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乙方: 朱玉欣


甲方因生產經營需要,經考核,錄用乙方 朱玉欣 為 收銀員 ,遵照國家有關勞動法律法規,經雙方協商,簽訂本合同。

第一條 甲方錄用乙方從事 前台收銀員 工作。
第二條 勞動合同期限從 1998 年 9 月 3 日起至 1999 年 9 月
2 日止。其中試用期限為 3 個月,至 1998 年 12 月 2 日止。
第三條 甲方的基本權利義務是:
第四條 乙方的.基本權利和義務是:
一、享受 雲峯星員工 待遇。
第五條 工資待遇。 800元/月
第六條 工作時間。 48小時/周
第七條 勞動保險及福利待遇。 三險
第八條 勞動合同的變更和解除。任何一方解除合同,須提前 30 天通知對方,方能解除合同,並辦理有關手續)。
第九條 本合同一式三份,甲乙雙方各執一份,報鑑證機關存留一份。本合同自雙方簽字之日起生效。

甲方:(北京雲峯星娛樂城 蓋章) 乙方:朱玉欣
1998年 9 月 3 日
Employment Contract
Employer (Party A): Yunfengxing Recreation Center, Beijing
Employee (Party B): Yuxin Zhu
In consideration of its management, Party A, the employer, hires Party B, Yuxin, Zhu as cashier after interview. In conformity with the rules and regulations concerning labor in China, the two parties have reached this employment contract after negotiations.
1. Party A hires Party B as cashier on the counter.
2. This contract shall be valid from September 3, 1998 to September 2, 1999. And the first three months shall be probation period which ends on December 2, 1998.
3. Rights and obligations of Party A:
1.) Party A shall supervise Party B in accordance with its management, rules, regulations and the provisions of this contract.
2.) Party A shall protect Party B’s lawful rights and interests. In conformity with regulations concerned and the provisions of this contract, Party A shall pay Party B his salary, bonus, allowances, insurances, welfare benefits and other policy-related subsidies.
3.) Party A shall provide Party B appropriate before-service training and the working conditions which meet national safety standards.
4.) Party A shall give Party B rewards and penalties in compliance with the rules and regulations concerned in China.
4. Rights and obligations of Party B
1.) Party B shall enjoy the pay and other conditions of Party A’s staff.
2.) Party B shall obey national laws, regulations and Party A’s rules.
3.) Party B shall complete the tasks and targets assigned by Party A.
5. Salary: 800RMB per month.
6. Working hours: 48 hours per week.
7. Insurance and benefits: pension, unemployment insurance and medical insurance.
8. Modification and termination of the contract. If either party has the intention to terminate this contract, the party shall give 30 days notice in advance to the other party. Other procedures can be attended after the termination of the contract.
9. This contract is in triplicates. Both Party A and Party B shall have one copy, and the appraisal agency shall have one copy. This contract shall take effect on the day being signed.
Employer(Party A) : Yunfengxing Recreation Center, Beijing (seal)
Person in Charge: Xiaolin, Luo
Employee(Party B) : Yuxin, Zhu
Date: September 3, 1998

