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一般將來時的由shall / will+ 動詞原形構成。


(1) 表示單純的將要發生的動作或情況。常與表示將來的時間狀語連用。如:

Tomorrow will be Sunday. 明天是星期天。

They say that it will rain. 他們説要下雨。

I’ll be thirty-seven on my next birthday. 到下次生日, 我就三十七歲了。

We won’t be free tonight. 今晚我們沒空。

(2) 也可以表示臨時決定要做的事。如:

— I thought I asked you to sweep the floor.

—Oh, I’m sorry. Mother, I will do it right now.



—You have left the door open.

—Oh, so I have. I’ll go and lock it.



(3) 有時雖沒有時間狀語,但從意思上可以判斷指將來的動作。如:

Who will take the chair? 誰當主席?

You will pass the examination. 你會通過那個考試的。

The meeting won’t last long. 會開不了多久。

(4) 一般將來時有時還表示傾向和習慣性。如:

Oil will float on water. 油總浮在水面上。

Fish will die without water。魚離開水就會死掉。

The machine won't work because of a faulty connection. 機器電源線接錯了,所以開不動。


(1) be going to+動詞原形。


I’m going to make a dress with the cloth I bought yesterday. 我打算用昨天買的布做個裙子。

We are not going to stay there long. 我們不準備在那裏久待。

Where are you going to spend your holidays?你準備去哪兒度假?


Look at the black clouds— It is going to rain.看那烏雲— 天要下雨了。

There’s going to be a lot of trouble about it. 這事肯定會有許多麻煩。

Li is putting on weight. She’s going to be quite fat. 李的在體重增加,她會很胖的。

(2) be to+動詞原形


He is to leave for Beijing tomorrow. 他決定明天去北京。

I’m to have coffee with my friend this afternoon. 今下午我要和我朋友去喝咖啡。

When are you to hand in your paper? 你的論文什麼時候交上來?


The mail is to be handed to him in person. 郵件得親自交給他。

Nobody knew what are to be done. 沒人知道該怎麼辦。


You are to make the necessary changes.你要做出必要的改變。

Tell him he’s not to be late next time. 告訴他下次不準遲到。

Such books are to be found in any library. 這種書哪個圖書館都找得到。

熱 ★★★【字體:小 大】


If we are to succeed, we must rely on the masses.

(3) be about to+動詞原形。有“即將”的意思,不能和任何時間狀語連用。如:

He is about to leave for Beijing. 他即將要離開去北京。

Sit down, everyone. The plane is about to start. 大家坐好,飛機就要起飛了。


I’m not about to lend him any more money. 我不打算再借給他任何錢。


The train leaves the station in five minutes. 火車五分鐘後開車。

When does the summer holiday begin? 暑假什麼時候開始?

Tomorrow is Friday. 明天是星期五。

The plane takes off at three o'clock. 飛機三點鐘起飛。

(5)少數轉移動詞如come, go, leave, start, arrive等的現在進行時,表示按計劃或安排要發生的事。如:

We’re having an English evening next week. 我們下星期將開一個英語晚會。

They are leaving for Paris. 他們將動身去巴黎。

有時表示即將發生的動作。如: I’m coming. 我來了。

(6) be due to+動詞原形。主要表示按計劃或時間表將要發生某事:

He is due to leave London tomorrow. 他預定明天要離開倫敦。

This book is due to be published in August. 這本書計劃八月份出版。
