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例如absolute signal words出現在SAT閲讀觀點句中,表明這個觀點作者一定是贊同的,所以下文的`行文方向將向着立論的方向進行下去。而possibility signal words出現在SAT閲讀觀點句中,則表明作者對這個觀點一定持懷疑態度,所以下文的行文方向將向着駁論或質疑的角度進行下去。我們來看下面的一段文字:


Does the threat of the death penalty deter people from murderous behavior more than the threat of imprisonment for life? We do not yet know with anything even approaching certainty whether the death penalty does or does not deter. The question is clearly empirical, and it is likely that sophisticated statistical techniques will eventually permit us an answer.

這裏出現了likely,它屬於possibility signal words,所以我們可以預判作者對精密的統計技術的態度其實是懷疑的,所以下文應該是往質疑或駁斥的角度寫下去。而後面的文字 All statistical arguments on the death penalty are, however, excruciatingly complex and misleading. 證明了我們的猜測。


Absolute Signal Words

These words should make the reader reject a statement unless there is strong support.

always, definitely, irrefutably, assuredly, indisputably, undeniably, certainly, invariably, without question, etc.