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identical 等同的 adj. the ~ the same

ideology 意識形態學 n. ideas that form the basis of an economic or political theory


ignorant 疏忽 adj. ~ (of sth)knowing little or nothing

  【詞源解析】i-否定,gnor 來自 know,表示“知道”

diagnosis n 診斷(dia 穿過+gnos+is→穿過身體知道→診斷)

prognosis n 預測,診斷(pro 在前+gnost+is→預先知道→預測)

ignorance n 無知,愚昧(ignore+ance)

illustrate 説明,闡明 v. supply with pictures, diagrams, etc


illustration a 插圖説明(illustrate+ion)

illustrious n 輝煌的;著名的(il 一再+lustr+ious 一再光明→輝煌的)

image 圖象 n. copy of the shape of a person or thing

imagine v 想象

imaginative a 富於想象的(imagine+ative)

imitate v 模仿(imit+ate→做得相象→模仿)

immigrate 入境 v. ~ enter a foreign country in order to live there permanently


migrate v 遷移,移居

migrant n 候鳥,遷移者

emigrate v 移居(外國)


pact n 契約,公約(對雙方加緊約束)

compact a 壓實的,壓縮的.(com 全部+pact→全部壓緊→壓縮的)

impact n 衝擊力;影響力(im 進入+pact→壓進去的力量→影響力)

implement 工具 n. tool or instrument

 【詞源解析】ple=full, fill,表示“滿,填滿”

complement n 補足,補全(com 全部+ple+ment→全部滿→補足)

supplement n 增補,補充(sup 在下面,次要+ple+ment→增加次要的心填滿→增補)

plentitude n 豐富,充足(plent+itude→滿的狀態→豐富)

implicate 暗含 v. ~ sb show that sb is involved in sth, esp a crime

implicit 暗示的 adj. ~ implied, but not expressed directly; not explicit


imply 暗示 v. suggest (sth) indirectly rather than state it directly; hint

【詞源解析】以上 3 個詞核心在 ply-摺疊,im-裏面,把東西折到裏面去,不直接表露出來

incentive 刺激 n. ~ thing that encourages sb to do sth; stimulus



accent 口音;重音

accentuate 強調;重讀

incidence 發生率,影響 n. ~ of sth extent to which sth happens or has an effect

incline 易於,傾向 v. ~ towards sth lean or slope in the direction of sth

 【詞源解析】clin=lean,slope,表示“傾斜”,古人認為不同的氣候-climate 是由於太陽光


decline 傾斜;衰退

climax-n.高潮; 頂點

income 收入 n. money received over a certain period

incorporate 結合,合併 v. ~ sth (in/into sth) make sth part of a whole; include


corporation n 公司,團體

corporate a 共同的;團體的(corpor+ate)

individual 個人的 adj. single; separate


division n 劃分,區分(divide 的名詞)

devise v 設計,想出(由古義“分開’轉化而來)

induce 引誘 v. persuade or influence (sb) to do sth

inevitable 不可避免的 adj. that cannot be avoided; that is sure to happen

  【詞源解析】in-否定,evit-演變自 avoid-避免

infer 推斷 v. ~ sth (from sth) reach (an opinion) from facts or reasoning; conclude sth
