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《I Like Music》優秀教學紀實



《I Like Music》優秀教學紀實

教學目標: To learn some new words:third,Music,sing,stop;To learn some drills:I ’t like...

教學重點: What’s the ______ class ?I ____ verywell .(sing,draw,swim,write...)Do you like _____ ? Yes,I ,I don’t.


Step One

a song 《Ten Indian boys》.

2. Play a game.

T: Look at the cards,please. Then say: I like...I don’t like...

【反思:一首悦耳動聽的英文歌曲《Ten Indian boys 》營造出濃郁的學習氛圍,讓學生在做動作,説唱中享受到學習英語的樂趣,並通過歌曲複習了數字一到十,為下面區分序數詞做了鋪墊。接下來的遊戲活動,學生既複習了舊知,又在快樂的表情訓練中感悟語言。通過出示學科卡片和表情訓練啟發學生運用英語句型I like...和I don’t like...自然導入新課。】

Step Two

listen to the tape.

T: Now please open your books to page 48. Listen to the me: What’s the third class?

2. Study the new points.

T: What should we do in the music class? Who can say and do the action?

S1: Sing. (sing a song “Hello”.)

S2: Dance.(dance.)

T: Well done. I like music. I sing very well. Listen. (sing a song “Dou Re Mi”.)

Ss: Great!

T: Who can sing? Do you like Music? Let some Ss sing.

T:You sing very singer.

S1: Yes , I sing very well.

T: Look at the picture and make sentence: I _____verywell.

T: Does Robo sing well?

Ss: No!

T: Who can dance?

S1: I can.

T: What’s the fourth class? (Ss follow to teacher.)

S2: Art.

T: Who can draw well?

S3: I can.

T: You draw very well.

T: What’s the fifth class?

Ss: P.E.

【反思:教師運用啟發式教學,要求學生帶着問題聽錄音,培養學生的聽説能力;通過動作圖片進行擴展練習,給學生展示自己才華的空間,使他們在展示才能的過程中獲得自信,體驗成功;通過觀看多媒體,讓學生逐步學會“What’s the fourth class”句式,掌握序數詞的用法,並試着用英語回答,用形體語言和動作表述,充分發展了學生的英語交際能力和表述能力。】

Step Three

Please look at the table:

1.T: Let’s play a game ,OK? Guess what’s the _____class on____?

(多媒體出示課程表,個別課程還是未知數,需要同學猜出。如猜錯電腦顯示哭臉,學生繼續猜;如猜對電腦顯示笑臉和掌聲,並在所缺的課程處出示課程名稱,然後問答Do you like ? )

2.Practice in groups.

T: Let’s work in groups. Ask and answer what’s the ____class? Do you like _____ ?

(Ss work in groups.)

T: Now Let’s act it out.

(Ss act it out in the different ways.)

3.Listen and chant.

T: Now let’s listen to the tape and chant.

(Ss listen and chant.)

T: You all did a good job. What’s this class?

Ss: English.

T: Do you like English?

Ss:Yes, we do.

T: Thanks.

【反思:設計猜課程的遊戲,使學生靈活運用重點問句:What’s the class? 猜的過程也是練説課程名稱的過程。這樣的遊戲極大地激發了學生的學習興趣,使學生在玩玩練練中進一步鞏固了本課的內容。多媒體出示沒有填完的課程表,學生進行小組合作,設計自己喜歡的.課程表,讓學生自主、大膽地創新,學生興致極高,培養了他們的創新能力和合作意識。小組展示的形式給學生搭建了英語交流平台,充分鍛鍊了學生綜合運用語言的能力。在設計課程表的同時讓學生自己填寫課程表和日期,又培養了學生寫的能力。】

Step Four

T: Homework : Fill the investigation.

Please ask your classmates ——What’s your favourite class? Why?

T:Let’s sing a song.“I like __.”

T:Goodbye! See you !Have a nice day!

Ss: Goodbye, Miss Wang.




標籤:music 紀實 教學