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人生最寶貴的是生命,人生最需要的是學習,人生最愉快的是工作,人生最重要的是友誼。 人天天都學到一點東西,而往往所學到的是發現昨日學到的是錯的。以下是小編為大家搜索整理的2017年雅思故事記詞彙,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!


The death of a loser

The charcoal wiped across Big Al's face certified that he was serious about fighting Terence here and now. There was no more charity in Big Al's face and his charm had all but disappeared. Chaos was all that was in his eyes and there was no charter stating what would be allowed and not allowed in the fight: it would be 'anything goes.' This was one bad character; some long dead gladiator was probably being channeled into him even now.

There was also no doubt in Terence’s mind that Big A1 was Lisa's champion. Big A1 cherished her more than Terence did, and that was all that mattered to Lisa. She was one chic who only wanted to be loved by the biggest man. And she knew Terrance was no challenge for Big Al.

Big A1 charged. He hit Terence like a chartered bus and as Terence fell to the ground he saw the mental checklist of things he still had to do in life disappear. He felt cheated. But this was just characteristic of his life: whenever he thought things were going well, that was when they would end. He had even given Lisa a baby chick that morning to show her that he thought she was the coolest. She loved it and chattered that he was so sweet.

When Terence's death certification arrived at Lisa's door the following week, she placed it at the bottom of the chicken cage that he had given her. Then she went and hugged the Doberman Pinscher from Big Al.


大個子艾爾抹了一臉的木炭證明他是真想在此時此地與特倫斯決一雌雄。他臉上已經 沒有了寬容的表情,他的魅力此刻也幾乎蕩然無存。他的眼中只有混亂。沒有任何章程規定決鬥中什麼是允許的,什麼是不允許的:這意味着可以“不擇手段”。這是個壞人,某個早巳死掉的角鬥士或許到現在還在給他傳經送寶。





certification n.1.證明,作證2證書

certify v.證明,證實

challenge v./n.挑戰,要求競賽

champion n.1.冠軍,出類拔萃的人(或物)2.一流的,出色的

channel n.海峽;水道,航道v.輸送,傳送

chaos n.混亂,霍亂

character n.性質,特徵2人物,角色

characteristic a.特有的,典型的n.特徵,特性,特點

charcoal n.木炭

charge v.1.要價,收費2.控告,指控3猛攻,衝向


charity n.慈善,慈善事業,慈善團體;慈善基金;寬大,寬容

charm n.魅力,魔力

charter n.章程;契約v.1.特許設立,發執照給...2.包,租3.准許

cheat n.騙取,詐取2欺騙,哄騙

checklist n.(核對用的)一欄表(尤指完整的清單)

chersih v.珍愛,愛護;抱有(希望等),懷有(情感等)

chic a.漂亮的,雅緻的,時髦的


chick n.1.小雞;小鳥2.小孩

標籤:雅思 詞彙