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When I started out as a reporter, I had to learn to really listen, which didn’t come easily to me.


I’m from a family that loves to debate and argue, and I’m naturally opinionated.


Early in my career, I found myself frequently interrupting my subjects, but when I played back the tapes of my interviews, I realized that not only were many of my interjections totally unnecessary, but they were also preventing my subjects from revealing information that might have been newsworthy or profound.


I gradually learned to just be quiet. What I most want from a conversation with others, whether they share my politics or loathe them, is understanding. It doesn’t mean you hide what you think or refrain from pressing someone who’s being unclear or evasive.


But it does mean the purpose of the exchange is to tease out what a person truly believes rather than to win an argument, convert them, or show them up.



1. 他們懷着濃厚的興趣聆聽着演講者。

They listened to the speaker with profound interest.

2. 她在山頂上大聲喊着,然後聆聽着回聲。

She shouted on the mountaintop and listened for the echo.

3. 屆時能聆聽到史密斯先生演講,定會是極為有趣和增長見識的。

It will be most interesting and informative to hear Mr. Smith.

4. 請讓我們有力量去完成您的使命,聆聽和領會您的意志,並將‘使用權力,服務於民'銘刻在心中,因為我們被賦予權力並非要達到自身目的,不是向世界炫耀,也不是獲取虛名。

Make us strong to do your work, willing to hear and to heed your will, and write on our hearts these words: "Use power to help people." For we are given power not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name.

5. 他坐在操場上,聆聽遠處的蛙鳴。

He sat on the playground listening to the distant croak.

6. 從我們的學者那裏拿掉有人聆聽他們的樂趣之後,對他們來説,學問將會是不值一顧的東西啦。

Take away from our learning men the pleasure of making themselves heard, learning will then be nothing to them.

標籤:雙語 聆聽 閲讀