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marketing是經貿英語中最常用的詞語之一。在外貿人員的名片上我們也經常看到marketing department和 marketing plan等詞語。,它們通常被譯成銷售部和銷售計劃。在外貿函電和外貿英語教科書中,marketing常被譯為"銷售"。筆者認為這種譯法不夠確切。這除了有語言方面的原因外,還涉及到中外經營管理體制的不同。


我們不妨先從market作動詞的含義談起。當market作及物動詞時,意思是to carry on all activities by which transfer of title or possession of a product from seller to buyer is effected; 或者是to introduce a product on the market(n.市場)。這種含義的market及其派生marketing的意思與sell和sale相近,可漢譯為"銷售",如:

The exporter wishes to market his goods in a foreign country through instrumentality of an independent agent. 那個出口商想要靠一獨立代理人在國外銷售其貨物。

The joint venture insisted on their cooperative marketing the new computers. 這家合資企業堅持它們合作銷售新計算機

當market作不及物動詞時,它與trade含義相同,表示在市場上進行買賣活動,它派生的marketing只能漢譯為"(市場上的')交易,買賣",而不是單一的"銷售"。例如:do our evening marketing(到夜市上去買(賣)東西);an international marketing company(一家國際貿易公司)。

Marketing 作為經貿術語,《Americana 百科全書》的解釋是:"Marketing is defined as " the performance of business activities directed towards, and incident to, the flow of goods and services from producer to customer or user". Marketing, therefore, is made up on one hand of physical activities such as transporting, storing, and selling goods, and on the other hand of a series of decisions which must be reached by any organization undertaking any part of the process of moving goods from the producer to the user."


Marketing of a product does not only mean selling, but going to the market,

visiting our customers... 推銷產品不只意味着出售,而且還要親臨市場,拜訪客户……


至於本文開頭提到的marketing department到底怎樣翻譯,筆者認為先要了解中外經貿機構的設置情況。60年代末,西方工業由於廣泛採用電子技術而出現了一個質變性飛躍,經濟發展空前迅速,市場競爭日趨激烈。為了提高競爭力。為了提高競爭能力,這些國家的企業、公司越來越感到發展與推銷產品有關的各個業務環節的綜合作用的重要性。許多公司擴大了原來的sales department的業務範圍,並把它改為marketing department。這是西方企業銷售經營管理體制改革中的一項重要內容。英國廣播公司(BBC)出版的《商業英語》( The language of business )一書在解釋marketing department時指出: In many firms now the sales department, advertising department, public relations and so on are combined into one department, called marketing。其業務範圍相當於我國現行外貿機制中各外貿進出口公司的出口處、商情處、外事組等部門。

因此筆者認為在翻譯來自國外的函電或資料時,把marketing department譯為"市場開拓部"、"推銷部"更為確切些。而我國外貿公司設立的單純銷售部門的英譯一般用sales department。

在我國的產、供、銷合一的企業管理體制下,"銷"是對應"產"而言,和marketing所指的"推銷"或"銷售"概念也有一定的區別,有關這種部門也可譯成sales department。

當然,如果外貿公司或企業設立的是類似於上述的集多種職能於一體的機構,則也可譯成marketing department.