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1. This camera is so easy to use; _____ a child could take good pictures with it.

A. yet B. even

C. but D. since

2. _____ of the figures seems correct. Would you check them carefully?

A. Neither B. Both

C. Either D. All

3. He had hardly left the building _____ the bomb exploded.

A. than B. before

C. when D. after

4. They have different views on the comment- _____ the daughter sees it as criticism, the mother takes it as praise.

A. why B. how

C. where D. if

5. This plan probably won’t work either- but you must do _____ to help her.

A. a thing B. something

C. things D. nothing

6. I would rather you _____ this to him yourself. When I tried to speak to him last time, he didn’t listen.

A. say B. will say

C. said D. would say

7. For most people, common cold is a mild illness _____ they will quickly recover.

A. over that B. over which

C. from that D. from which

8. We definitely are not the perfect couple, _____ we don’t pretend to be so.

A. and B. or

C. for D. because

9. Could you please tell me where _____ find Professor Smith? His wife has just called his office.

A. I can B. can I

C. would I D. I would

10. Everything _____ very different if your father were alive.

A. is B. will be

C. was D. would be