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Between two stools one falls to the ground.以下是小編為大家搜尋整理的.高階商務英語口語成語詞彙基礎訓練,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!


別開生面having sth. New

別有用心have ulterior motives

彬彬有禮refined and courteous urbane

兵不厭詐in war nothing is too deceitful

博古通今erudite and informed

不敗之地incincible position

不恥下問feel not ashamed to learn from one's subordinates

不可救藥be past praying for beyond redemption

不勞而獲reap where one has not sown

不屈不撓fortitude indefatigability perseverance persevere tenacity

不速之客crasher uninvited guest


不言而喻speak for itself tell its own story tell its own tale went without saying

不遺餘力spare no effort spare no pains

不以為然not approve object to

不義之財filthy lucre filthy pelf the mammon of unrighteousness


不遠千里go to the trouble of traveling a long distance

不約而同happen to coincide


吃裡扒外live on sb. while helping others secretly

痴心妄想、胡思亂想wishful thinking


叱吒風雲ride the whirlwind

愁眉苦臉pull a long face snoot

愁眉苦臉的,愁眉苦臉地woebegone 、morosely

臭名遠揚,臭名昭著flagrancy, notorious


出口成章have an outstanding eloquence

出類拔萃,鶴立雞群fill the bill supereminence

出謀劃策give counsel suggest

出奇制勝defeat sb. by a surprise action

出生入死go through fire and water

觸類旁通comprehend by analogy

垂頭喪氣,無精打采 down in the mouth lose one's spirits with the tail between the legs

垂頭喪氣的blue about the gills crestfallen downhearted

綽綽有餘more than sufficient

此起彼伏as one falls, another rises

從容不迫go easy take one's time

從容不迫的leisured unhurried

從容不迫地by easy stages

粗枝大葉careless slapdash sloppy


措手不及unaware unprepared

錯綜複雜、撲朔迷離 anfractuosity

錯綜複雜的anfractuous daedal reticula sinuous

打草驚蛇act rashly and alert the enemy