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1. 日益昌盛 become increasingly prosperous

2. 快速發展 develop rapidly

3. 隆重集會 gather ceremoniously

4. 熱愛和平 love peace

5. 追求進步 pursue progress

6. 履行權利和義務 perform the responsibilities and obligations

7. 回顧奮鬥歷程 review the course of struggle

8. 展望偉大征程 look into the great journey

9. 充滿信心和力量 be filled with confidence and strength

10. 必勝 be bound to win

11. 主張各國政府採取行動 urge governments of all countries to take action

12. 和平共處 coexist peacefully

13. 對內開放和對外開放 open up both externally and internally

14. 經歷兩個不同時期 experience two different periods

15. 戰勝無數的困難 overcome numerous difficulties

16. 贏得一個又一個勝利 win one victory after another

17. 完全意識到 be fully aware that

18. 邁出重要的一步 make an important step

19. 採取各種措施 adopt various measures

20. 得出結論 ,告一段落 draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion

21. 實現民族獨立 realize national independence

22. 追求真理 seek the truth

23. 建立社會主義制度 establish a socialist system

24. 根除 (防止,消除)腐化 root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption

25. 響應號召 respond to the call

26. 進入新時期 enter a new period

27. 實行新政策 practice new policies

28. 展現生機和活力 display one’s vigor and vitality

29. 增強綜合國力 enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and

和國際竟爭力 international competitiveness

30. 進入世界先進行列 edge into the advanced ranks in the world

31. 解決温飽問題 solve the problem of food and clothing

32. 吸收各國文明的先進成果 absorb what is advanced in other civilizations

33. 與日俱增 increase every day

34. 實現夙願 fulfill the long-cherished wishes

35. 必將實現 be bound to come true

36. 鍛造一支人民軍隊 forge a people’s army

37. 建立鞏固的國防 build a strong national defense

38. 進行和談 hold peace talks

39. 修改法律 amend the laws

40. 在...中起(至關) play a major的(crucial, an important ) role in


41. 對...做出重要(巨大)貢獻make important (great, major )contributions to

42. 遵循規則 follow the principles

43. 把理論和實際結合起來 integrate theory with practice …

44. 把...作為指導 take… as the guide

45. 緩和緊張狀況 ease the tension

46. 高舉偉大旗幟 hold high the great banner

47. 解決新問題 resolve new problems

48. 觀察當今世界 observe the present-day world

49. 開拓前進 open up new ways forward

50. 增強凝聚力 enhance the rally power

51. 結束暴力,開始和平談判 end the violence and resume peace talks

52. 進行戰略性調整 make strategic readjustment

53. 開始生效 go into effect / enter into force

54. 就...接受妥協 accept a compromise on

55. 接受...的採訪 be interviewed by

56. 把……看成社會公敵 look upon … as a threat to society

57. 把……捐給慈善機構 donate …to charities

58. 維護世界和平 maintain world peace

59. 擺脱貧窮落後 get rid of poverty and backwardness

60. 實現發展繁榮 bring about development and prosperity

61. 反對各種形式的恐怖主義 be opposed to all forms of terrorism

62. 宣佈。。。召開 announce the opening of

63. 對...具有深遠的.影響 have a far-reaching impact on

64. 面對...明顯的缺陷 face up to the obvious defects of

65. 保護婦女權利不受侵犯 guarantee(protect ) women’s rights against



1. 給...帶來機遇和挑戰 present (bring) both opportunities and challenges


2. 給...帶來積極影響 bring a more positive impact on....

3. 給予財政資助 support financially

4. 有巨大潛力 have huge potential for

5. 開發 / 青睞中國市場 tap / favor the Chinese market

6. 申請專利 apply for a patent

7. 阻礙...的經濟發展 handicap (hamper) the economic development

8. 增加農業投入 invest more in agriculture

9. 有望達到(上升到) be expected to reach (rise to, be up to)

10. 造成很大壓力 pose a big pressure on

11. 佔領市場10% occupy (take, account for ) 10 percent of the market

12. 縮小...間的距離 narrow the gap between

13. 加快經濟發展和結構調整 speed up economic development and restructuring

14. 奪回失去的市場 take back lost market

15. 減輕...的負擔 reduce (lighten) the burden of (on)

16. 採取反壟斷措施 take anti-monopoly measures to

17. 加快努力 speed up efforts to

18. 在...建立分公司 set up branches in

19. 促進改革 promote reform

20. 面對可能的壓力和競爭 face possible pressure and competition

21. 充分利用 make full use of

22. 把。。。列為基本國策 list… fundamental national policies

23. 發揮自身優勢 give full play to one’s advantages

24. 開拓市場 exploit markets

25. 擴大消費市場 expand consumption market

26. 改善投資環境 improve the environment for investment

27. 加強風險防範 prepare oneself against possible risks

28. 擴大貧富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor

29. 為。。。提供巨大商機 present huge business opportunities

30. 快速穩定增長 grow fast and steadily

31. 讓...處於同一起跑線 put… on the same platform and at the same starting


32. 趕超先進 surpass the advanced

33. 遵循市場經濟的規律 follow the law of market economy

34. 根據市場作出調整 gear ourselves to the market orientation

35. 牟取暴利 seek excessive profits

36. 做好充分準備 make good preparations for

37. 對...造成/構成威脅 form /pose的a threat to…

38. 和...合作 cooperate with

39. 和...進一步合作 further cooperation with

40. 提高公務員工資 raise the salaries of civil servants

41. 計算出準確的工資水平 figure out an exact salary level

42. 和...有合作關係 have cooperative ties with

43. 從國外引進先進技術 introduce from abroad the advanced technology

和管理經驗 and management expertise

44. 優勝劣汰 select the superior and eliminate the inferior

45. 保證下崗職工的基本生活 guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers

46. 取締非法收入 ban unlawful incomes (ban illegal earnings)

47. 深化改革 deepen the reform

48. 控制通貨膨脹 control inflation (keep inflation under control)

49. 讓位於競爭需要 give way to the need for competition

50. 向...投資鉅額資金 invest huge amounts of money into

51. 損失慘重 suffer great losses

52. 製造假象 create smoke screens to do

53. 陷入困境 land oneself in deep trouble

54. 吸引外商投資 attract foreign investment

55. 抓住機遇 seize opportunities

56. 適應...的發展 adapt oneself to the development of

57. 被指控接賄賂 be accused of accepting bribes

58. 和。。。達成(簽訂)協議 reach(sign) an agreement with

59. 促進地區間的合作 promote regional cooperation

60. 退還大量錢款 give back an amount of money

61. 舉報非法行為 disclose any illegal activities

62. 籌集足夠的資金 raise enough funds

63. 採取不同的辦法 adopt various methods

64. 承擔風險 bear (take) risk

65. 創收外匯 earn foreign exchange (currency)

66. 活躍市場 enliven the market

67. 造成損失 cause a loss to

68. 十分重視 attach importance to

69. 制訂...法律 make a law of (to)

70. 大力發展 strive to develop

71. 提高居民生活 improve residents’ standard of living

72. 提高管理水平 raise the management level

73. 加強管理 reinforce the management

74. 完善服務 perfect services

75. 刺激國內需求 stimulate domestic demand

76. 打破壟斷 break the monopoly

77. 加快競爭步伐 accelerate the competition

78. 為當地人帶來多種經濟的bring multiple economic and social benefits to the



79. 優先發展公共運輸 give priority to the development of public


80. 調整產業結構 adjust the industrial structure


1. 消除愚昧 eliminate ignorance

2. 掃除文盲 eliminate (wipe out ) illiteracy

3. 營造良好的文化環境 create a healthy cultural environment

4. 促進文化市場健康發展 facilitate the sound development of the markets for

cultural products

5. 開展對外文化交流 conduct cultural exchange with other countries

6. 博採各國文化之長 draw on strong point of the cultures of other


7. 開展羣眾性文化活動 carry out mass activities on culture

8. 保護文化遺產 protect cultural heritage

9. 繼承歷史文化優秀傳統 carry on the fine cultural traditions handed from


carry on the fine historical and cultural traditions

10. 繁榮文學藝術 enable literature and art to flourish

promote flourishing literature and art

11. 舉行每年一次的學術會議 hold an annual academic meeting

12. 尊重知識,尊重人才 respect knowledge and respect competent people

13. 向世界展示中國文化 introduce China’s achievements of cultural

advancement to

建設的成就 the world

14. 加強文化基礎設施建設 build more cultural establishments

15. 提倡文明的生活方式 advocate civilized lifestyle(way of life)

16. 不注重歷史 neglect history

17. 推動人類文明進步 push forward human civilization

18. 對。。。持歡迎態度 take a welcoming attitude to

19. 與各國人民交往 communicate with people of all countries

20. 和。。。持相同觀點 share views similar to

21. 促進兒童身心健康發展 promote the healthy development of children both

physically and mentally

22. 改進教學 improve teaching and learning

23. 保護文化遺產 protect cultural relics

24. 觸擊現行法律的盲區 touch a blank area of the existing law

25. 增強自我保護意識 strengthen one’s awareness of protecting one’s


26. 列為世界自然文化遺產 list …as a world natural heritage site

27. 以全新的面貌進入新世紀 enter the new century with a brand-new colorful


28. 普及科普知識,傳播科學 popularize scientific and technological knowledge,


思想,倡導科學精神 scientific thought and advocate the scientific


29. 提高公務員的綜合素質 improve the overall quality of civil servants

30. 通過資格考試 pass qualification examinations

31. 舉辦文化節 / 展覽會 hold (conduct, give) cultural festivals / an


32. 普及九年制義務教育 make nine-year compulsory education universal

33. 精心編寫教材 compile the textbooks with great care

34 承擔應有的義務 undertake the due obligations

35. 促進相互瞭解 enhance (further) mutual understanding

36. 相互促進 help each other forward

37. 互派訪問學者 exchange visiting scholars

38. 交換意見 exchange views (ideas, opinions)

39. 反映中國的燦爛文化 reflect the rich culture of China

40. 容納三千名旅客 accommodate 3000 passengers

41. 發揮...的聰明才智 develop one’s own talents and wisdom

42. 充分發揮知識分子的的give full play to the initiative and creativity of intellectuals


43. 開設課程 offer courses

44. 重視實用性 place stress on practicality

45. 制止盜版軟件 control the pirated software

46. 提供受教育機會 offer a chance of education

47. 有力地推動教育的發展 give a big push to the development of


48. 承前啟後,繼往開來 build on the past and prepare for the future;

inherit the past and usher in the future

49. 物質文明,精神文明一起抓 pay equal attention to the material progress and

cultural progress

50. 形成文明、健康、崇尚 form civilized, healthy and science - upholding

social practice 科學的社會風尚
