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Phrases and Sentences:

1,He is famous for vigorously opposing the use of chemicals to kill pets.

這個句子中重點解析的是 vigorously opposing 並翻譯這句話.

注意的詞語: vigorously opposing積極反對

翻譯為: 他因為積極反對用化學品殺寵物而出名.

2,What would you recommend for a tenth-grader?

這個句子中重點解析的是tenth-grader到底是十年級的學生, 還是十歲的小孩?

tenth-grade是”十年級”, 所以tenth-grader當然是”十年紀的學生”了.十歲的小孩是: teenager

3,They used Singapore as a microcosm for examining a regionwide tropical biodiversity crisis,

這個句子中重點解析的是and compiled population data from the past two centuries.

翻譯為: 他們用新加坡作為檢查熱帶地區的區域性的生活差異危機一個縮影, 並用過去兩個世紀(的歷史)來編纂人口數據.

其中biodiversity是由前綴bio-和diversity組合而成的, 意思是生命的差異性.

4,Animals that call the forest home have suffered enormously.


call稱為, 當作.

翻譯為: 以森林為家的動物們受到了巨大的災難.

5,American and Europe will pool research into hydrogen-powered fuel cells.


pool集中投入, pool的名詞意思是”池塘”, 動詞本義是”匯合成塘”的意思, 這裏用的是比喻義, 想象一下不難理解的.

翻譯為: 美國和歐洲將集中注資到氫燃料電池的研究中.

6,It shows the United States is out to make peace with eco-friendly Europe.

翻譯為: 這表明美國將盡力與生態環境好的歐洲和平相處.

out這裏是副詞, 表示”致力於”.

7,Fuel cells create electricity by combining oxygen and hydrogen without broducing harmful emissions, and technical construction poses few basic challenges.


翻譯為: 燃料電池通過氧氣和氫氣反應來發電而不發出有害物質, 並且在技術的組建上提出了很少的挑戰.

這裏沒有call,只有cell,是電池的意思, 名詞 challenge提出挑戰, 就是指技術上的難關.

8,That means making use of renewable resources for the task, say wind and solar resources.


翻譯為: 那意味着該任務是要利用可再生資源, 比如風能和太陽能.

其中的say是副詞, 比如, 相當於for example.

9,Whitman assured the public that the air was safe before testing was conclusive. In addition, all EPA statements were required to be screened by the White House.

翻譯為: 惠特曼向公眾保證在測試下結論之前空氣是安全的.而且, 所有的EPA(美國環保署)申明都要求經過白宮的篩選.

注意的詞語: screen: 動詞, 篩選/過濾.

10,But New York Sen.(senator,參議員.)Hillary Clinton is calling for an investigation, saying somebody surely leaned on the EPA to lie, which Whitman strongly denies.

翻譯為: 但是紐約的科學家希拉里.克林頓要求調查此事, 説某些人明顯的偏向於EPA(美國環保署)而説謊, 對於這個, 惠特曼堅決否認.

注意的詞語: call for: 相當於demand,require,lean on: 偏向於.


When it comes to air pollution, the simple life isn’t necessarily the safest. The most poisonous atmosphere in Asia is found not in rapidly modernizing cities like New Delhi or Beijing but inside the kitchens of homes in rural Asia. Millions of families in the countryside heat their abodes and cook with open fires using cheap fuels that belch carbon monoxide and other noxious fumes at level up to 500 times international safety limits. Rural women and children often spend hours each day in poorly, ventilated kitchens, breathing this putrid air. “This is a problem that has been around forever, as long as humankind has existed, but it’s been ignored,” says Eva Rehfuess, a World Health Organization expert on indoor air pollution. “If you walked into these kitchens, your eyes would start tearing and you would find it difficult to breathe. It’s terrible. “

The WHO estimates that indoor air pollution cause 1.6 million deaths per year in developing countries around the world, up to 555,000 of which occur in India alone-and overwhelmingly it’s the poor who are dying. Villagers have no choice but to use wood, coal or dung fires, raising the risk that young children will be killed by carboj-monoxide poisoning or a bad case of pneumonia ravaging weakened lungs. Likewise, the women who typically keep their home fires burning are vulnerable to chronic respiratory diseases. “Day in and day out for 50 years, some of these women might be cooking six hours a day, exposed to pollutions,” says Rehfuess.

Curtailing indoor air pollution can be as simple as replacing open wood fires with better-ventilated cookstoves, but more sophisticated stoves can cost up to $120. China and India, home to the world’s largest rural populations, have launched ambitious national programs in recent decades to supply villagers with safer stoves at subsidized prices. But the programs have not always worked, in India, for example, some 33 million stoves were given out free to villagers in rural areas from 1984 to 2000—but because of a lack of health education or follow-up maintenance, most families abandoned the cookstoves for their old fires within a few years.