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Learn a Word 第1246課:acting


Learn a Word 第1246課:acting

Acting, 代理。

比如:Acting head coach, 代理總教練。國際貨幣基金組織總裁斯特勞斯-卡恩因性侵犯指控被捕後, "John Lipsky, the number two official at the International Monetary Fund, stepped in as acting managing director of IMF," 國際貨幣基金組織二把手約翰.利普斯基代理總裁一職。

"Acting West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin won the Democratic Party's nomination as its candidate for a special governor election in October," 西維吉尼亞州代理州長湯布林獲得民主黨提名,代表民主黨參加10月份舉行的州長特別選舉。


標籤:Learn Word acting