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一、 section 1 和 section 3 的辨析


嚴格意義上來講,section 1是一個conversation,而section 3是一個discussion。這兩個部分的説話方式有着很大的區別。前者是一問一答,後者是互問互答。


Conversation: (一問一答)

Tom: Are you going to go to Australia?

Mary: yes, but after taking the IELTS exam.

Discussion: (互問互答)

Tom: Are you going to go to Australia?

Mary: yes, have you been there before?

Tom: No, but I read a few books and magazines about the country. Why do you want to go there?


二、 人稱定位

通常情況下,雅思聽力section 3的部分題目在卷面上會有人名或者是表示人身份的詞出現,比如人名Jason, 教授Professor。因此,遇到此類題目時,考生最好用筆劃出,明確此題目的説話人,這樣才不會做錯題目,才不會掉到考官給考生設置的.陷阱裏。


Cambridge 6 Test 1 Q21

What is Brian going to do before the cousre starts ?

A attend a class

B write a report

C read a book


Tutor: Hello. Can I help you?

Brian: I was told to come here because I like to talk to someone about taking a management course.

Tutor: right, I am one of the tutors, so I could help you.

Brian: ok, my name is Brian; I have decided to enroll a part-time management curse. A friend of mine took one last year, and recommended to me.

Tutor: right.

Brian: Is there anything I should do before the course, like reading or anything?

Tutor: we prefer to integrate reading with the course, so we don’t give out reading list in advance, but we like people to write a case study, describing an organization they know.

Brian: I have already done that as my friend told me you wanted one. But would it be possible to sit around in teaching session to see what is like? I haven’t been a student for a quite while.

解析:本題的答案為A。在做這道題目時首先要把人名Brian劃出,確定在課程開始之前是這個Brian要做什麼。把人稱定位好以後,在考生聽題的時候,就要注意錄音中Brian這個男生,凡是女生説的話我們都可以不做答案的參考內容。因此在錄音中提到的reading,case study就不會形成干擾。同樣地,在Cambridge 5 Test 2 Secton 3和 Test 4 Section 3, Cambridge7 Test 1 Section 3和 Test 3 Section 3等劍橋題目中存在着相同的特點。

三、 無人稱定位

顧名思義,無人稱定位是指在section 3中的卷面題目中沒有指定的人稱,通常是以兩方或三方説話人討論的主題點作為題目。應對此類題目的方法與做section 2和section 4 的方法類似——先尋找關鍵詞,然後根據所劃關鍵詞找到答案。但是,在尋找答案的過程中,朗閣海外考試研究中心的專家提醒各位考生,要注意信息的確認與信息的對方更正。


Cambridge 7 Test 4 Questions 29-30

Information/ visual aid Where from

Literacy figures The 29.......................

school places As above


Julie: We also need statistics on different things.

Trevor: Literacy rates

Julie: Yes, school places

Trevor: how about the encyclopedia?

Julie: not up-to-date enough!

Trevor: why don’t we call the embassy?

Julie: someone’s enthusiastic!

Trevor: well, if something’s worth doing

Julie: I know, it’s worth doing well…OK

Trevor: We can find out statistics on school places from them as well.

Julie: Might as well

解析:從上述原文中,我們不難看出,考官在這兩道題目中給考生做了不少“絆腳石”,方框內的文字和紅色文字的對比,充分地體現了在聽力考試第三部分中的信息確認與更換的這個特點,事實上,考生在聽題的過程中還能感受到信息確認與更換的速度也是快的讓一部分考生“透不過氣來”。所以,若考生在做題之前看到 section 3的卷面做到心中有數,這樣對於成績的提高是非常有幫助的。

四、 角色搭配


角色搭配 注意事項

1 professor & 1 student 一定會出現人稱定位的題目,但不是全部,考生務必注意題目中人稱的變化。

1 professor & 2 students 十道題幾乎全是人稱定位的題目,此時,professor僅扮演配角。

2 students OR 2 friends 大部分題目為無人稱定位題目,考生要注意信息的更正與更換。此外,快速反應也需要培養。
