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  戴帽子的英文翻译:put on one's hat

英 [put ɔn wʌnz hæt] 美 [pʊt ɑn wʌnz hæt]

She told Louis often cries if she doesn't put a hat on his head and that's why he's rarely seen without one.

  戴帽子的英文翻译:wear one's hat

英 [wɛə wʌnz hæt] 美 [wɛr wʌnz hæt]

1. Instead he is standing by the side of the cabin, reaching high for his hat on top.

2. She and her son came up with an idea to add patriotic decorations to a camouflage hat.

3. Hillary Clinton has thrown her hat into the Olympic ring, urging President Bush to boycott the opening ceremony.

4. A stray fan approached the champ, asking him to sign a hat.

5. The duo dressed in sexy leather and studded outfits for the shoot, with Gaga wearing metal chains and Beyonce sporting a tight black jumpsuit and chauffeur's hat.

6. Singer Britney Spears donned a cheeky sailor hat, took to the high seas and went cruising - all in her lunch break!

7. Wear a light colored hat when going out under the sunshine to avoid the sun's rays from shining directly on your head.

8. Lee also designed the restaurant's logo, a Vietnamese man in a conical Asian hat.

9. He came to Washington that January to celebrate the newly established relationship, to don a cowboy hat and savor some Americana.


1. 库图佐夫庞大而肥胖的身上穿着一件长长的礼服,背微驼,满头白发,没有戴帽子,浮肿的脸上有一只因负伤而流泪的白眼睛,他迈着一瘸一拐的摇晃不定的步子走进人群,在神甫后面停了下来。

In a long military coat, with his enormously stout figure and bent back, with his white head uncovered, and his blind white eye, conspicuous in his puffy face, Kutuzov walked with his waddling swaying gait into the ring and stood behind the priest.

2. 你却没戴帽子只戴了耳罩

You left your hat at home and used ear muffs.

3. 我们也可以帮他戴帽子

We could put a hat on his head.

4. 那靠近江边头光光的是铁拐李、旁边的`是曹国舅、下面戴帽子的是何仙姑、接下来的是张果老、韩湘子、吕洞宾、蓝采和、汉钟离。

It is near the River torrent!

5. 于是,他穿着华丽的服装来了,身佩宝剑,头戴帽子,还穿着白短裤,镶金线绦子的红呢礼服,左下摆上挂着一把象征性的钥匙。

In an extravagant access of faith he raised his hands ever higher and higher, searching for heaven, calling on God.

6. 两天后的天气应该是寒冷,晴天,因此你应该穿毛衣和戴帽子。

In two days the weather is supposed to be colder and sunny so wear a sweater and hat.

7. 我想戴帽子。

I want to put on my hat.

8. 穿上带袋子或拉紧绳的戴帽子的T恤衫,拉紧绳子让他看不到你的头。

Wear a hooded sweatshirt with a drawstring and make your head disappear as you tighten string.

9. 这些贼都有戴帽子吗?

Have all worn caps extremely in these?

10. 会很热,阳光灿烂,你需要戴帽子和太阳镜。

It will be very hot and sunny, youll need to wear hat and sun glasse.