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PEP三年級英語下Unit4Where is my car教學設計


教學設計是作為教者,基於對學生和教學任務的分析,而對教學目標、教學方法、教學材料、教學進度、課程評估等做出系統設計的一門學科。今天應屆畢業生考試網為大家整理新版PEP三年級英語下Unit4Where is my car教學設計,希望對大家有所幫助。

PEP三年級英語下Unit4Where is my car教學設計

  教學內容:’s learn/Let’s do


1、在語境中初步感知、嘗試運用Where is …?It’s in/on/under …詢問和回答物品所在的位置。






2、在語境中初步感知、嘗試運用Where is …?It’s in/on/under …詢問和回答物品所在的位置。



課前播放本單元歌曲:Where is the toy car?


  一、 Warm-up and review

1、 Greeting.

2、 Game:穿過雷區

T:Boys and girls.I know you all like first let’s play a ?

It's very must obey the you see a word,Stand up and say it quickly and you hear the must lean over the r?(師邊説邊用肢體語言幫助學生理解遊戲規則。)


3、 播放主情景圖動畫。

T:Oh. we are safe.

Now,let’s look at the guess what will we learn this unit.



4、 提示課題.T:Very good!This class we will learn Unit4 where is my car?’s learn(板書課題)

二、 Presentation

1、 學習單詞in。

①出示課件。T:Now look at the e is the ball?

S:在盒子裏。(In the box.)學生説不上來師提示。

T:(師單擊課件,出現單詞in)Who can read it?Have a try.


T:(師再次問)Where is the ball?

S:In the box.

②師拿一枝鉛筆分別放到書裏、鉛筆盒裏、書包裏T:Now look at e is the pencil?

S:In the bookpencil boxbag.

③T:Now show me your en and do.

Put your pencil in your book.(邊説邊把鉛筆放在書裏)

Put your pencil in your pencil box.

Put your pencil in your desk.

(設計意圖:通過課件呈現新詞,然後根據拼讀規律試讀,然後輔以動作由詞到詞組,然後到句子逐漸強化、操練,調動學生多種感官參與學習。後面的Listen and do為後面學習Let’s do做準備。)

2、 學習單詞desk。


跟讀—書空—板書(寫到in,然後中間加the,in the desk)—指名讀—1號讀—2號讀—3號讀—4號讀。

②T: look e is the bag?

S:In the desk.

T:(把書包放到桌子上)Where is the bag now?

S:On the desk.(學生説不上來老師提示,因為學習字母O時學過這個詞。)

3、 學習單詞on。




T:Where is the ball?

S:On the box.

②拿一把尺子,分別放到書上、鉛筆盒上、桌子上問:Now look e is the ruler?

S:On the bookpencil boxdesk.

③T:Show me your listen and do.

Put your ruler on your book.

Put your ruler on your head.

Put your ruler on your desk.

Put your hand on your desk.

Put your hand in your desk.

Put your arm on your desk.

Put your arm in your desk.

Put your hand under your desk.


4、 學習新詞under和chair



T:Where is the ball?

S:Under the box.

②T:(師拿一鉛筆盒)分別放到書下、書包下、桌子下、椅子下:Where is the pencil box?

S:Under the book/bag/desk/chair。

列讀under the chair。


T:Next let’s play a fun he or she is near the card “chair”,we say “where is the chair” he or she is far from it,we say quietly.)


T:Oh,The chair is under ’s book you want to know where Zip’s ruler is?Now let’s see.呈現課文

  三、 Practice

1、 聽音跟讀課文

T:Who can tell me where Zip’s ruler is?

S:It’s under the chair.

T:Very ’s ruler is under the chair.在此處對學生進行教育,用完的文具要放回原處。


2、 Listen and number。

T:Now let’s and number.




3、 Listen and do

T:You all did good Let’s do some ?

①師慢速説一遍②播放Let’s do.③放大窗口,跟讀,做動作④跟錄音一起做一⑤如有時間做一個聽音判斷對錯的練習。

Put your foot under your chair.

Put your hand on your chair.

Put your arm in your desk.

Put your hand under your desk.


4、 Let’s chant

T:Wonderful!Now Miss Chen has some d you like to see?

①先看圖,進行問答練習。②唱歌謠。Let’s make up a chant.(小組編歌謠)

Where is the bag?

In,in, the desk

Where is the pencil?

On,on, the book.

Where is the ruler?

Under,under,r the chair.



T:What a fun chant!Now let’s go to Sarah’s classroom to have a look uss the stationary in the classroom. where is it?Practise in pairs.

出示課本39頁’s learn圖。讓學生兩人一組進行問答練習。然後彙報。


5、 創編對話。

T:(師接一同學的對話,找自己的東西,創編一個情景對話)Can you make up a dialogue like this?出示課件要求,學生小組內編對話,然後彙報。

  四、 Summary


  五、 Homework


