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1. I’m in a hurry.

翻譯為: 我得趕緊.

注意的詞語: “in a hurry”指匆忙. 有時用作口語也表示輕易地做好某件事情.

2. These days the most sought-after tables are hidden away. several floors above ground. in the city’s high-rise apartments. which are run by chefs out of their own homes or from rented spaces..

翻譯為: 目前. 很多廣受歡迎的餐館總是藏匿在公寓大廈地面上方的樓層. 就在廚師們自家門口或是租的空地外面營業.

3. Merely requesting a reservation can be as difficult as getting one.

翻譯為: 哪怕是僅僅要求預定(房間)都有可能象真要得到它一樣那麼難.

4. Exclusively is the main attraction for customers in a city that is still obsessed with status.

翻譯為: 獨有性(專用權)是吸引城市消費者的主要因素. 因為人們還是會被身份地位(帶來的虛榮感)所迷惑的.

5. I can’t make up my mind about to have for dessert.

注意的詞語: make up one’s mind: 下決心.作決定.

翻譯為: 餐後吃什麼甜點. 我還沒能做出決定.


The ladies were puzzled. Cheryl Spangler. Valeria Borunda Jameson and Susan Puckett. three university-admissions workers on a training wisit to Florence. Kentucky. had walked into a local barbecue joint called Chung Kiwha. But instead of sauce-covered mutton served up from the kitchen. they saw a buffet of uncooked meats and vegetables. Instead of knives and forks. they were given large scissors. chopsticks and metal tongs. No candle flickered at their table. but a bucket of fiery wood charcoal hissed in the tabletop grill pit. Chung Kiwha served barbecue. all right—cook-it-your-self Korean barbecue. “I didn’t realize there were restaurants like this.” marveled Spangler to her friends. who hail from Knoxville. Tennessee. and I worked in restaurants for 20 years.

The secret is out. thanks to the growing popularity of restaurants where the customer is the chef. Long a staple of immigrant communities in big cities. restaurants where diners chop. grill. boil. or dip their dip their food are hot in the American heartland. . Minnesota. has Thai hot-pot cooking. Indianapolis. Indiana. has Japanese shabu-shabu (another type of hot pot). A pizzeria in Las Vegas lets customers roll the dough.

Why would people bother going out to cook their own meal? “Americans want control.” says Hudson Riehle. senior vice president of research for the National Restaurant Association. “The cook-it-your-self experience embodies the American values of freedom of choice and independence.” With families spending 46% of their food budget on meals outside the home. they miss the cooking experience—sort of. “Psychologically. people want to be a little involved.” says Pamela Parseghian. executive food editor at Nation’s Restaurant News.

Not every diner. however. embraces the experience. Dragged in by enthusiastic wives. “men often sit with their arms crossed…that is. until we fill them up with good wine.” says Will Layfield. owner of the Melting Pot in Westwood. New Jersey. At the Vinoklet. diner Grey Schafer says. “I don’t cook at home. and if I’m going to pay good money. I want someone to do the cooking for me.” What’s more. do-it-your-self dining isn’t cheap. At the minturn country Club in Minturn. Colorado. Kobe beef costs $49.95—uncooked. Still. restaurant-owners insist that the customer knows best. “Who knows what to them is rare?” says Mikulic. owner of Vinoklet. “This way. if they screw it up. I get no complaints.” Back at Chung Kiwha in Florence. diner Puckett sees it this way: “We don’t have to clean up. do we?.”


這些女士有些迷惑不解.謝麗爾.斯潘格勒. 維麗瑞爾.波蘭達.達姆森. 和蘇珊.帕克特是大學招生工作人員.在肯塔基州的弗羅倫斯培訓時. 她們走進了 當地一家叫做強.吉瓦的燒烤酒吧去吃飯.然而. 他們看到的並不是從廚房端出來抹好了醬的羊肉. 而是生肉和蔬菜.服務員給她們端上來的餐具也不是刀和叉. 而 是剪子.筷子和鉗子.餐桌上沒有閃爍的燭光. 有的只是一桶在燒烤架上嘶嘶作響的燃燒着的木炭.強.吉瓦經營的是烤肉——韓式自助烤肉.”我在餐館裏工作了 20年. 從來不知道還有這樣的餐館.”. 來自田納西州洛克思爾的斯潘格勒好奇地對她的朋友説道.

由於就餐的客人就是廚師的餐館數量在不斷增加. 祕密也就隨之而被公開了.在美國中部大城市的主要移民聚集區. 一些由顧客自己切.烤.煮.泡食物的餐 廳非常火.明尼蘇達州的聖.保羅有泰式火鍋. 印第安納的印第安納波利斯有日式涮鍋(另外一種火鍋).拉斯維加斯的一家比薩店讓顧客自己動手和麪團.

為什麼人們不怕麻煩在飯店裏自己動手做飯呢?國家酒店協會一個研究項目部的副主任哈德遜.瑞艾爾説. “美國人有很強的控制慾. 這種自己動手做飯的體驗表現了美國自主選擇和獨立的價值觀.”對於那些把46%的飲食開銷都用於在外面吃飯的家庭來説. 他們有點懷念自己動手做飯的體驗.”從心理學角度來説. 人們想要參與進來.”帕米拉.帕斯伊恩這樣説. 他是《國家酒店新聞報》食品專欄的主編.

然而. 並不是每個去飯店吃飯的人都渴望有這種體驗.男人們被充滿熱情的妻子拉進飯店.”他們常常是雙臂交叉地坐在那兒…也就是説. 直到我們用好酒填 滿他們的肚子.”新澤西州威斯伍德一家叫做坩堝店的餐館老闆威爾.雷菲爾德説到.在維諾克利特餐廳. 一名叫格瑞德.斯凱夫的就餐者説. “我在家從不做飯. 如果在外面吃飯要花好多錢的話. 我就希望別人來為我做.”此外. 在自助餐廳吃飯並不便宜.在科羅拉多州明特恩鄉村俱樂部. 一份生的神户牛排要49.95美 元.餐館的老闆仍然堅持説顧客清楚自己想要什麼.”誰知道對他們來説. 什麼樣才是適合他們的?”維諾克利特的老析米庫利科説道. “這樣. 如果他們興致很 高. 我也不落抱怨.”我們再回頭説説弗羅倫斯的強.吉瓦吧. 在那兒就餐的帕克特這樣看問題: “最起碼我們不需要收拾碗筷. 不是嗎?”


1. Cooking at table side has always been part of traditional haute cuisine. or art of cooking.

注意的詞語: art of cooking: 烹飪術. 例: art of defense: 武術.

2. I’m a very cook.

翻譯為: 我是一個絕對的廚師.

3. Stir the mixture until it leaves sides of the bowl.

翻譯為: 與碗邊脱離. 即不沾碗邊.引申義: 就是要求充分攪勻.

4. Roll the crust mixture into a round shape.

注意的詞語: roll into: 捲成. 使合為一體.

翻譯為: 將外面的蛋糕皮混合物捲成一團.

5. Yes. the apple pie is ready to serve.

注意的詞語: be ready to: 預備. 即將

翻譯為: 是的. 蘋果派可以預備用了.


What should be more French than an outdoor market on a sunny Sunday morning? The air is filled with vital fragrances from the fruits and vegetables piled high in the greengrocers’ creative layouts. A trace of the Atlantic blows off the shellfish on the fishmonger’s bed of ice.

This. you think. is the very essence of France. until read those little signs that tell you the tomatoes (which are really pretty tasteless) come from Moroccan hothouses. the grapes from South Africa. and the kiwis from Chile.

For generations. the French have prided themselves on their distinctiveness. Nothing has stood for France’s sense of exceptionalism more famously than its cooking. Gallic talent. taste and techniques have been exported all over the world. And therein lies part of the problem. From the Thames to Tokyo. non-French cooks have cracked the codes of the best French cuisine. Meanwhile. what was mediocre elsewhere has been imported. (Believe it or not. one restaurant associate with a famous Paris chef serves steak with a sauce that’s indistinguishable from the stuff on a Big Mac.) The result: many tourists—as well as the French themselves—no longer see what’s so special about French cooking.

The decline goes well beyond recent surveys that show growing complaints about mediocre quality and high prices. More and more restaurants-owners say that government tax and economic policies are limiting their profits. and thereby hurting their capacity to invest and hire more staff. They have got stuck in the red tape for which France is infamous—not to mention regulations from Brussels that affect everything from sales taxes to the bacteria in the Brie cheese. Many warn that expanding the European Union to the east will hurt small French farmers. who remain the backbone of traditional cuisine—and. hence French identity: Unfortunately for the French. there are few reassuring answers to these questions.

France’s problem isn’t the lack of creativity. but rather an unfavorable political environmentfor creativity. If you’re choked by bureaucracy and taxes. as so much of France is. “there is not much you can do.” says Raymond Blanc. born in the Jura region of France and chef of the two-star hotel-restaurant Manoir aux Quat’saisons. “I can open a business in England in five days. In France it would take three months.” The manoir aux Quat’saisons. by the way. is in Oxford. Britain. France’s ancient rival. And. when it comes to cooking. a future one as well.


還有什麼比晴朗的週日上午的露天市場更具法國風情呢?空氣中滿是水果和蔬菜的香味. 這些水果和蔬菜被商販們擺放得極具創意.魚販子們冰牀上的新產品還帶着大西洋的痕跡.

你可能會認為這就是法國的精髓所在. 直到你看到那些小標籤上標明西紅柿(真的很難吃)是摩洛哥的温室裏培養出來的. 葡萄是從南非出產的. 而獼猴桃的產地則是智利.

對於幾代法國人來説. 他們都為自己的獨特而感到驕傲.沒有什麼比烹飪更能代表法國的優越性.法國人的烹飪天賦.品味以及技術已經遍及世界各地. 但是 卻存在着問題.從泰晤士到東京. 非法國本土廚師已經破解出了最高水平法式烹飪的祕訣.與此同時. 其他地方平庸的烹飪技藝被引入法國.(信不信由你. 一家號 稱有巴黎名廚的餐館做牛排用的醬料與做巨無霸所用的醬料別無兩樣.)其結果是: 許多遊客——連同法國人自己——根本就看不出法國烹飪到底有什麼特別.

這種衰落與最近一項調查吻合.這項調查顯示人們對法式烹飪的平庸及高價的抱怨在不斷增加.越來越多的餐館老闆聲稱政府的税收和經濟政策使他們的利潤 減少. 因而削弱了他們進一步投資或者僱用更多員工的能力.他們陷入繁文縟節使得法國聲名狼籍——更不用提布魯塞爾的那些條條框框. 從銷售税到布里乾酪裏的 細菌含量. 這些條條框框的影響遠處不在.許多人警告説. 歐盟東擴會損害法國小農場主的利益. 而這些人是法國傳統烹飪的支柱——因此出現了法國的身份問題. 讓法國人感到不幸的是. 對於這些問題. 至今沒有找到讓人放心的解決辦法.

法國的問題並不在於缺少創造性. 而是政治環境不利於創造性的發展.如果官僚作風和税收壓得你透不過氣來. 就像法國一樣. “你根本就沒辦法有所作 為.”瑞蒙德.布朗説道. 他出生在法國的釹拉地區. 現在是一家叫做四季莊園的二星級賓館的主廚.”在英國. 我能在五天之內開店. 而在法國則要花上三個月時 間.”順便説一句. 四季莊園開在英國的牛津. 法國的老對手那裏.在烹飪方面. 英國在未來仍將是法國的競爭對手.


1. Karen has just had her house redecorated.

翻譯為: 凱瑞剛讓人把房子重新裝修.

注意這裏的用法. had sth done — 強調的是讓別人做了什麼

例: I had my clothes washed.(我讓人把衣服洗了)

2. The architect and Tom put there heads together to discuss what we wanted what was possible.

注意的詞語: put heads together: 共同商量.集思廣益.

翻譯為: 建築師和提姆共同商討以可行的方式來滿足我們的需求.

3. After a few meetings. they came up with some super idea that everybody agreed with.

注意的詞語: come up with: 提出.拿出.

翻譯為: 經過一會兒的交談. 他們拿出了一些大家都同意的好點子.

4. But the rest of it was surprisingly expensive.

注意的詞語: the rest: 其餘者: 代指裝修所用的材料.

翻譯為: 但是其餘的材料簡直便宜得讓人吃驚.

5. We were able to make do with the materials we already have.

注意的詞語: make do with: 設法應付.

翻譯為: 我們設法將我們已經擁有的材料都用上了.

6. I made up some of the curtains and pillows on the couch form mere sheets.

注意的詞語: make up : 在這裏指做縫製.編織.

翻譯為: 我縫製了一些窗簾和睡椅靠墊. 僅僅是用一些牀單做的.

7. It’s funny how people can find solution afer they kick something around for a while.

注意的詞語: kick something around: 直譯——將什麼東西踢來踢去.引申意——討論.

翻譯為: 人們怎樣通過暫時的討論之後. 就能找到解決方法是件有趣的事情.

8. You’re on your own.

注意的詞語: on one's own: 獨立地.獨自地.

翻譯為: 你自己玩吧!

9. I’d like to concentrate on getting the best score ever on this game.

注意的詞語: concentrate on: 精中(精力).全神貫注於

翻譯為: 我將集中精力在這個遊戲上取得最好的分數.注意even在這裏的用法.

matter how busy you are. always take time out to check that your child hasn't gotten hold of something that could hurt him.

注意的詞語: take time out to: 暫停下來 hold of: 抓住.得到.

quit my job and took up housekeeping the year after my marriage. Daily household chores keep me on my toes; I’m delighted all day long.

注意的詞語: take up: 開始從事. on one’s toe : 準備行動. all day long: 一整天.

keep me on my toes: 讓我保持活力的狀態. 結合句意就: 一刻也閒不着. 樂此不疲.

翻譯為: 但是自從我結婚以後. 便放棄了工作. 開始打理家務.每天的家務瑣事讓我樂此不疲.我一整天都眉天眼笑的.

12.”in a moment”與 “or so”

一個表示”立刻”. 一個表示”大約”.都是形容時間的.

's the “tremendous business” for me out of the three meals a day. for. except for the have only this meal together. Besides. he always has his lunch in a neglected way at his workplace.

翻譯為: 那對於我來説. 是除了三頓飯以外. 最為重大的事情.因為. 除了週末. 我們只能在一起吃一頓正餐.此外. 他總是在他的工作場所. 很輕率的打發他的午餐.


Mrs. Chambers sits comfortably in her armchair, enjoying a cup of coffee. She has had athe right to relax. She has had a long and very busy life.

Mrs. Chambers has retired now to a small house in Bangor, a popular seaside town not far from Belfast. But for most of her life she lived in the country. Her husband’s farm was on an island in the middle of Strangford Lake. There, Mrs. Chambers baked bread twice a week, made jam every summer, and put her husband’s dinner on the table at twelve 0’clock exactly every day. The island farm had been owned by the Chambers family for may years, passing on from father to son. It was a quiet and beautiful place to live. They grew potatoes and vegetables, and kept hens and cows. When Mr. Chambers died, his son took on the farm, Mrs. Chambers moved away.

She takes another sip of coffee, and smiles as she remembers people from the past. “The old lady down the road thought she had a ghost in the house,” she says, “but it was only old Tom MaAleer, frightening her for fun.” The memories come fast. “Twenty men, they had, only tem years ago, to bring in the potato crop. Young Hugh has a machine now. He only needs five.”

It’s time for the news on TV. Mrs. Chambers wants to see the racing results. She won quite a lot of money last week. Next month she’s going down to Tipperary in the Republic of Ireland. The horse-racing there is wonderful. She finds it hard to stay away. But before the racing results there’s another item of news. A bomb has exploded in Belfast. Several people have been killed. Mrs. Chambers shakes her head. “They’re all crazy,” she says. “It’s just a few who make all the trouble. The rest of us want to live in peace. We’ve all got life long friends from both sides. And most of the time we never talk about the trouble.”

The racing results come on. She leans forward to watch. For her, ordinary everyday life is the most important thing.


喬柏斯太太舒服地坐在扶手椅裏, 享受着一杯咖啡.她有權利放鬆, 她已經過了很長時間的忙碌生活了.

現在喬柏斯太太已經退休了, 住在班戈區的一所小房子裏.班戈區是貝爾法斯特附近一個廣受喜愛的海邊小城.但是在生命中的大部分時間裏, 她都住在農 村.她丈夫在斯福德湖中間的一座島上有一個農場.喬柏斯太太每週都烤兩次麪包, 每個夏天都要做果醬, 每天12點準時把丈夫的午飯擺在桌上.島上的那個農場 屬於喬柏斯家族已經很多年了, 是從父輩傳下來的.那是個安靜美麗的地方.他們自己種土豆和蔬菜, 還養母雞和奶牛.喬柏斯先生去世後, 他的兒子接管了農場, 喬柏斯太太搬離了那裏.

她喝了口咖啡.想起以前那些人的時候, 她笑了.”住在路盡頭的那個老太太以為自己房子裏有鬼, “她説, “其實那只是老湯姆.麥艾里爾唬她逗她玩的.”記憶被快速的喚醒.”僅僅在十年前, 他們請了二十個人來挖土豆.年輕的休現在有了自己的機器, 他只需要五個人.”

現在到電視新聞時間了.喬柏斯太太想看看跑馬比賽的結果.她上個禮拜贏了一大筆錢.她下個月要去愛爾蘭的`蒂帕雷裏, 那裏的跑馬比賽很精彩, 她發現自 己很難不參與進去.但是在比賽結果公佈之前還有另外一則新聞: 貝爾法斯特發生一起爆炸, 幾個人被炸死了.喬柏斯太太搖了搖頭.”他們瘋了”她説, “製造麻 煩的只是少數人, 我們其餘的人都想過平靜的生活.我們都有來自雙方的終身朋友(雙方指天主教徒和新教徒), 多數時候我們從不談論煩心事.”

比賽結果出來了.她傾着身子去看.對她來説, 普通平凡的日常生活才是最重要的.


1, TUC: (Trades Union Congress)——英國勞工聯合會.

2, This should remind Britain’s employers just how much they depend on the good-will and voluntary extra work of their staff, the TUC says.

注意的詞語: just : 起強調語氣的作用--(是否)可以翻譯成”正是”,

翻譯為: 這會提醒英國的僱主們自己是怎樣依賴於懷着善意且自願加班工作的員工.英國勞工聯合會説到.

3, And if it mades people and employers think a bit harder about organizing a better work-life balance, so much the better.

注意的詞語: organizing: 在這裏我將它翻譯成營造.

翻譯為: 如果它能夠讓職員與僱主充分考慮一下營造一個更好的工作,生活平衡點, 那是最好不過了.

4, It is often said that more business is done during social events than at the office.

注意的詞語: is done 這裏是被動語態. 生意當然是被做的咯.

翻譯為: 經常有人説在社交場合做成的生意比在辦公室裏做成的多.

5, One person out of eight in labor force is said to be employed by a government unit on the state or local level. is that the case?

翻譯為: 據説, 八分之一的勞動力被政府部們或地方國有企業錄用. 是那麼回事嗎?


The Unite States supplies a larger share of the international trade than any other nation in the world. The transactions of trade between countries are often kept in American dollars, and payments are frequently made in American currency as well. Many American banks have established branches in important commercial centers overseas to handle the business that results from world trade. Similarly, many foreign banks also have branches in the United States.

The United States has many trading partners; one that has become increasingly important in recent years is China. The city of Shanghai in eastern China is one of the world’s great seaports and has also become active in both manufacturing and finance in the world. Many American banks have set up offices there. John William is the manager of one of these branch banks in Shanghai.

John majored in accounting and business administration in Harvard. After graduation he got a job with a large New York bank. After two years in accounting, he was transferred to the loan involved international transactions. Some of them were so complicated that John felt he didn’t have a broad enough background to understand them. To get more experience, he asked for a transfer to the bank’s international department. He became so expert in international finance that he made it his career.

When the bank decided to open a branch in Shanghai, John was selected to set it up and run it for the first few years. He has been in Shanghai for more than three years now. He has a comfortable apartment in a high-rise building in the business center of the city. The bank provides him with a car and driver as well as the apartment.

Mandarin is the most common language of Shanghai, but John has learned only a few courtesy expressions. He has little need to speak Chinese, however, because all of the employees of the bank are fluent in English. His chief assistant, Miss Wang, went to graduate school in the States, so her English is excellent.

John has enjoyed being in Shanghai, but he may not be there much longer. Now that the bank is operating efficiently, he might be transferred back to New York in a few months. But he hopes to be back to china soon after for he loves it living there.


在國際貿易中, 美國比世界上任何國家佔有更大的份額.各國之間貿易成交後也往往以美元計算並以其為支付手段.為了處理世界貿易帶來的商業往來, 美國銀行在海外的重要商業中心開設了許多分行.同樣地, 許多外國銀行也在美國開設分支機構.

美國有很多商業合作伙伴, 近幾年來日益重要的一個合作伙伴便是中國.位於中國東部的上海是世界上重要的港口城市之一, 在世界製造業和金融業領域都非常活躍.許多美國銀行都在那裏設立了辦事處.約翰.威廉就是其設在上海的一個分行經理.

約翰在哈佛上學時學的是會計學和商業管理.畢業後在紐約一家大銀行工作.幹了兩個的會計工作後他被調到信貸部.他所經手的許多貨款都涉及到國際貿 易.其中一些貿易操作起來非常複雜, 約翰覺得自己沒有足夠的背景知識不能勝任這份工作.為了獲得更多的經驗, 他要求調到銀行的國際貿易部.現在他已經成為 國際金融銀行方面的行家, 並且以此作為自己的事業.

當銀行決定在上海開分行時, 約翰被選派到上海開展籌建工作並負責頭幾年的經營.到現在為止他已經在上海呆了三年多時間了.他在市商業中心一幢高層建築裏有一套舒適的公寓.銀行不僅給他提供了住所, 而且還給他配備了汽車和司機.

普通話是上海最常用的語言, 但是約翰只學會幾句禮貌用語.然而, 他幾乎用不着説漢語, 因為銀行的所有員工都説一口流利的英語.他的高級助助理王小姐是在美國讀的碩士, 所以她的英語非常地出色.

約翰非常喜歡待在上海, 但是他可能不久就要離開了.這是因為既然銀行已經步入正軌, 幾個月後他有可能被調回紐約總部.但是他希望很快就能回到中國, 因為他喜歡那裏的生活.


1,The remarkable Chicago bull presented a striking contrast to its opponent, and the crowd just went wild!

注意的詞語: presented a striking contrast to: 和……成顯著的對比.

翻譯為: 那隻非凡的西班牙公牛與它的對手形成鮮明的對比, 人羣已開始瘋狂起來.

2,I can book a court for this Tuesday.

注意的詞語: Book: 預訂

翻譯為: 我能在這個星期二安排好一個場子.

3, Sports can really get me away from a stressful day and exercise my brain.

注意的詞語: get away from: 從……中逃離, 把……送走.


I love reading novels, especially those classics. My favorite writer is Jane Austen, the one who wrote pride and prejudice. When BBC screened its latest adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel pride and prejudice, it was watched by a record 18 million British viewers. The series was then sold to 18 countries round the world, from America to Australia, from Iceland to Israel, there are Jane Austen fans in all corners of the globe, and even special Jane Austen discussion groups on the internet.

Jane Austen never once traveled aboard in her life time and she hardly ever left the south of England. When she died a spinster in 1817, only four of her six novels had been published, all anonymous and she eared a grand total of 648.65 pounds from her books. Now, nearly 200 years later, sales of her novels rival modern bestsellers, reaching 35,000 a week. There have been film and television productions of not only pride and prejudice, but also Emma, Persuasion, and the Oscar-winning Sense and Sensibility. Her house in Chawton in Hampshire is visited by 200 people a day.

She wad born in 1775, the seventh of eight children. Her father was the reverend George Austen. They were not well off, and lived in a village. By the time when she was 12, Jane was writing stories about heroines imprisoned in haunted castles, being rescued by glamorous heroes. In Jane’s own life there were three romantic attachments. The first was a handsome Irish law student called Tom Lefroy, who she met in 1795, but who had to return to Ireland a year later. The second, in 1801, was a young man called Samuel Blackall who she fell in love with when on holiday in Devon, but who tragically died suddenly soon after. The third was a large young man called Harries whose proposal she briefly accepted in 1802, “but he had nothing to recommend him but his size,” so she changed her mind.

In 1801 the family moved to Bath, where she was very unhappy. To make matters worse, in 1805 her father died, leaving his widow, Jane and her only sister Cassandra, also unmarried, even poorer than before. For four years they had to move from house to house, often staying with relatives. Finally in 1809 her brother Edward allowed them to live in a house on his estate in Chawton, only a few miles from Steventon where she had grown up. Here she was much happier, despite being the poor relation, dependent on charity. She not only revised her earlier novel but was able to write new ones, using her experiences to satirize and make fun of the social inequalities she saw around her. At last in 1811, Sense and Sensibility was the first of her novels to be published.


我喜歡看小説, 特別是那些精典名著.我特別喜愛的一個作者是簡.奧斯丁.她寫過一部小説叫《傲慢與偏見》.當BBC(英國廣播公司)上映簡.奧斯丁的《傲慢與偏見》小説的最終改寫本時, 當時創下了1800萬英國觀眾的收看記錄.之後, 一系列的叢書出售到全世界18個國家, 從美國到澳大利亞, 從冰島到 以色列, 全世界到處到有簡.奧斯丁的狂熱書迷, 甚至在互聯網上還有專門的簡.奧斯丁的討論組.

簡.奧斯丁在她的生活中沒有出過一次國, 甚至從末離開過英國的南部.在1987年她過世的時候, 還是個末婚女子, 她的六部小説只有四部已經出版, 並 且全部是匿名的, 她只掙到了共648.65英鎊, 這就是她小説的全部酬勞.如今, 也就是此後將近200年後, 她小説的銷售商擊敗了當今的頂級推銷員, 每星 期可達到35000英鎊的收益.已經成為電影,電視出版物的不僅僅是《傲慢與偏見》, 還有《埃瑪》,《勸導》,還有奧斯卡獲獎作品《理智與情感》.她在漢 普郡Chawton的家, 每天都不低於200人蔘觀拜訪.

簡.奧斯丁出生於1775年, 是家裏八個孩子中的第七個.她的父親是受人尊敬的牧師喬治. 奧斯丁.她們家不富裕, 而且住在一個鄉村裏.直到她十二歲的那年, 簡.奧斯丁一直在寫關於女主人公被關押在魔鬼城堡的故事, 直到被魅力英雄拯救出來.在簡的生命中, 有三次浪漫的情感歷程.第一次, 是與一個英俊的愛爾蘭法律系的學生, 名叫Tom Lefroy, 她是在1795年遇到他的, 但他不得不在一年之後返回愛爾蘭.第二次是在1801年, 一個名叫Samuel Blackall的年青男子在德爾郡的假日裏讓她墜入愛河.但是那個男子沒過多久, 突然悲慘地死去了.第三次是與一個名叫Harries大個子年青人, 在1802年他向她未婚的時候, 她暫且允諾了他, “但是他除了他的架碼之外, 一無所長”, 於是她改變了主意.

1801年, 她們家搬遷到了巴思, 她在那兒過得非常不幸.更為糟糕的是, 她父親在1805年撇下她們孤兒寡母撒手人鬟了, 簡和她同樣未完婚的妹妹卡珊德娜比以前更加貧困.四年以來, 他們到處搬家, 經常在親戚家逗留.終於在1809年, 她的兄弟愛德華同意她們住進他在Chawton作為不動產的房 子, 只離她成長的Steventon這個地方几英里的距離.在這兒她生活幸福得多, 儘管是由貧弱的親戚關係和依靠他們的施捨維繫.她不僅修正了她以前的小 説, 而且還創作出了新的作品.用她個人的經歷和見聞來嘲諷社會的不平等.最終在1811年, 《理智與情感》作為她的第一部小説被出版了.