare for this

ng how the system will be better after the improvements

Write 40--50 words


From: Jenny Xu

To: All Staff

Date: 5 April 2009

Subject: Computer System

I want to tell you that our Intranet based on Linux will be closed next Wednesday at 10 o'clock.. I want to suggesting that you should save all your important documents. The computer system will be faster because we will use a newer SAP system. The new system is according to ISO900 and we will benefit from that.




1. 漏掉題中給出的已知條件。

2. 給出的已知條件沒有表達清楚,用詞過於口語化,沒有條理,暴露出語言功底薄弱。

3. 切忌過於花哨的`發揮,多説多錯。


以這篇習文為例,作者在具體語言的表達的雕琢上可圈可點,比如説第一個句子中based on引導的過去分詞做後置定語,但是顯而忘記了這篇文章的主要目的,那就是通知同事公司電腦系統要升級,但update這個詞始終沒有在文章中出現,因此讀下來以後,可能同事還不是非常清楚,為什麼computer system will be closed down, 儘管後面提到了improvement,總讓人覺得有些如鯁在咽,言之不盡;因此,思路不清晰是這篇習文最大的問題。


1. 有些用詞過於口語化,比如説,文章開頭, I want to tell you, 文中you should save這樣的用語;

2. 建議Linux, 將SAP, ISO900等唬人術語統統除去,誠然BEC涉及到基本的商務知識,但是真正考核的還是語言功底,語用能力;商務知識好比是蓋澆飯裏面的小炒而已。

3.裏面還有一個明顯的語法錯誤,I want to suggesting….,當然閲卷者不會刻意去搜尋語法錯誤,而是綜合考量語法得分,但由於小作文篇幅較短,那麼這個錯誤就顯得非常明顯。


Please be informed that our computer system will be closed next Wednesday at 12 o'clock for system upgrade. The closure will last for at least two hours. Make sure that you have saved all your documents before that time. The whole system will run on a new server, much faster than the current one.